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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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Dorothy Report 2 Oct 2007 13:30

goodmorning well it seems I am by myself at the moment on this thread everyone must be very busy hope that you all are well, nothing much new taking the car in for new front shocks this morning and then it should be fine for the winter. bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 2 Oct 2007 16:29

Hi dorothy ,sorry to leave you on your own,I was back to work and did not have time to come on before I went and too tired afterwards..
I was ok in work just left the jobs i could not manage with bending or stretching.
Today it was my aunts funeral so it was very emotional day ,,working 9-5 tomorrow so not sure if I will be on or not.
take care ,Brendal

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 2 Oct 2007 17:22

goodmorning !I Im still around I look in but do not seem to have much to add to your chat. Weather here has turned back to winter howling gales cold and youd think they are blowing straight off the south pole . I wonder where Bill has gone to now hope hes snug and warm with heatter turned up in his van as this weather seems to be NZ wide today
Cheers Margaret


Dorothy Report 2 Oct 2007 23:09

hi brenda I am sure it was a difficult day for you funerals are never easy, do take it slow at work, margaret your weather sounds awful hope you keep warm bye for now dorothy

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 3 Oct 2007 08:32

Goodevening from Down under Im getting excited Our daughter from Perth WA arrives tomorrow for 10 days ( to help celebrate our golden Wedding on 12th ) Havent seen her for nearly 10 years I'mlike a kid waiting for Xmas It will be an early start off to Christchurch to pick her up 8 3 0


Brenda Report 3 Oct 2007 16:38

Hello all,nearly home time .I am resting a while now in work,not been very active, but i am tired so don't think I will be getting on the pc at home.Enjoy your vivst with your daughter Margaret,had an email from my friend in Melbourne today she is going for a weeks holiday with the new camper van they have just wet and murky today ,better go and do a bit of tidying up.Take care Brenda


Brenda Report 4 Oct 2007 11:10

Morning everyone,its cold sunny and crisp as they say here,only working til 1pm then doing a bit of shopping,need to look at the heating as it hasn;t come on here today.We have all the doors open as the window cleaners are here so we are a bit cold.
Take crae Brenda


Dorothy Report 4 Oct 2007 20:00

hi one and all I am not having a good day the computor is acting up and I have no idea what is wrong I get on a site then it freezes up for a while. yesterday I spent five hours at the garage while they figured out what was wrong with the car, it was the engine mounts that had worn through so metal was hitting on mettle on the right side. so all is now well. the weather is great sunny and hot very strange for this time of year but I am enjoying it. margaret how wonderful you will get to see your daughter after so long you must be so excited. brenda thanks for the other e-mail and phot'os I was able to print them off ok. remember to take it easy and watch the diet not too long till your scan. well I will see if the computor will send this or just freeze it bye for now dorothy


badger Report 5 Oct 2007 01:20

Hi one and all,Liz and i got back from the van today ,to find that our dear son had left the door of the freezer ajar ,so it had been running 24-7,resulting in everything covered in ice.
What a mess we had to clear up ,but at least it's done now.
We went to bed early only to find that sleep was not forthcoming ,so i have left Liz reading in bed whilst i spend a few minutes on here while i have a cuppa.
I wondered where Bill was,lol,being away so much i have missed most of the scuttlebutt,and don't know half of what's gone on.
Hope you are okay mate,and are enjoying yourself where ever you are.
I am off to the town tomorrow to get a new anntenna for the freeview box on the van lol,the last one was really an indoor one ,pressed into service while i saw wether it was worth getting a proper one,the weather made my mind up for me ,ripping the plastic to shreds in the last high winds.
As soon as i have been to the doc's on monday ,we will be back up the van until Friday,enjoying a little more while we can.
The van will be coming off site for the winter at the end of the month,but i hope to get Sean up there for a few days after he flys back to Newcastle for a week on the 13th of this month..
You are pushing yourself a bit too hard Brenda,you should really be getting your strength back ready for this operation,time to slow back down until better times lass,never mind the work,it will still be there long after you are gone,and hero's only get medals in war time.
Well ,thats it for now,time to go back to bed for some shuteye.
See you all later.Fred.


Brenda Report 5 Oct 2007 14:54

Afternoon all,we have a lovelly sunny day here would like it to be warmer ,but its still nice.Went and had my hair cut this morning and also had my eyebrows waxed,not had that done before ,I just use the tweezers now and again,It was really relaxing had a head and shoulder massage ,then my eye brows done then the haircut and blowdry,felt great when I came out
Will be going to the chiropodist next week,i get loads of hard skin under the ball of feet and all the pumicingfiling etc doesn't get rid He also sorts out any callouses and corns etc,Wish he could do nail varnish as well.!!
Did a bit of birthday present shopping afterwards,Johns neice is 21 later this month,she had leukemia when she was 12 and it was touch and go a few times as to if she got througth it or not.Well she did and she is a wonderful young lady,she did not want a big party so her mum and dad are having just close family round for a few drinks and a buffet,We could not find the locket and chain we had been thinking about ,so we will just give her some money..I am just checking emails and sending this message now,then going back down satirs to watch a dvd my sister lent me ,which I have tried to watch twice before and been sidetracked or fell asleep.!!
Glad you got and liked the photos Dorothy.
fred enjoy the time while you can get to the van,I am not Doing mutch really,and watching the diet ,
Working tomorrow,so might not get back til Sunday
Take care ,Brenda


Dorothy Report 5 Oct 2007 21:10

hi brenda you sound like you had a lovely day being pampered nothing like it is there, to-day the weathe is beyond belief highs of at least 25-28 just wonderful people will be able to swim in the lakes this holiday week-end, I am going to the family to-morrow for thanksgiving dinner, turkey and the works we are eating early about 4-30 as Ian has a hockey game at 6-30 though I am not sure if that is am or pm if it is am he will be falling asleep in his dinner. the cars going up the highway to the cottages have been none stop all day and it will be just as heavy to-morrow. fred you will have to train your son a little better re the freezer. glad to see you and the wife are enjoying the van and the surroundings hope you all have a nice week-end, I called my computor service this afternoon did not understand all he told me or did over the phone he thinks I should get someone in to give it the once over though it is behaving better at the moment . I learned something re cookies and files all really not making much sense to me, and about deleting some things on a daily basis I have had the computor about five yrs and have never done that so we shall see how it oges after the car expenses I am not to keen to spend any more money. have a great week-end one and all bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 6 Oct 2007 12:10

Hello everyone from a very cold library,we have problems with the heating which is not coming on when it should,we have underfloor heating which is not working and a couple of storage heaters which are working but are not near the counter !!
Glad you are having nice weather Dorothy,hope you have a great thanksgiving.
See you all tomorrow


syljo Report 6 Oct 2007 23:21

Hi all,
Just a few lines to say I'm back after a lovely week in England with lots and lots of sunshine. We went out every day so now feel exhausted.
We went to the Bluewater Shopping Centre and hired two scootmobiles which helped us no end to get around. Well worth the 8 pounds hire.
Today on the way homeI fell asleep in the car in Calais and woke up in Holland some two and a half hours later. Never saw France nor Belgium!
Nice to get back in my own bed and have my own shower. The one in the caravan was either too hot or too cold.
Oh well, see you tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 7 Oct 2007 12:20

Goodmorning everyone,trying to do bits of housework around John and david who are decorating the living room.They have moved what they can out of the room and its all in the kitchen and dining room,can't get to my ironing so have tried to clean the kitchen floor but was not that successful due to all the stuff from the other room.Came upstairs to do a bit in the bathroom and then decided to have ten minutes on here!!.
Glad you had a good holiday Sylvia,and i agree its nice to get into your own bed.
See you all tomorrow.brenda


Dorothy Report 7 Oct 2007 14:31

goodmorning everyone well I spoke to soon mother nature decided to confuse us all it stormed all day yesterday tons of rain and thunder and lightening during a lull I drove over to have dinner with the family and then on the way back it stormed again though I am sure the farmers were pleased, to-day it can't make its mindup we have a hazy day as it is very warm but it loks like rain again, sylvia nice to see you back and I am glad you had a great holiday, this afternoon I am going to go to the rink to see the oldest grandson 's hockey game the yound one has a game at 10-15 but I am still not really up and dressed so will miss that one, later they are going up to the cottage to close it up for the winter, all lindy's family will be up there and they will have another thanksgiving dinner, her mom is coming to england again later this month to see her daughter and family who are living in lewes at the moment, she will be able to see the three grandchildren over there. well I should get myself up and around bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 7 Oct 2007 18:53


Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 7 Oct 2007 19:40

Goodmorning All

I am enjoying having the daughter home But she seems to have genes that are missing my generation
Its clean out throw out good because we were Hoarders Her Motto Is if you buy something something old must be thrown out None of this in case I need it again ! But shes not going to tackle her father garage lack of time .that would be a challenge she cant work all week Shes moved
houses and countries a lot movre than us we have been here 39 years!


John Report 8 Oct 2007 02:12

Good afternoon to everbody

Haven't been on GR for awhile and still thinking about membership renewal.

Early September we went to 'The Ten Tenors' concert and really enjoyed ourselves, we even bought a DVD of their concert in Germany and viewed it a few nights later.
The past few weeks has quite busy as Gayle and I have been helping to reorganise a food bank. Our family store is moving back to the church site and so there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. A walk-in cupboard had all the shelves removed to make it into an office with the shelves being cut-down to size and installed in the food bank, fortunately a carpeter volunteered his time which was good. A team of us also sorted through new boxes of food for sharing with another centre as well stocking the shelves.
Last Wednesday we bought and planted some vegetables - cauliflower, cabbage, silverbeet and tomatoes - we have excellent soil so they should do well. Growing vegetables was something we thought about doing last year when shifted from Auckland to Taranaki.

John in NZ


badger Report 8 Oct 2007 10:15

Morning all ,from a mild ,north east of england.
Don't forget to walk all over the ground where you put the Brassica John,wouldn't want to see your cauli's and brussels bolting on you.
Did you ever try Tatties in a barrel? any odd corner of the garden will do,and there is no waste with the water 'cause you only put the water in the barrel itself,with the added advantage that there are no pests to worry about [exepting grandkids lol]
Glad you enjoyed your holiday Sylvia,you were jucky in a way ,you had the best week regarding weather that we have had for a few weeks.
I still havn't heard from martin so ,he must be having a good time in the northern territories,either that ,or some renegade Roos have kidnapped him
If if it is ,then it's no good them contacting me with a ransome demand,because i will insist that they pay my airfare to hand it over ,then shoot through,before they can stop me lol, plenty of p[laces i would like to see ,and people i would love to meet.
Liz and i are just hanging around here now ,waiting for my clinic appointment this afternoon,then ,it's off to the van again until Friday.
Noticed this morning that the autumn caulies have started to head up,i see a few cauliflower cheeses in the making for Liz ,while i prefer a macaroni cheese myself.
Not long to go now folks,i hope you have all been busy getting your pressies in ,a few at a time to save all the last minute hassle,i think we will be spending most of our time at home this year ,and being on line most of the time ,instead of galivanting about,and we have missy for company now as well.only trouble being ,how much of our tree will survive christmas hee hee.
Well,hope you all have a good week all ,take care,and be good lol.Fred.


Brenda Report 8 Oct 2007 16:11

At work at the minute so can not say to much as we are getting busy.glad you are all enjoying yourselves,with your various interests.
John got the paper up at home and will paint it tomorrow.
Managed to find a lovelly new dressing gown for going to hospital with,also got a couple of Christmas presants.
see you tomorrow Brenda.