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Keeping a light on...... for all those who need it

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Sandra B

Sandra B Report 10 Jul 2006 10:20

See you later... *checks clock*


Unknown Report 10 Jul 2006 09:50

I'll have to sort the time out on PC ... it gains 10 minutes every 2 weeks :-( ... so I'll check the clock and then I'll be in here from about 10.50 am. We can sit in silence together. Elaine ;-)

Sandra B

Sandra B Report 10 Jul 2006 09:37

Morning Elaine. Safer in here,,I'm in the Inn as well, too many name changes at the moment, sticking with the ones I know! Will be in here at 11am.. Hope some of the others will as well !


Unknown Report 10 Jul 2006 09:35

I'll come in here for a while and sit in silence, in respect for June xxx Dad phoned late last night. He'd been at my Brother in Law's watching the football :-(( !! Elaine ;-)


Unknown Report 9 Jul 2006 20:50

Ohhh !! yum yum, still some biccies left :-)))))) (not for much longer !!) Well, what a day. Was supposed to go round to neighbours BBQ at 3pm, fr a farewell party, (she's taking her 2 kids and going back to Yorkshire ).... anyway, as predicted - as usual - these things don't go according to plan. 2.55pm - ex rings. Had just got chicken out of fridge and it smelt funny so there was no meat for dinner at 6pm - could I go and do some shopping. Just went up garden to explain to neighbour and give my apologies, when phone rings .... Dad. He couldn't understand why, but he was having a bad day. I told him, I would call in on way to ex's house and have 30 minutes with him. ... Then phoned ex and gave him update - I was gonna be an extra 30/45 mins. Goes to dad's house. No one in. Hung around for 15 minutes incase he had nipped to the shop. He didn't come back, so we left him a note and made our way to Ex's house. Gets there to be told he'd phoned his daughter and she had taken some meat, so there was no panic after all. So, party starts without us, Dad is nowhere to be found and turned up at ex's to sit around bored stiff for 2 hours until dinner is made. Took our son down to local park with his motorbike and watched him ride that for 1/2hr before coming back home. Wanted to call at Dad's on way back, BUT, daughter had received phone call from friends who were stranded without transport, and she needed to go and rescue them, so she dropped me and son off here. Tried to phone Dad - no answer ... now what do I do ? I have no nails left to chew and no transport .. Oh well. Think I'll drink the rest of the 3ltr bottle of Lambrini that I bought Friday night, and had 2 mouthfuls out of ! These biccies taste nice :-) Elaine ;-) ps. Have just seen the picture of June's floral tribute from her friends here at Genes. Simply Beautiful xxxx The tears are flowing ...


Barbara Report 9 Jul 2006 20:16

Popping in for a quiet five minutes, enjoying the flowers, shall try to leave the biccies alone, am trying to be good.......... B arbara..xx


Ann Report 9 Jul 2006 19:46

Popping in early tonite as have bits to do and want an early night - some chance Pips - mummy seems to be lost somewhere near Durham at moment but I'm sure she'll find her way home eventually - it would appear she is not alone so not to worry Thanks for watering Elaine and yes those biccies look nice - maybe just one then !! May pop back later but incase I dont make it I'll say au reviour till tomorrow xx


Unknown Report 9 Jul 2006 11:41

A little late today ... had a lay in, daughter phoned and woke me up !! Kettle is on, so I'll make myself a drink and have a quiet 10 minutes in here this morning. I hear the Chester Meet went well yesterday, although still waiting to hear ALL the gossip, especially about the Pole Dancing and WHO was guilty !!! :-) Hey :-) there are some nice looking biccies in the tin :-)))) just right to have with me cuppa x It's very quiet and soothing in here, and the flowers are so pretty and fragrant. ( I'll give them a quick water ) Elaine ;-)


Ann Report 8 Jul 2006 23:50

Just got in from work - so difficult being pleasant to people when they are not particularly nice to the staff !! Anyway good thing not much to do in here - too tired Thanks again to Elaine and Margaret cant keep this talking to myself and plants up for another 4 weeks Work again in morning so wont be here till late afternoon Closes window and says goonite to all By the way pips mummy having such a good time at Chester she'll now be a bit behind with Monsieur Piorots filing but she'll be back soon xx


Ann Report 8 Jul 2006 13:15

Hi Elaine and Margaret Just popped in to see everythings ok Will pop in lot later - working tonite xx


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2006 10:01

Well, today is the day :-) Has anyone heard from Lemon or Jilly yet ? Am thinking of everyone at the Chester Meet and will be with you all in thought today xx I'll leave the window on the latch ....... I've given all the flowers/plants a wee bit of water. Back later Elaine x


Swiss Report 8 Jul 2006 01:14

Hi Ann and Elaine, Was out with daughter last night to one of those candle parties. Didn't go too mad though 'cos there were some pretty pricey things! Still another 4 weeks to go then. What a drag for them eh? Good job it's summer time. Very quiet in here. Had a fairly trying week at work, so it's nice to just sit here and ponder while I play Silence is Golden, quietly. Well that's it then. Hope you all sleep well. Take care. Margaret xx


Ann Report 7 Jul 2006 23:38

Thanks for your help this morning Elaine Just popped in to say gnite to pips - mummys out enjoying herself this weekend - shes gone to Chester to meet up with old friends Will close door now and see you all tomorrow xx


Unknown Report 7 Jul 2006 08:59

OK !! Sorry xxx Didn't mean to make you feel abandonded :-) Thanks for the hosepipe, I'll pull it through and use it on gently. Will give the rose a good water and the hanging baskets ! They are starting to bloom and grow now ! aren't they looking nice !! They will be fantastic when Lemon gets here ... how long now? I've lost count .. Right, have watered the plants, and I'll give a very quick hoover, not a lot needs doing yet, BUT the w/e is approaching, so we may have more visitors here, so best get prepared xxx I'll leave the door open .... the sun is trying soooo hard to come out to play ! Have a fantastic day everyone at the Chester Meet, I know that Lemon and Jilly are on their way xx (beware !!) Elaine ;-)


Ann Report 6 Jul 2006 22:50

Well it seems nobody wants to come in here to help with the watering so I'll just have to carry on alone for the next 4 weeks All these plants need watering every day especially in this heatwave we are having Right done pips,plant,baskets and rose bush Nothing to tidy no cushions to plump - no need to hoover To say I am a tad disappointed would be an understatement x


Ann Report 5 Jul 2006 23:07

Here we are then - lemon balm smells really nice No ones done the watering best do that first This tropical weather apparently is very good for citrus growing - and pots do dry out very quickly Ice cubes in the basket thats coming on nice too - those yellow flowers (no name) are really flourishing now Water for the rose bush - oh nearly forgot the plant !! I think I may need more help in here if anybodys got spare few minutes Will tarry awhile and think citrus thoughts in the peace and quiet xx


Barbara Report 5 Jul 2006 10:46

Just bringing some lemon balm which grows in my garden, its a little beast and spreads everywhere but it smells fabulous....also we dont have a hosepipe ban...........I can leave it here, just reach through and turn it on ! Barbara..xx


Unknown Report 5 Jul 2006 09:41

We've got a hosepipe ban apparently, which was imposed over the weekend. Obviously I didn't hear about it ! Oh well Time to start making zillions of ice cubes for the hanging baskets and all these plants. Morning Lemon, Becs and Jeanette x Brought another couple of candles ... one of which I'm lighting for Pat. We'll save the other one for when June's has flickered it's last flame x Elaine x Forgot. Monday I received my Grandad's War Medal. I've waited 2 years for it and it finally came xxx

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 5 Jul 2006 00:13

My Candle is burning bright for June


Ann Report 5 Jul 2006 00:13

Well here we are again at the end of another day Pips I had some great news today email from chap in Canada whose ggggrandmother lived at the same place as my ggrandfather (Laverick Hall ) only it would seem she was the Lady of the Manor and my rellies were the workers He is trying to send me photos - brill Looks like nobodys been in all day so no housework to do tonite Will just close the window Mummy sends her love only 4 and bit weeks to go now - Need more fragrance getting a bit musty in here xx