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Keeping a light on...... for all those who need it

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Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 19:44

Wouldn't like to say Polly ...... but might have to sit down in a min .... all this blood has gone to me 'ead !! 2 tea's, 2 Coffee's ....... lets hope some more join us and drink what we don't want !! Elaine ;-)

Sandra B

Sandra B Report 15 Jun 2006 19:42

She's on more than tea.....! whatever it is Elaine is on, I'll have some....


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 19:41

Tea or Coffee ... or something stonger Wendy ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In ..... Out ..... In ....... Out .... Ooohhh 'eck - thats controlled breathing ..................... !!!!!!! Blimey, wouldn't want anyone to get wrong idea !!!

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy Report 15 Jun 2006 19:35


Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy Report 15 Jun 2006 19:04

LOL.....yes England, you shout all you want Elaine, are you making a cuppa....yes please.xxxx


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 19:01

Eng- er- land, ~~~~~~~ En-ger-land, ~~~~~~~ En-ger-land ~~~~~~~2 - 0 ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~2 - 0 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~2 - 0 ~~~~~~~~ Ooops sorry, got a bit carried away. Good job no one else is here !! Urn's full of boiling water ... so I'll make a drink :-)) and sit down quietly to reflect on last 24 hours. All the ups and downs and back ups again, makes a girl quite giddy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Nobody minds the smerk on my face do they ? Elaine ;-))

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy Report 15 Jun 2006 18:24

PMSL......You lot are so funny, thanks for keeping this going, sorry the Lemon thread went. Well hope you have all had good day.xxxx


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 17:28

I wondered about paying subs ..... but I think, as long as we all chip in now and again with the refreshments, and then we can add our loose change to the pot. The pot is the collection pot for Lemon's Big Bash :-) Supposed to be watching the TV ... but I got an e.mail :-(


≈≈≈Jenny≈≈≈ Report 15 Jun 2006 16:22

Hello Ladies and the 'odd' gent, Just got back but did manage to get an Urn so if I fill it and leave it switched on is that OK? will the last one out switch it off? it'll mean you can dash in here at half time put your feet up and have a nice brew without listening to Gary Lineker et al droning on and on. Oh and I've brought some cake and orange slices too. now do we have to pay subs to use these facilities I wonder? Best go and get OH tea on the table. but will be back its the only place i can get some peace and quiet Jenx


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 15:16

Blimey, I have such a bad habbit of flicking the kettle on and then walking away .... tut tut ! I'll make me sen a Coffeee me thinks :-)) Elaine ;-0 Isn't talking to yourself, a sign of 'going mad' ??? I'll be off out at 4.55... back later though! Don't need to ask where I'll be do you !


Barbara Report 15 Jun 2006 12:55

Looking for a peaceful place to eat lunch..........anyone for a ham sarnie ?......... Barbara..xx


Ann Report 15 Jun 2006 12:53

nearly dropped off then xx


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 12:32

Hiya !! Others can call me what they want as well ... as long as no one calls me late for me meals !! Jess made her own mind up ... it was nothing to do with me. She just took on board some of the things I said, that's all. Hope she finds this place and calls in now and again for a drink and a chat x Smells better in here ! :-0)) Elaine ;-)

Sandra B

Sandra B Report 15 Jun 2006 12:28

Just seen it, well done you, you can call yourself what you like.....


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 12:27

It's a joke with Jess ... not sure I can stand the smell myself for much longer, so I might have to go and get changed again ... now what should I wear .... I know :-)))))))) ......... Back shortly .... Ooops, soz ... here's the air freshener ! Elaine ;-)


Guinevere Report 15 Jun 2006 12:24

*swerves at door and does a U turn* What was that smell?

Sandra B

Sandra B Report 15 Jun 2006 12:22

Kipper Features.....! that's the smell , wondered what it was.... *opens windows*....why the change...?


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 12:19

I'll sit by the door I think :-)) Don't want to put others off by leaving my scent everywhere :-) Elaine ;-)


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2006 11:54

It's nice and tidy in here !...... Looks like someone's been very thoughtful and boiled the kettle recently ... Place smells lovely ... all that beautiful fresh air circulating. I'll just put this pot plant down in the corner. (Wonders if anyone will know what it's called ? - fragrance is truely wonderful .. ) Seems a shame that no ones here ... but I'll have a coffee anyway ... Elaine ;-)))))


≈≈≈Jenny≈≈≈ Report 15 Jun 2006 10:20

Hi everyone! Glad I'm not paying the leccy in here - switches light off but opens door wide for any passing strays. looks around but no one in - well I'll just tidy round a bit - seems to be plenty of wine glassess out - must've had a good night! Plenty of shopping in too - that's good means i can put my feet up - Switches kettle on - d'you know think I'll go and get one of those urns that heat up lots of water and can be left on- it'll save heating up the kettle every 10 mins. Should be OK to leave the door open - no yobs around. I'll just leave a message. See you later Jenx