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Debbie Report 4 May 2006 15:52

James, I got all excited then.. But then got my calendar off the wall (Washington Nationals baseball team members mmmm)oopps, anyway my last cig was at 10pm the 1st April and that still makes it 33 days, tried counting different ways to gain the extra day but didnt work.. debs x


James Report 4 May 2006 15:16

Hi Debs As far as I can make out you quit on the 01/04/2006 making today the 34th smokefree day, getting closer to that laptop you were promised!! James


Debbie Report 4 May 2006 13:09

Morning all, Well todays day 33, not sure why but I keep getting confused with how many days I have done, just goes to show you that I dont think about cigs the same way I used to.. Joanne - Hope your doing well and not missing them too much, let us know how today is going/has been. Caz - It looks like im only 1 day in front of you, it really is easy isnt it when you get to the month and go past it? Carol - Your doing well in all areas, fantastic. James - Well done for all the support that you offer to all. Quitting the weed is about support, so for those who feel they are ready to quit, sign in here, the people on here are wonderful and I cant thank them enough for being there when they are needed. Debs x


James Report 4 May 2006 10:02

Where has Lady in Grey, Bridget got to, they have not posted on here lately, hope you are keeping up with the non smoking. James

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 3 May 2006 21:36

Just wanted to sat a big THANKYOU to all of you who have PM'd me - your support is great and even though I'm sat reading and typing about smoking it is in a strange way keeping me from having a sneaky puff! Can't wait for the dreams to start - lol, that sounds like the best part, infact I may take myself off to bed in a while as I have a long day in a meeting tomorrow. Will be back to let you all know if I make the 24hour mark tomorrow. Once again thankyou - you're a great bunch of people Joanne


*****BMDMAD***** Report 3 May 2006 19:34

Hi everyone and a warm welcome to Joanne. Day 31 for me now. Joanne, habit is the worst. I found I used to look at the clock at work and think I should be having a ciggie now. I didn't feel like I needed one but just associated different times of the day or events with usually having a ciggie. After nearly 5 weeks now, theres only the odd occasion that I think about it. The dreams are good fun!! Do you remember the 'black lace' love stories? They rival them! Keep popping onto this thread and keep us all upto date with how you're doing good luck Caz


Debbie Report 3 May 2006 17:54

Joanne, Your doing fine hun and how your feeling is normal, chuckles is right everyone on here, they are fantastic, though they are green with envy about my dreams... Debs x

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 3 May 2006 17:49

Ok three hours has now passed and I would normally have gone through at least five ciggies at this time of day - out of habit I may add not cus I wanted one or needed one. Sat muching a packet of crisps and deciding whether or not to go for a walk in the nice sunshine - never normally go for a walk but thought it may be a good idea to do something different to occupy me. Don't actually feel I need one but feel that with my coffee I should be having one if you know what I mean? Be back later - that's if I haven't took myself off to bed in a huff!! Joanne


James Report 3 May 2006 15:43

Hi Brick Wall, What is your first name? It is well worth looking through the entire threads, if you type in the search box 'Smokers' it will bring up the other threads. As you read through you will see how the others have gained in confidence, for example Debs in DC, Chuckle Bunny Carol, Little Caz and Melaine Peet have blossomed to name a few. After a couple of weeks your sense of smell starts to come back and you begin to think I smelt like that?? Unfortunately, only some had the vivid dreams and Debs is too shy to even whisper about them!!! Try to make sure you have NO CIGARETTES around or on you, the brain tries to play little tricks and before you know your hand has got to the packet from where they are. What will help is to get a calender and either cross off or put a sticker for each day, you have passed,not smoking, if you open an account and put the money you have saved in, you will be amazed how quickly it builts up and you can then treat yourself, have a holiday and all that TAX you are not paying the government as well. You may find as you start you get a cold, as you can see from the thread it is quite normal. Soon you will become a EX SMOKER PREACHER along with best of them, doing your bit to help someone. Sermon over May I suggest if you feel you want to have a rant and rave, you head the e. mail so they know what to expect!!! James


Debbie Report 3 May 2006 15:09

Hi Brick Wall.. Well done you, give the patches time for the nicotine to get into your system, it takes a while, make sure you change it at the same time everyday, dont be surprised by your dreams!! They become or can become very vivid. I am on week 5 of my patches and feel fantastic, after smoking for 23 yrs I really didnt see myself as a non smoker - NOW I dont see myself as a smoker, infact I have become quite critical of those who smoke in my space.. You will know what I mean. PM me anytime if you need to rant and rave (it happened twice to me and I thought I was losing it - the reason? I didnt wear the patch..) This thread has been my life line at times and the support is second to none. Once again well done and YOU CAN do it.. Debs xx

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 3 May 2006 15:02

Right I did it - went and got the patches - £33 for 14 days worth. Put this first patch on 5 mins ago, wish me luck, 14.58pm on the 3rd May 2006 From thsi day forth I'am a none smoker is what I will keep saying to myself.


Debbie Report 3 May 2006 12:16

Good Morning, On day 32 now, so I have done over the month and feel great. No turning back for me now. Using the gym and go walking so hopefully I should shift a few of these pounds, the reason for the weight gain I believe is down to the fact when you quit smoking your metabolism drops hence though you may not be eating anymore you have to work a lot harder to shift what you have eaten where in the past you didnt have to. Well done everyone Debs x


ButtercupFields Report 3 May 2006 09:06

James, nicotine is a direct appetite depressant, I believe, so although you may not eat more when you stop smoking, a small weight gain is inevitable, in most cases. It just means you have to work a little harder to shift that weight! But believe me, your weight goes back to normal in time, so please dont be despondent. Have a happy smoke free day, everyone%3A-%29 and if I have'nt said it before....YOU ARE ALL GREAT! XX BC


James Report 3 May 2006 08:56

Hi all, The weight gain seems universal, I wonder if it is a subconcious thing with the brain crying out for nicotine and compensating by getting us to eat more without realising it Or nicotine is a dieting agent that has not been looked into. What do you think. It is not a reason to Start Smoking Again!!!! James


Melanie Report 2 May 2006 23:44

Hi Guys, mmmm I have put on weight too and am really cross as i am honestly not eating any moer than before. I don't have a sweet tooth and I don't snack.......ARGH! Oh well at least I don't smoke anymore!!! Five months, two weeks, four days, 22 hours, 19 minutes and 1 second. 4248 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,912.18. Life saved: 2 weeks, 18 hours, 0 minutes.


Woody's Report 1 May 2006 09:54

I've never smoked so don't have personal knowledge but my son stopped smoking about 5 years ago, my mother 20 years ago and my husband 8 weeks ago. They all just stopped - no patches or anything, but all had good reasons so these reasons were paramount in their minds when the craving came. Mind you, they all remember exactly when they had their last one! Well done to you all, it's not easy


James Report 1 May 2006 09:46

Hi all, nice to see you are progressing and adding up the days of non smoking and to think now you can smell what YOU smelt like to others. It would be nice to see some pictures of Deb in her bikini using her new laptop when she gets it and Carol on her bike!!!! Has anyone seen Bridget and Nic lately Joanne try the patches and don't give up too soon on them - ask Debs in DC. Our Champion Weight Watcher/Non Smoker Carol you have blossom on the boards with all the funny/interesting postings. James


ButtercupFields Report 30 Apr 2006 09:24

Well done Carol, Deb and everyone%3A-%29 Doesn't time fly....I remember when you stopped, Carol, and here you are an experienced non smoker! Now, if we could only get around that hubby of yours....hmmmm..... lol Good luck with the diet and dont forget to walk as much as you can.. Carol from Rochester, hope the bike riding is goling well and your bum is not too numb now....XX BC


Debbie Report 29 Apr 2006 13:27

Morning All, Day 28 today!! 4 weeks I cant believe I have been smoke free for that time, on Tuesday it will be a month.. Sorry, just so excited that I have come this far without any lapses of thoughts of lapsing. Joanne - I think if you have made your mind up that your going to do it and adamant that its not going to beat you, with the help of the patches you will do it, I am still on 21mg and plan to do the full 6 weeks on them before going to the 14 mg, but they really do help. Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend (normal weekend here). Debs x

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 28 Apr 2006 19:53

Will give it a go Carole as I hate the smell of smoke and I hate what it costs as well. Will give an update next week Jo