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TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 13:44

Ow's the missus mate. Tony Oz...:>)))


TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 13:43

Yea'h I'm good mate. Just rippin the heads of a few Tinnies. Blue.


TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 13:42

G'day Blue. Long time no see. Tony Oz...:>))


TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 13:40

G'day Tony. Blue.


Laurie Report 2 Oct 2006 13:37

Hi Roz - welcome to the thread . . . Take no notice of them - they are all dilusional . . . you stick with me and you'll be right (watch out for Joodles, She is well known as a chicken Herder . . . among other things (does that sound sane to you??) (By the way Joodles gets it from her maternal side - her paternal line is A OK, U Beaut, and Bonza) Tony, What we gunna do with you . . . . How is John going Vonny, if you are concerned about any changes in him, put your foot down, sounds like your not going to get much sleep tonight. We did a terrible thing to a little family once, called in protective services because the doctor said the little ones were being poisioned . . . turned out a nest of baby redbacks were living in the bedhead and having a little bit every now and then. I have had just the best weekend, only thing that could have been better is if Paul was here too. The after effect of the Martoonis made me a little slower than normal this morning, but well worth it. Silly kids have a 6am flight so I best get to bed before there is no point to going at all. Night nite, Take care - catch you all soon luv Laurie


Yvette Report 2 Oct 2006 13:33

evening all, excusing myself for being totally boring. f/h and all its bits has been degraded to 'distraction' status for the time being, due to the other stuff i'm committed to. have been reading the thread on and off between readings and sleep. tomorrow the hard yards begin for the next 3 weeks. My dear family are already practicing ignoring me, 'cept for the occassional request for a lift and poss. trying to extend my vino tolerance. rotten spidies. they like me too. the funniest thing(not ) that they said to me with the last redback was , you would know if you were gonna die by now. rest it, ice it and you'll feel better soon! its the only time i suffer from hypertension. Roz - confirming - mad, silly, loving and supportive. nite, love from Yvette x


Aussiegirl Report 2 Oct 2006 13:28

Hi Roz Welcome to the mad house... I am the only sane one, and dont believe anything the others say..they are only jealous.. Now it is past my bedtime so I will say nite nite and see all you mad lot tamurra... Hope John is OK Vonny..try and get some sleep.. Love Mary xxxx


Judy Report 2 Oct 2006 13:12

Awww - Tony - watta packa lies .. pmsl He enjoys being on the thread Roz - he's very helpful, very funny, very poetic and loves his VB tablet (beer) And all the other girls all help each other - you'll love being with us. Jood


TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 13:04

Hi Roz.....:>)))) Welcolm. I'm Tony......born n'bred in Melbin ( darn sarf ) where the weather is perfect 24/7......the only male of the species whos game enough to come on this thread. They ( the Wimin ) have tried to get rid of me...but i refuse to go. Tony Oz......:>)))


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 13:03

Okay, time for me to turn the laptop off and watch Antiques Roadshow. Chat with you lot in the morning. ~~~waves to all~~ Nighty night, sleep tight Don't let the redbacks bite,, lol Sorry Flucky, heeee Lew Lew xxx


Rosalind Report 2 Oct 2006 12:59

LOL sounds like this is a fun place.... Maybe I better stay close to you Jood? LOL?? but then again Lew's been pretty good to me..


TonyOz Report 2 Oct 2006 12:59

Mmmmm. Red back bite.......Just watch him Vonny. Daughter was bitten by Red back playing in a wood pile on a farm we visited. Found this on the Web. Less than 20% of bites actually result in significant envenoming, and it is only in this latter group that antivenom therapy should be considered. The classic effective red back spider bite is felt as a mild sting only, with little to see at the bite site. Between 10 and about 40 minutes later, the bite site becomes painful. The pain becomes severe, over a variable timeframe, extending proximally and involving draining lymph nodes in the axilla or groin. There is often local sweating. The pain may then spread to the abdomen, chest, neck or head, often associated with profuse sweating, either localised or general, mild to severe hypertension, and malaise with nausea. Many other symptoms or signs may occur, but the forgoing are clinically most consistent and useful for diagnosis. The progression from local to generalised pain may occur within 1 to 3 hours, or take up to 24 hours. Tony Oz.


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:58

Ooo, naughty Jood! I can see trouble for you at the Mudgee Meet, lol. Just remember where you are sleeping, pmsl


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:56

Wise move, Roz, you just stay with me and l'll make sure that you're protected, heeeeeeee, heeeeeee. Crewella, oops sorry, Lew Lew


Judy Report 2 Oct 2006 12:56

Don't believe ALL she says Roz (just take it with a grain of salt) - and don't worry - we are all fun people. Jood


Rosalind Report 2 Oct 2006 12:54

LOL Lew, ok I will stay close to you, This is still taking me awhile to work out,


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:50

Roz, now I must warn you that some on this thread are, well, ummm, just a little, errr, strange, lol. But don't worry, I know how to keep them under control, Lew Lew xxx


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:49

No, Vonny, they didn't give Terry anything, as they thought he hadn't been bitten deep enough (thick skinned me thinks, lol)


Rosalind Report 2 Oct 2006 12:48

Hey Lew, glad I made it LOL, and Hi Jood, nice to see someone so close to home..


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:45

Well down, Roz, and welcome. Our Jood is from Springwood! I'm pleased you finally found us. Just sitting in bed at the moment with the laptop and watching Bargain Hunt, lol. Lew Lew xxx