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Aussiegirl Report 2 Oct 2006 12:44

Vonny Please keep a watch on John .. If he got a antivenien injection it may help the pain and he may recover quicker.. bugger of things spiders... Lara Lovely to see ya back on line girl..Have you been to the Moree Baths.. Not a bad place and quite relaxing.. Send me your home addy so that I can call in for a coffee if we are down your way..We may be leaving for Dunolly next week for a weeks holiday down there ..still no exact date set yet but It cant come quick enough for me..If you are not there on our way down we will check on you on our way back...other than that will see ya in Mudgee.. Love Mary xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 2 Oct 2006 12:44

Hi Roz - I think Lew is watching 'Bargain Hunt' or something on TV. Nice to meet you :) Jood, he's just gone to bed so we'll see ~~~~~~~~~~~ night all, catch you tomorrow Vonny


Rosalind Report 2 Oct 2006 12:38

Hi yep, im from Winmalee, where are you???, took me foreva to find this, just wanted Lew to know I finally got here


Judy Report 2 Oct 2006 12:36

Hi Roz from Winmalee??? Lew is around - somewhere ! lol Vonny hope all is well in the household tonight. Jood


Rosalind Report 2 Oct 2006 12:22

Lew Lew are you still here?? I think I found it.. Roz

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 2 Oct 2006 12:11

Did they give Terry anti -venene (sp?) Lew or just observe him? John hates hospitals more than eldest D. (wonder where she got it from) :) But he won't go unless pushed as he hates waiting!!


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 12:07

Thanks, Vonny. I only have this information on hand, 'cause Terry got bitten when we first moved in 6 months ago and the nurses at the hospital gave him a sheet with all the info and sent him home, lol

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 2 Oct 2006 12:03

Thanks all, Thing is, he was bitten at least 2 hours ago and the pain only turned up 30 mins ago so don't think he got the full dose. [The poison's people said that a delayed reaction is common] Promise faithfully to take him to hospital if any symptom turns up (beside the pain) I couldn't take 2 quick emergency dashes to the hospital in one week so I will make him go if necessary. will keep you updated.

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 2 Oct 2006 11:56

Vonny just came on and saw your post re John having the redback bite please do take Lews and HZ's advice and take him to the hospital they can be very dangerous not to be messed with . I was able to access my emails tonigjht via webmail so very happy and thrilled to see your dear little grandaughters too so precious and 24hrs old God Bless them and their parents will go and read about 20 pages now That I have missed out on love and goodnight to all my dear friends

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 2 Oct 2006 11:48

Vonny, I second Lew and suggest hospital also. The effects of the venom of course depends on how much he got, and everyone is different, but he needs to be observed by the pro's for a few hours, or even overnight. And they have all the right stuff to assist the side-effects too. Good Luck....... fingers crossed for you ....... Hz


Laurie Report 2 Oct 2006 11:38

Poor John - they really hurt, lots of TLC Vonny! What they did to me when I was bitten isn't the reccomended treatment now - cut it, bleed it, bind it and elevate it ! I remember my sister telling me to stop crying as it would only make the poison spread quicker (sooo much sympathy) she was the one with the knife hacking into me! Healing thoughts to John hope you dont feel too bad luv Laurie


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 11:34

Vonny, just happen to have that information from Mudgee Hospital Skin: prickling sensation. Local redness, swelling and severe burning, pain within 5 mintues. Sweating: initially locaslised then general. Regional lymphadenophy within 30 mintues. Generalised symptoms: shivering, nausea, vomiting, headache. Later symptoms: patchy paralysis, abdominal pain (often severe). Tachydardia and hypertension. Pyrexia. --------------- May I suggest that he goes to hospital! Lewella xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 2 Oct 2006 11:29

Butter, hubby's been bitten by a red-back! On his wrist. Was in the dog lead when we took the dog for a walk!! We have ice on it and have rung poisons info and are now waiting to see what other symptoms may show up!! Besides the pain which is fairly strong!!


Laurie Report 2 Oct 2006 11:29

The Queen got mail today . . . . luv Laurie


Jillaroo Report 2 Oct 2006 11:04

We're off to O'Reilley's on the morrrow (got the spelling right this time) Hope your arm isn't too tired SuzyQ by waving today, lol Luvs to Trifley our Queen if you're looking in cheers Jills, PS last night with Joey, making the most of it/her, they leave at twelvish tomorrow night so big last day then off to airport about 9pm. Bailey's on it's way, better go and sup I 'sup'pose, te he, Jxx


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 10:01

Go for it O Queenly Trifles. Eat up big and have a martoonie as well. xxx

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 2 Oct 2006 09:54

Wattlers , just had a message from our Queen and she is hungry...gotta be a good sign Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 2 Oct 2006 09:43

Are you talking about me Lew?? Put me down for the shopping Flakey


Lewella Report 2 Oct 2006 09:40

Trust me, I know what I see when the clothes are off, particularly when I get out of the pool and see my reflection in the window. The words wobbly and white describe me to a tea, lol.


Judy Report 2 Oct 2006 09:35

I was about to add that too Vonny, that Lew doesnt need to lose any weight - if she thinks she does, she'd do it in 1 month, not 6 Jood