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TonyOz Report 29 Sep 2006 10:43

Winning Lotto ticket/s have now been sent. God bless the Chinaman.........:>))) Tony Oz...:>))) * Home made Spag bolognese for tea* ps. with Garlic...amen


Aussiegirl Report 29 Sep 2006 10:37

Hi everyone What a busy day and now I am ready for the family decensing on us tomorrow.. It will be their first visit to our new home so will be good..Told them to bring their Cossies as the first thing they said is ..can we have a swim in the pool... Shazz WElCOME back mate and so glad you are on the mend.. Take it easy and get back to normal.. whatever that is...he.he. Judy YV Hope you have bought the right ticket tonight.. you know ,, the winning one...LOL you have done so well,, dont spoil it now... Laurie Went shopping today and saw something which I will go back and buy .. It reminded me of you...wish I had bought it today while I was in the shops but I hope it is still there when I go back.. lara Where are you mate.. half way safely... Trifle Dont tell Jood about your lovely GP.. She may offer to swap one of her firemen for your doctor..with a Neffer thown in...You know what she is like with those firemen...better warn your gp,, Tony Not far to the bed now.. We had better win something soon if the plasma is to go into the end of the bed.. Are you going to barrack for the Swannies.. Well I am off to bed soon as I have a big day tomorrow.. Vonny Glad your daughter is home and in good health.. Take a break and rest as it has been a big strain on you..but when you are next over visiting have a cuddle for me.. Behave yourselves...bugger no dont...back tamurra Love Mary xxxxxxxxxxxxx


TonyOz Report 29 Sep 2006 09:20

Arvo........:>)) TGIF. Reasonably sunny day today in Melban, but a cool wind is blowing up now. Surposed to be a nice weekend, but without any footy going on in Melb, the place will be dead...:>((( Will finish putting last coat of gloss to bedroom floor to-night, and then its time to start desighning new bedbase and bed-head. Shazz. Nice to see you in good form mate......:>)) Hope your feeling better. Tassie. Ain't broadband fast. Dont think i could ever go back to dial up. Used to make Tea while i was waiting for a picture to download with dial up, but since i had Cable internet put on its sooooo much faster. Trifley. Got your Lotto numbers yesterday, and will wait for Jude DIY to send me others then post off to everyone. Barbs a blonde also. Well, thats what it says on the bottle anyhoooo.....:>))) I'm going for Sydley Swans to win A.F.L tomorrow ,and the Storm to win on sunday. Not that i know anything about Rugby, but seeing there a Melbin side, then blood is thicker that water.....GO STORM Best wishes to all who are under the weather. Take care. Av a good un. Tony Oz..:>)))

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 29 Sep 2006 08:00

Hello Wattlers Shazz loverly to have to back girl - we missed ya. ~~~~ Hi Queenie - (for when you get back from napping ) Vonny its probably shock setting in at such a close call! lol where is that recipe for Trifleys' martoonies - you might need a couple to relax. ~~~~~~~ hi to everyone - have caught up on all the chatter. Oooo Lew hairdressers - mmmm I'm only about 12 weeks overdue for a haircut and in dire need of a dye job - its hard work being a blonde -pmsl - its just I hate going to the hairdressers - 3 hours when I could be doing so many other things! Well the tickets have been bought for tomorrow night - 2 x 36 games = $38.60. had change of $1.85 + 15 cents from last week - so bought a scratchie for $2 - won $3. so bought a $2 & $1 + $5 win - gave up then I would have been there for another 10 mins - so we have an extra $5 in the kitty to put hopefully with our next lot of winnings. Picture me trying to explain to a darling chinese man with a very strong accent how to say wattlelotto! He assured me I was lucky so fingers XXXXXXXX. will send the nos to Tony tonight. Got to go - home time xxx jude 3

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 29 Sep 2006 07:48

Afternoon Wattlers from a very pooped Flakey, i've spent the day sanding and then undercoating the new ceiling. Thought I'd save hubby the trouble and just leave the finishing coat for him to do. Me and my big ideas....cause we have a waterbed and it can't be moved its up and down the ladder every couple of minutes and with bending the head back to look at the ceiling,.... now the legs and the neck ache. Think a spa is in order tonight. Then tomorrow I can clean and get the room back to normal. In the middle of sanding I tried to clean the dust off the glasses and guess what? yep, they snapped in half. So quick trip to OPSM and a new nose piece fitted for free and back to work. Welcome home Shazz, we missed ya. Thanks Jood I love the big writting, you is a clever bunny. Mices,,,yuk I've got frogs and lizards but I dont want no mices or snakes. Hope to catch up properly tomorrow. ~~~~~~everyone Flakey


Aussieone Report 29 Sep 2006 06:46

Afternoon Wattlers :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Im a happy vegemite. We are now back on broadband so I can acess here easier. I was having trouble getting on here as with the dial up being so slow and it seemed this site was slow I got sick of waiting and gave up on getting on here, but now Im back :-))))))) And what is the first thing I see Shazz thats not nice thing to say and I thought we were all friends on here :-)))) lol only joking. Ok off to read the rest of the messages and try and catch up with whats been going on. ~~~~~~~~~~ madly to all~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cheers Sue


Trifley Report 29 Sep 2006 06:46

On her way to afternoon nanna nap....Queen Trifley ~~~~waves to Shaz. Dr (local GP) checked me out....all systems functioning as well as can be expected. I'm very lucky I have such a good, caring GP. Hugz Trifley X

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 29 Sep 2006 06:43

Afternoon all and WELCOME BACK Shazz :) That's funny, there's a new blond on here too!!! Spoken to the new mummy and she was soooo glad to be in her own bed last night and got a great sleep. So we are going over for another look this afternoon. :) Apparently there is a rush of babies in Canberra at the moment - counts back 9 months - Ahhhhh what were their parents up to for Christmas and New Years Eve? PMSL Glad the weekend's here. Had a bit of a reaction to the last few days and could do with the break. Expect Gwenda and Wattie will be home soon and my youngest d and hubby are also on their way. They are having a few days in Singapore to de-brief on the way home. ~~~~~~~~~~~ catch you later Vonny

Little fluffy yellow duck

Little fluffy yellow duck Report 29 Sep 2006 06:09

Welcome back to the nut house Shaz. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Pam


Lewella Report 29 Sep 2006 05:51

I'm gorgeous, lol. Well, Terry thinks so, so that's the main thing, isn't it?


Judy Report 29 Sep 2006 05:49

We aim to please Shazz, that's what we'se here for - just to entertain you .. lol Well Lew - did it work - didya get beautiful - didya??????????? Jood


Lewella Report 29 Sep 2006 05:32

Welcome back Shaz, pleased you are on the mend. Laughter is the best medicine, lol


***Shaz*** Report 29 Sep 2006 05:28

Honestly you lot, STOP MAKING ME LAUGH, its tooo b****Y painful, what with the wife and husband swapping, Judes running around on roofs, Judes roof falling in and Jood getting befuddled, Im not far behind Shaz Still reading, bugger ex neighbour just came a knocking catch you all later tonight, BYYEE


***Shaz*** Report 29 Sep 2006 05:00

Helloo Duckys Im back Did ya miss me, whats that you didnt, wellll, thanks a lot, had a lovely chat to Laurie on msn this morning and a qucik one to Lew before she headed off to the hairdressers and a Hi to Jood before she breezed out the door Feeling better now, not out of the woods yet, stupid Dr didnt know what was wrong, Have you had any diseases lately, No says I, well it looks like you have strained tummy muscles, clown better diagnoses myself without paying them, anyways enough of that, am not even attempting to think what all you lot have been up to have had to go back to page 20, so here goes Welcome Princess Laurie, why you came by that name I wont even hazard a guess, but Id say its truly deserved, especially coming from our Royal Queen Guessing from the replys, you have all had another little lotto win again, congrats Hey Flakey, wots going on, why is they all laughin at ya, wotcha do wotcha do?? Happy belated JA, yes I know thats my middle name (Late), hope it was good anyway Hi Trifley, sorry your've lost your rat, what was that? Oh Rats Tail silly me he he and its quite all right to think of yourself sometimes, I said sometimes, cheeky b***h, arent I Oh gawd, looks like Mary has finally flipped her lid, instead of toasting Dukes and Duchesses, she doing it to ducks and duckesses, crikey, think shes had way tooo many martoonies, hope your not still laying around on the floor Mary, get up and stop making an toonie of yourself he he What Mary getting a blow job, when, where? Well I never, and here's me thinking, ladylike Mary, just goes to show doesnt it, hanging around wattlers all day learning bad Habits LOL Tassie, did you say newspaper, quick David clear all that Hawkey stuff of them walls, we'd hate to see Sues photo on the front page with all that Hawk poo hanging around, what was that, Oh thats all right then, they've cancelled the shoot, it can stay then he he he he Ducky, yous been out in that QLD sun too long its getting to you, us scary, nooo, ha ha, just noticed you fixed your dicky to ducky LOL, whos had too many martoonies now? Good grief, if Nevilles organs too big to bring to Mudgee, Id like to know where hes or to whom hes going to leave it LOL Ah suzyQ, my mum took me to see South Pacific when I was 12, and I still love that musical, like you it has to be the original with Mitzy Gaynor and Rozanna Brazzi and that John Kerr, hmm what a doll, never ever saw him in anything else though Jood, what is it with you and firies, he must be kinda cute for you to keep needing them all the time, you hussey YOU, he he OOOHHH Lara, be vary careful, dont want no naughty little hissey things finding their way into your van, you know what Cilla and her long crawley things get up to at her place, as Elmer Fudd says, be vary vary careful lol As I said Lew, we know why Jood has all these troubles, she just likes having those hunky men around He He Tony, who you tryin ta kid, mister innocent himself, like YEAH Gosh guys im only up to page 13 so am ending this and starting new lot later Toodles Shaz, starting to become a novel OOWAH, Rob just rang, bloody brakes on the truck failed, luckilly a BIG crane behind him to halt his careering down the damn hill into the ocean, if that boss of his doesnt get the blasted thing fixed this time, IM ringing workcover, had it with the tighta**e, cause Robs only casual, he keeps getting hand me down whilst permanents keep getting brand new trucks, looks like its time my fingers did a little walking in the phone book again


Judy Report 29 Sep 2006 04:43

What you got I haven't got Lew Lew - you were going to the hairdressers and coming home beautiful - I did that too, but I didnt come home beautiful :( ............ wot's the secret? .. pmsl Hope all the sickies are getting better now. .. Only had a brief msg from Shazz - nothing on here so ........ but she is feeling a bit better 'Much better now thanks, still have little twinge, still dont what it was though stupid Dr said muscle spasms, but I think it was an infection as well'. Move was good - Meryl Street very elegant - good part for her. .. I noticed our own Simon Baker was in the movie as well. Ooops you beat me Flucky. .. I havent fed the chookens yet, thought I'd go up a bit later - its a 15 min drive there, and 15 min drive back - (and shhhhhh - I did have my chocky icecream) Very quiet long weekend for me Lew - may not go out the door from Sat till Tuesday and I dont think I even have anything then - except feed the chookens again. Jood

Little fluffy yellow duck

Little fluffy yellow duck Report 29 Sep 2006 04:43

Afternoon Wattlers Wonder why the puddy cat is hanging around, surely not another number coming up already. Jood, did you enjoy the movie AND chocky ice cream. And did you remember to feed the chookens? I am another one who thanks you for the print hint. Laurie, enjoy the weekend with the family. Is TLR going to the AFL grand final as well as the League one? Lew Lew, what long weekend is it. We don't get one up here, probably had the same one earlier in the year. How is the foot today, have you made it to Bunnings yet ? Mary hope your OH is feeling a little better as the day progresses. How ya going Oh Regal Queen ? Whats the report from the dr. My puta is getting slower and slower. May not be here much on the weekend. Might go to the beach tomorra. Cycle over to the other side of the island. Catch you all later ~~~~~~~~ to all Pam


Trifley Report 29 Sep 2006 02:47

~~~~~waves to Mary. Big hugz for John. TX


Trifley Report 29 Sep 2006 02:46

Mornin' Wattlers Joodles...thanks for the hint about increasing text size. It's great! Have fun at the movies. Crew....are you getting a rat-tail at the hairdressers? They are the current fashion trend...heee heee Hi is the digging going? Are your muscles sore after all the work? Princess Laurie...sounds as if you are in for a lovely time with the visitors. Thanks to all the lovely peeps who sent the 'One of eleven...' greetings. I'm very thankful that you are all thinking of me. I'm off shortly for a regular Drs check-up so I'll try to get back on later. Hugz and love Trifley X


Aussiegirl Report 29 Sep 2006 02:34

Morning all. Been and done my exercises in the pool this morning and now feel quite good.Better go and do some shopping as got the family from Canberra arriving on Sat for the weekend..going to be fun..OH not to good this morning so a quiet day planned.. I must go and read what Laurie has put on her message so back later after done the shopping.. Love Mary xxxxx


Lewella Report 29 Sep 2006 00:33

Good morning Wattlers! Off to the hairdresser this morning, so I'll come home beeaauuttifulllll. Funny weather here, overcast and misty. Very strange. I just wish it would rain!!!!! Anyone got anything planned for the long weekend? ~~~waves to all~~~ Lew Lew xxx