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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa
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Aussiegirl | Report | 19 Sep 2006 08:14 |
Happy Anniversary Anna.. Hope it was a nice day for you both.. Jood Sounds like you are back to your usual way..FULL STEAM AHEAD..Hope you have a nice restful night.. Heather There is something wrong with your email addy as twice it came back..let me know when you get back to normal and the kids are all sorted sound very busy at the moment.. Glad you all liked my pickles.. Now you know why I am very happy here and dont miss the old place one bit..You can see our study through the archway from the lounge and we have got both our putas set up side by side..very cosy..LOL Lew Did you get a tan today. I bet the water was a bit on the cold side... ~~~waves to all~~~~~ Love Mary xxxxx |
Researching: |
Judy | Report | 19 Sep 2006 07:43 |
Hi all - Laurie and I didnt have a day at the archives, just an hour together, and we weren't even in the same part - she was zipping away on film, and I was looking up some books - mine was actually West Australian history - a Biographical Dictionary from the 1800's - some of my ex mother-in-law's real mother's family (remember we discovered she was adopted, but never left any papers around), so I've been helping my daughter from mother's birthdate backwards. .. There were only 4 books, alphabetically arranged, and I had a list of the names in the tree, so it didn't take long. .. Got my photo copies, and Laurie was still zipping away. .. We had a cuppa coffee out in the kitchen and I left for home. .. I'd been out since just after 8.00 .. went to an aquarobics class after walking up and down the pool for half an hour, then to a luncheon and thence to the archives. .. I was out all day yesterday and last night too - which was pretty late. .. Had a cow of a night's sleep so still very tired. .. yeah yeah - I know - I should slow down. .. The archives are good - but my family are from Vic, S.Aust & W.Aust so no help to me really. Happy anniversary Anna - I had one the other day - a very important one if I had still been married - but I have no regrets. .. Tassy - will be glad to have you back in the fold. Mary - your place looks absolutely stunning .. I'm impressed! Lew - I'm wearing sunglasses to shade my eyes from your tan. Trifley - hope you are on the road to recovery. Miss you Tony. Mary - who was complaining about there being no sun last week and is hoping its not too hot tomorrow .. tee hee lol ~~~~~ waves to everyone Jood |
Jude2 aka Flakey | Report | 19 Sep 2006 07:33 |
Afternoon All, what a horrible day..30degs really windy and dusty. Needless to say the sinus has gone out of control, time I pop a pill, something I never do. Fluffy,I think it was you asked where I walk. Today we went to Westerfolds park in Doncaster, lots of paths along the river or around the park. Usually I do the local bike path into Diamond Creek and back or on a lazy day on my machine upstairs while I watch the tellie. Think thats me for the day,my eyes are sore and my head is thumping so I'll pop a little blue pill and have a nanna nap before tea. ~~~catch you all tomorrow Flakey |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 06:27 |
Afternoon Princess, Men and Fire - me thinks it's something to do with me hunt, me cook, lol |
Jude 3 | Report | 19 Sep 2006 06:04 |
Good afternoon Wattlers did you think I had scarpered with all our winnings? & that I had gorged myself on polly wafflers with the dosh - lol. No just joking. Forgot all about Lotto ticket on Saturday night and didn't realise until I read thread today that we had won sumfink - now just have to find the darn ticket. Shall we do another extra ticket this week? Trifley so pleased you are feeling a bit better ((gentle huggles)). Well we moved 60 barrow loads of dirt sunday, the front yard of the cottage looks like rabbits went on a raid and they left nothing behind. Garden beds are formed and the area for the lawn (if we ever get one )is level. Thought I would be sore but no just totally k*******d! Unheard of for me but I was tucked up in bed at 8.30pm Sunday night - Ken thought I was sick! Glad to hear from Gwenda and Wattie, hope you continue to have a wonderful time. Mary new furniture was worth the wait! John looks in his element at the bbq - what is it with men and fire? ~~~~~~~ to everyone else - I'm off home (wasn't even supposed to working today !)- a trip to the butcher on the way home, and then an appointment with the vacuum and the mop. Aren't days off work wonderful -not! just a different sort of work. loves ya lots jude 3 |
♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ | Report | 19 Sep 2006 06:00 |
~~~~~~~~~~ on the way through. The Senior's Lesiurely Lunch was nice :) Lovely piccy's of house and furniture, Mary Say Shazz, did your historic group mention Elderslie (the original homestead) which i think may be closer to Camden. My great, great grandma was sent there as a 12 yr old orphan, to work. Mary Chilvers was her name. She must have met great, great Pa - John Hall - while working there. Would love to know if the original property was still around?? Many of the Halls are buried in the Liverpool pioneer cemetry. Don't know where John Hall came from but they were in the Butcher's trade. Vonny |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:48 |
Gotta be crazy to live in this world, Donna, lol. SuzyQ, that's a horrible story about your poor granddaughter. How old is the little poppet? Where does this creep live???? Have Laurie and Jood been tossed out of Archives for all their chatting? ~~~waves to our Shaz~~~ Lew Lew xxx |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:36 |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:35 |
napping |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:35 |
appears to be |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:35 |
as the cat |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:35 |
Welllllll |
SuzyQ | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:14 |
Hi Wattlers Lovely sunny day here today, not too windy. I managed to get some more grass cut this morning. Looks nice now, if only it didn't grow. I think the green concrete might be a good idea LOL Shaz, have you tried one of those lawn weed killer specially for bindi's. We have heaps of the blasted things. We ran a lawn mowing repair business from here when we first came and we inherited all kinds of nasties from them. Anyway, I find the lawn weed killer works, I hate to use it, but the dogs and cat really suffer if I don't. Anna and Chris congratulations on your wedding anniversary, I hope that you had a really nice day. Perhaps we should add anniversary's to our list as well as birthdays. Mine is 12 May 1969. Donna, how did it go? Don't keep us in suspense too long. Trifley, glad you are better, how were the sculptures and the lunch? Lyn, did I hear mini meet on the Gold Coast? Mary, your unit looks lovely, and so does the lifestyle. John looked well, it must be doing him good to have moved. Are his legs getting better. Jill, how are you, hope the face is getting better. Hope you are not having more family problems. Please don't stress out on your own, a problem shared and all that. Talking of problems, we had a bit telling off from Neville's youngest this week end and it seems that there is some problem with her granddaughter, Tayler. We don't know what it is about but there is to be a court case. Taylors mother Chelsea was only just 15 when Tayler was born. At the time the babys father's parents wouldn't accept that he was the father. Chelsea is now with another young man, but Tayler has been going to her real dad some weekends and it would appear that her has been molesting her. We are guessing that is what the case is all about. Terrible thing. This boy will be only 20 now. Oh I had better go before this turns into a novel. Love to all I haven't mentioned Luv SuzyQ |
***Shaz*** | Report | 19 Sep 2006 05:07 |
Ah Laurie, YOU DAG, what did you lose, what did you Lose, you know what they say finders keepers, losers weepers he he Happy Anniversary to You Happy Anniversay to You, Happy Anniversay Dear Anna & Chris, Happy Annivsary TO Youuuuuu Ha Ha Vonny, glad to see Im not the only one that has CRAFT moments OOoh Mary, lovely furniture and lovely house, its exciting getting new things isnt it, now can I please have my lamp table back Lara & Mike, happy & safe motoring Hi Gwenda, please dont add any more, Im getting envious, Have a great time Went to my first meeting with Narellan (WRARG) residents group who are collecting and compiling information for Narellans 180th/yr celebration, Sister Mary, what a card and a nice group of people, didnt realise how old this part of the area was but supposed to be older than Camden, most interesting Off to get a cuppa so speak later Byee Luv Shaz |
Aussiegirl | Report | 19 Sep 2006 03:31 |
Hi everyone. I am back and it is so hot out there its nice to get back inside.. Now you can all see why I am so happy here and today they are getting ready for the big BBQ lunch for tomorrow.with putting a lot more chairs and tables around the club and on the verandahs..I hope its a nice day for it and not to hot.. Gwenda Glad you are having a lovely holiday .Looking forward to some pickles when you get back.. Lara Have a safe trip south.. Qeenie Hope you are feelling better today.. hugs.. Must go and have some lunch so back later ~~~~~~~~~~~to all ~~~~~~~ Love Mary xxxx |
Researching: |
Little fluffy yellow duck | Report | 19 Sep 2006 02:58 |
Hi all, hope everyone is keeping well and safe Beautiful day here again today. Hi Gwenda, glad you are enjoying the sightseeing. Donna, have you got the results of the scan yet. Don't OD on nicotine afterwards tho. No Shaz, didn't over do the chardy at the barbie. Tassie don't work too hard and take time to relax. I haven't seen the 'Hawks' wall yet. Anna and Chris - congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Hope you enjoy lunch. Laurie and Jood, did you find anything at the archives. Lew Lew, have you spoken to the Queen yet ? Give her our love. And how is the head today, did any of your little pillis help ? Vonney, do you want to come and sort out my paperwork, sounds like you are getting plenty of practice at the moment. Mary the pickles are just great. You are a lucky girl. The unit is looking really good. Enjoy !!!!! Flakey, where abouts do you go walking. Anyway, must fly (quack, quack), off to the drs Pam |
Gwenda | Report | 19 Sep 2006 01:56 |
Hi Wattlers, Just read back from yesterday so I'm up to date - doubt that I will catch up with all before tho - pppp Wattie has just spent an hour in jail. We did the Crime & Punishment tour of the Ottawa Jail which is now used as a Hostel - we had thought of staying there originally. This morning we did the Lady Dive tour - takes you around some parts of Ottawa that we didn't see yesterday on our trolley tour and then goes into the Ottawa River and shows you the back of the Parliament buildings and some of Gatineau on the French side. After lunch at the Elephant & Castle we walked out to the Mint - feet are still sore but I had a lovely soak in the bath last night and that helped a lot - having another one when I go back to room. Ah this is the life. We did some souvenir shopping and then had dessert at the Elephant & Castle. Lara would have enjoyed Dayna's - Baileys Cheesecake. I got part way through Highland Bread Pudding - got the rest in a doggie bag and will have more for supper, breakfast etc. etc. Tomorrow we are doing the river cruise and maybe the War Museum - both in opposite directions tho. Hi to everyone - sounds like you are going okay Trifley - hope it stays that way. Tassie - glad you are getting settled too Mary - glad things are going well for you too - at least you have made the move. Hi to Christine - where in Ireland are you? Last day here tomorrow - it was spitting as we walked back tonight so hope the rain stays away tomorrow - saw enough of that in NY - told our little deli people to send the rain to Australia instead - have you got it yet? See you later, Gwenda xx |
Lewella | Report | 19 Sep 2006 01:51 |
Hi Flakey, warm and windy here too. Mary, the place looks fantastic! No wonder you're soooo happy. Good for you. Tassie, you crazy girl, lol. Now we can see why they want to do an article on you, heeeee. Back to research. Lew Lew xxx |
Jude2 aka Flakey | Report | 19 Sep 2006 01:41 |
Good morning Wattlers, just got back from an hours walking,then we stopped for cake and coffee before coming Should be 28degs today but the wind is terrible, we were being sandblasted while we walked. Tassie you'd be a hawks supporter then???hehehe I cant talk I hung my autographed Geelong jumper on the family room wall yesterday. Mary your unit looks loverly,I'm so glad you sound so happy there Lara travel safe. Trifley, keep doing whatever your doing that makes you feel good. Vonney, we looked at 2drawer dishwashers but decided against them as the drawers didnt feel very strong. But that was 2 years ago so maybe they have improved since then. Going to find a sheltered part of the yard and do some weeding,back later ~~~~~~ Flakey |
Aussiegirl | Report | 19 Sep 2006 01:21 |
Hi everyone I have just sent out pickles of the new furniture and if anyone didnt get them please let me know.. must rush as I have to go out for a short time.. Back later Love Mary xxxx |
Researching: |