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Aussiegirl Report 18 Sep 2006 07:56

Hi everyone.. Well I did a check and I think I have all the emails.. Lara I had a old one of yours which I put on by mistake. Or do you have 2 It didnt come back so it may be sitting somewhere waiting for you,LOL Anyway I have now put on the correct one so should now be OK.. Suzy Q I accidently missed you out (smacks hand) but I did realise and put you in .. now I think I have all that emails are available for..OH ARNT I GETTING TECHY.. Vonny Glad you enjoyed Floriade It is really lovely..I went a few years back.. Shazz.. No we didnt win lotto but we made a bit on the sale of the house so we decided to go sking..(spending the kids inheritance).LOL Suzy Q I think this is our real home but it is always nice to visit.. We can chat to Rebs at the other one..I belong to TYFH and it is a nice site but very quiet but nice peeps. Well the dining setting arrived and it was all assembled so we didnt have to do anything..It looks so nice after the patio table we were using...LOL Must go and cook dinner so back later.. Love Mary xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 18 Sep 2006 07:32

Afternoon all, back from Floriade and would you believe?? I FORGOT to take a camera!!!! Lovely time though - I left daughter at home to give her a break so it was my very first outing with grand-d where I drove her somewhere :) At almost 18 months she is at a very charming age and quite captivated all the Asian tourists!!! Might do it again next Friday. Oh yes, the flowers were nice too :) I think this will always be our permanent home, but it is nice to chat with Rebs too :) ~~~~~~~~ to Gwenda and Wattie. Glad you are having a good time. Re the related illnesses - John made a comment about that being the probable future, even as we were watching the awful event. How sad. ~~~~~~~~~~~to you all, back later tonight, Vonny


Lewella Report 18 Sep 2006 07:16

PS, anyone heard from Tassie??


Lewella Report 18 Sep 2006 07:14

Ohh, alright, so I need the fake tan! Heeeeeee, just remember I like to surprise (shock) people. You lot should know that by now, although I promise to put on a cozzie at the Mudgee Meet, lol. Lew xxx


***Shaz*** Report 18 Sep 2006 06:19

afternoon wattlers Typing this in random order, thought I had best get on here and see what all you mottley crew are up to, have been out the front for 3hrs this morning trying to clear some of those blasted bindis from the lawn, losing battle though more of them just about that grass ((((HUGS)))) to our Queen with the sychadelic hair, even though I dont add all the time you are always in my thoughts (((MWAH))) Hi Carol welcome back Jood, yes I know going out with Pat & hubby and 4 others, said they might come along but never made it, still a good night though Vonny reading posts and saw your tid bit about van site, will send details of same Hi Christine, welcome to the nut house, always glad to see a newbie on board, but you have to be insane like the rest of us Good grief Lew, now I know what that bright glow was coming from your neck of the woods hee hee, you will have to cheat like me and use tanning lotion, that way you wont set off such a glowing light Hi Gwenda & Co, glad to see you having such a a glorious time over there even if tinged with a little sombre mood No Probs Laurie welcome anytime Ah Flakey, hope you didnt over indulge on too much fairy bread and fizzy drinks yesterday Goodness me Mary are you sure you havent been hiding money from the lotto wins with all your buying of new furniture and such, better keep and eye on her wattlers, she might might be hiding something from you lot Jood whats on for this week and which day, Im pretty booked all this week mainly in the mornings except Friday again, we could of course if you wanted to all have a brunchy day at my place, whatevers easier for all Sorry guys, ex neighbour just turned up BUGGER, catch u later ~~~~~~ to wattlers Shaz


SuzyQ Report 18 Sep 2006 06:01

Hi again, Lara, SuzyQ didn't get an email either. I think Mary must have done something wrong. Hope you are feeling better. I don't watch Idol any more. I can never agree with the judges. Every one so far I have prefered the runner up. Last night I watch the 50 year celebrations. I really do like a big show, with entertainers, music dancers etc. Can do without all the chatter inbetween though. Lew, I don't have a ride on anymore, just the old push mower. Neville cuts the bulk with the tractor and slasher. I just do around the house. My excersice for the day, but I am aching now, the sciatica is playing up. Are we back on here permanently now. I hate looking at two sites to catch up. I have joined another site called tracingyourfamilyhistory, It is very similar to here, but there doesn't seem to be very many post. I did notice that JA had posted on there recently. I don't think there will be many problems with weirdos, but you never know Well I have to go again, He is calling for help Luv SuzyQ

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 18 Sep 2006 05:57

Good afternoon again, had asleep attack between this and last post thought Id actually put that one on before went to sleep but workthread Lew Lew Beached whale in Mudgee no way girl was it really warm enough or were you being brave ? Vonny hope you have lovely time at Floriade hope you took the camera . ok back to work just putting awning down now and have to clean band get it dry before winding it up so bye agin love Lara

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 18 Sep 2006 05:44

oooooh Lew, trying for the allover tan are you?

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 18 Sep 2006 05:35

Good day all Anna I didn't feel to well yesterday evening and had to leave the barbie the peeps here were having to say goodbye to us and so I camre back to van and turned the tele on and watched most of idol the bs drives you nuts and last night the choice of songs were horrific as I couldn't say I really liked or knew any of them but love the kids on it usually . Trifley nice to hear from you. Hope today you are feeling a lot better .what are you on Jood and Yvette and Vonny you seem to be talking in riddles ???? Hi Ya Carol you are very welcome to the wattlers as you can see they are the best bunch of people ever and such good fun sometimes they make you wonder if they are not a kangaroo short of a top paddock sometimes LOl but still love em all. Mary Boohoo Lara never got an email from Mary Gwenda lovely to hear from you and wattie tell him he didn't do any good this week in the lotto but we got 3 and the sup thanks to Jude, Your trip sounds wonderful are you keeping a diary,would love to go to Canada eventually so please keep lots of details please keep safe and behave hunka hunka's or not LOL Hello Ireland I too have evasive relli's there so CAN you find your ancesters if you live there or is it just as hard for you as it is for us??LOL ``````will be back later on love Lara


Lewella Report 18 Sep 2006 05:19

Afternoon All. You're right, SuzyQ. Mowing is very relaxing. I love to sit on the ride-on listening to the cricket broadcast. Well, I have just been in the pool for the first swim of the season. It's still a little chilly, but refreshing. Lucky we're on 25 acres, as we skinny dipped and the words 'beached whale' come to mind, lol. Sounds like Her Majesty is getting better every day. You go Girl !!! Might get the energy up to wash Lil this afternoon. I hate living on a dirt road! Pleased to hear that Gwenda and Wattie are having a great time. Wattie won't be very happy with me when he finds out that I didn't get the right Lotto tickets, lol. I'm off now to get some late lunch. ~~~waves to all the Wonderful Wattlers~~~ Lew Lew xxx


SuzyQ Report 18 Sep 2006 04:27

Afternoon Wattlers, Haven't had time to catch up on all the messages yet. Busy this morning cutting grass. The first cut of the season. I love mowing, gives you time to think and reflect. After the mowing I rang our Queen. She asked me to tell you all that she is feeling a little better today, so much so that she is planning a day out tomorrow with Graeme. We also had a little whinge together and she said she must be getting better if she can whinge. Well our trip to Montville went well. It was actually not really a pleasesure trip. We had advertised a cement mixer and compactor for sale and a young guy in Mantville wanted to buy them but he was too busy to come and get them. Neville offered to deliver, hence out trip. I hadn't realised at the time that we would be passing Australia Zoo.On the appraoch there are signs from local business with their condolences and the signs for the zoo with huge pictures of Steve. I found it very emotional and when I saw all the flowers I must admit I had a tear. On our way back Neville asked if I wanted to go and see all the flowers and gifts. Initially I said yes, but as we appraoched and all the people were there I decided not to. It was very emotional. We said our goodbyes and left. Well I am now going to read all the messages Luv SuzyQ


Anna Report 18 Sep 2006 02:43

Good morning Wattlers Beautiful day in sunny Queensland. Not doing anything exciting - the dreaded h....k I'm afraid. Great to hear from you Gwenda - so sad to hear of the lasting implications of 9/11. It must have been a very emotional experience. Nice to see you popping in Carol. We went to London in 2000 and sadly we didn't get long enough to do all the things we wanted to do. What a magnificent city and how the history lingers around the old buildings. It's strange when you come back to Australia - everything seems so recent - you don't get that same sense of connecting with the past. Hello Christine from Ireland - another beautiful place - although I have some ancestors there who are very elusive. Can you actually find your ancestors if you live there?????? Heather - hope you daughter has a wonderful experience. How lucky is she! Interesting that Lisa from Idol goes to the same school - she seems very sweet but such a little voice even though it is very individual. Hi Queen Trifly - how's it going today? Hope things are on the improve. Best go and hang out some more washing. Sounds as if you will spend the day recovering from yesterday Miss Lewella! Did you sell the land or will that require a asleep over???? Love to all Anna


Lewella Report 18 Sep 2006 02:19

Hello Ireland, you're up late!


Christine Report 18 Sep 2006 02:00



Laurie Report 18 Sep 2006 01:48

Good morning Wattlers, Another beautiful day on Botany Bay, bit of haze out there but can tell its going to be a nice warm one. There are 5 giraffes holding their heads high . . . and an oil tanker just slipping out the heads. Heather, your daughter will have a wonderful experience - one our Glen had when he was at school. He was treated like a celeb at the school he went to in Japan. Here was this very tall red headed boy towering above everyone else in the school - they all wanted him to play basketball with them. Funny think . . . the desk in the classroom was too small, he couldn't get the long legs under it, so they had the principals secretarys desk moved into the classroom for him. He did the Disneyland, Hiroshima and Mt Fuji trips - loved the fast trains. Funny fellow, he brought in bulk at Disneyland . . . all the cousins got Mickeymouse rings (he is very tight so they must have been the cheapest thing there teehee) The host families sent him home with so many gifts for us - we still keep in touch with one of the families. Mary I hope all the parts are there for the dinning room setting - and that the allen key doesn't burr out before you have finished . . . you can tell I've been there before can't you! Vonny, have a wonderful day at Floriade, neice went on the weekend, then went to a nursery all inspired!! Sounds like she will have to see the bank manager today for a loan teeheee. Lew, I hope you upped the price of the block you are going to sell to the friends who came and never went home . . . Lol Blimey - just think if they build next door to you, at least they will save on cab fares if they ever do decide to go home! Nice to have friends that an hour disappears into a day with though isn't it! How many little red suckers disappeared during the course of the day ?? or is that a trade secret ??? I know - just dawned on me you were trying to force the sale weren't you you little devil !!! Just reading the thread as I wrote and noticed Gwenda drop in . . . I had such a great time in Ottawa, and NY - darn it I am just enjoy travelling! Ground Zero was a very emotional place for me to visit, so I can imagine that being there on the anniversary when all the names were being read out was way out there! Poor feet sound like they are not doing so good - learnt early on, to always wear shoes when you travel that are well worn in. My old faithful walking shoes have done it all - but have plenty more miles in them. I am spending today doing some dreaded . . . beep beep!! So best get stuck into it - Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy it with a smile, its the only 18th of September, 2006 you are ever going to have !!! :-))))) luv Laurie

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 18 Sep 2006 01:35

Good Morning Wattlers, Warm one coming up wasent it nice to hear from gwenda and her news. Mary thanks for the tip, I think I have it right. Trifley hope your feeling a little better today. have a triffle to finish making, just the topping, have a grandson turning 3 today and he is having a tea party, daughter wanted the triffle. Hope everyone has a great day what ever you are doing. Cheers sandra in the Gong

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 18 Sep 2006 01:26

~~~Hi Gwenda, nice to hear from you. Glad Wattie is enjoying himself...and you too of Ground Zero must be a very emotional place, I know my daughter was very drained after being there. Hope you enjoy Canada and the rest of your trip. Flakey


Laurie Report 18 Sep 2006 01:24

G'day Gwenda . . . glad your having a great time and that Wattie is doing well !! Love Ottawa, the parliament buildings and the hotel along the river . . Ah should have slipped in your bag instead of Wattie Keep having fun and keep in touch luv Laurie


Gwenda Report 18 Sep 2006 01:14

Yoohoo - guess who We are finally in Ottawa - lovely place much quieter - ppppp - than NY. Was ready to leave NY after 2 days of rain which made things really sticky - yukkkkk Daughter just said I'm a real sourpuss - lol Wattie has heaps of new friends - he's even given up the booze - well he hasn't had a chance cos we were living really tight in NY -don't want to see another hot dog for a little while. I have blisters on my blisters so unfortunately I'm hobbling - that was from the first day so that is slowing us down a bit. We have walked and walked and walked - usually in the wrong direction - bl***y NY. Went to Ground Zero on our first day here - very emotional with the reading of the names. Went out to the Ground Zero Work Shop Museum - very interesting and worthwhile. Gary was able to take some amazing photos and Dayna bought the book. While we were there a retired firie came in - hunka hunka - unfortunately like so many he has had to retire due to the asbestos and other nasties found at the site. Now they are fighting for compensation - sounds familiar doesn't it. Joe was able to fill us in on a few more pieces of the work that was done at Ground Zero and we got to hold pieces of window glass and steel that they picked up. For those who love dogs - all the dogs who worked on the site have or are dying from cancer or other related illnesses - so the toll continues as does the human toll which will continue to climb - getting morbid now - sorry. Got to Ottawa this morning after our bus ride from NY so not a lot of sleep - think it will be an early night after I get the washing from the dryer - funny how I go on holiday but still have the laundry to do. Can thoroughly recommend Albert at Bay if anyone is heading to Ottawa - we have 2 TVs in our suite and a queen bed each - so nice after our squished backpackers room - we are backpacking again in Toronto and then back to luxury the rest of the time. First night in NY didn't start off well either. Got ripped off at airport with trip to hostel and then went to get out of room and we were locked in cos the door handle came off in Dayna's hand. Her mobile hadn't been switched over to international so she could only dial 911 and explain our predicament. All we wanted was for them to contact the owner to come and open our door but they sent the Police and Fire Department - sirens blaring - really funny and unfortunately not a hunka hunka firie - typical. Well better go and get on with some domestic holiday chores. Hi to all and welcome to Carol - did read back a few messages but have to be nice here and not hog the net - just cos it's free. Will catch up later love to all Wattlers Gwenda xx

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 18 Sep 2006 01:09

Hello Wattlers, very overcast today but not cold. Dont think it will be sunny as forecast, looks more like rain. Spent yesterday in Geelong at 8yr old nieces birthday party. 17 kids had a whole public pool to themselves,I was very impressed to see how well they could all swim. Only trouble was the noise. I came home with a sore throat and today Im full of sinus, prob from the chlorine. Having a quiet day cleaning up a bit, so will pop back later. ~~~~~Flakey