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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Trifley | Report | 15 Sep 2006 04:12 |
A very hungry and caffiene deprived Trifley wonders through thread on way to day surgery. TX |
Anna | Report | 15 Sep 2006 03:58 |
Poor Laurie Blooming bucket of pitch......... There's always family history to fall back on! ((((((mwah))))))) Anna |
Laurie | Report | 15 Sep 2006 03:08 |
Well grumpy me is sitting here back at the aptmnt . . . didn't make it to lunch with the girls! Got out in the car and the flat tyre I had pumped up on Wednesday was down AGAIN . . . off to the tyre shop . . . diagnosis . . . piece of metal - very close to the valvue, so new tyre please . . . by the time they got it on and I could get back on the road, it was a wee bit late - I felt grotty, hands and white shirt not looking the best so I came back here instead !! Hope your having a good time girls . . . mutter mutter mutter !!!! Ah well, must have been a reason . . . not my day to be out on the road. So . . . what will I do - I'm sure I can find some FH that needs doing teehee cheers luv Laurie |
Yvette | Report | 15 Sep 2006 02:37 |
I am here , well I'm at home for a bit + possum's not about. Replying instead of looking and running. Yvette x |
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Jude2 aka Flakey | Report | 15 Sep 2006 02:05 |
Morning Wattlers, well Im in and nothing has popped up so I hope its safe. When I went to close down last night I had allsorts of probs. Well as I said in the other place Im off to wash windows and hang curtains as its such a beautiful day. Will pop in from time to time.....have a good day Flakey |
Aussieone | Report | 15 Sep 2006 02:00 |
Good Morning Wattlers Havent read back on posts, so I hope everyone is well. I have only been given a couple of minutes on here ( gee my oh is a slave driver at times) :-( We have a beautiful sunny day which is great for moving. We have puta set up in new house, but still only on dial up. Of course I made sure it was in the first trip so I could get back on here lol, my lovely David set it up for me and then said go ahead say hello to your 'Wattler' friends hee hee isnt he a darling :-) Done 2 trips yesterday, off to do another one this arvo, just boxes then tomorrow the remaining furniture, then all we have to do is clean up old place. Ooh must tell you all, I had a phone call from the local paper yesterday, just before we went to pick up truck. They are going to do a story on 'Fanatics' in the Sunday Magazine, next weekend, and the sports writer, pointed the reporter in my direction, as he had been out to my house to take a pic of girls and me for a story to do with the Mothers Day match in Launceston earlier in the year. He thought I would be a good person to be the 'Fanatic'!!!!!!!!! So then I informed her we are in the process of moving and my 'Hawk Wall' is in boxes. So hshe asked me if I could possibly have a bit set up and could she visit to do the story on Monday. Sooo better get my butt into gear and put up all my things again, good thing I made special note on the boxes 'Hawk Stuff' hee hee. Got to go and get back to work. ~~~~~~~ madly to all~~~~ Cheers Sue |
Jude 3 | Report | 15 Sep 2006 00:53 |
Good Morning Wattlers, well I'm still able to be here, haven't had a reply from Genes, Norton anti virus has done its job and everything crossed computer seems to be back to normal again. Norton classes 'errorsafe' as a virus not a pop up. It was taking betweeen 3 to5 mins to connect or open things up -but okay now. Would rather be on here too Jood I can't get the hang of the other place. Doesn't feel right. Hope you all have a very merry lunch. Thoughts are with the Queen today, love the new haircut don't know if I would be that brave queenie. But then I agree with Kylie - if you get up and feel like wearing diamonds for the day then go for it. (((((( hugs )))))) for you today - hope your feeling better tomorrow. Suppose no one is around today, have I scared you all away? love jude |
Aussiegirl | Report | 15 Sep 2006 00:19 |
Morning all you mad peeps... Beautiful morning at the moment we have the air/con men in installing a Daiken so I will have to forgo my aquarobics as John has to go to the physio.. bloody noisy with all the drilling.. This will have to be short as they want to turn off the power. so back later Love Mary xxxx |
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Laurie | Report | 14 Sep 2006 23:06 |
Good morning all . . . . It's Friday . . . its a beautiful sunny day . . . and 'I Feel Good . . Nun Nununnunnunah Nah . . . .' Thanks for the shout of grins Yvette . . . I have a few to spare too :-)) :-)) :-)) Re the chilli . . . I had a bad crampy tum . . . oddly enough, TLR told me to have a few spoons of hommus, and it worked! (Good excuse to pig on hommus) Poor thing as he was leaving for work this morning said 'I feel sorry for Rob this morning, having to go off to work so his wife can go out to lunch' So nice wasn't it that he was thinking of others and not himself . . . LOL Best get a move on and get the jobs done that have to be done before I head west! Catch up with you all later in the day, have a great one - and dont forget to put your smile on when you dress for the day !! cheers luv Laurie |
Yvette | Report | 14 Sep 2006 22:33 |
Good morning all. Laurie, what actually happens with the chilli, do you just get tummy ache or is there gas too. lol. watch out peppercorn! thinking of you all day Trifely, jood :-)) be good. Hi ya to absolutley everybody today cause its finally Friday - my shout on grins :-)) :-)) :-)) love from Yvette xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
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Laurie | Report | 14 Sep 2006 13:26 |
Evening all, well I am satisfied that the ZA has rid me of the dreaded errorsafe popup - so I am comfortable to be back here. Just got email from Jetstar . . they are offering Hawaii for $249, might see if I can get some tickets - knowing my luck by the time I get in there they will be all gone. Cooked up tacos for dinner tonight, only problem was I think while I was smashing up the chilli I was not thinking about what I was doing. Have no idea how many went in - but do know the tum is paying the price. Have been drinking tea non stop to try and settle the inferno. But it was yummy. Well I take it 12noon at Pepercorns is the go girls - see you there. Think I will call it quits - catch you all later night nite - sleep tight luv Laurie |
Yvette | Report | 14 Sep 2006 13:14 |
mwah :-) xxxxxxxxx golly, that kinda gives one a few goosies hey? naughty barb tut tut |
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TonyOz | Report | 14 Sep 2006 13:14 |
Good Ivining...:>)) Well I'm still er'e ( just ) Seem to have gotten rid of me' Pop up' ..but couldnt get rid of the Mrs......LOL ( Ooooooh i didnt say that ) Barb who????....LOL O' mean that Barb...hee hee Well she stood up in court and pleaded her innocence...with a sad face. But they fined her for being late paying her Tax. Let off the Hook...with a $750 fine...........but was warned by the Tax could have been a fine of $5,000 upwards. Good thing she didnt tell him her G,G, Grandparents were Convicts......psml She is having a the moment. Actually..its a Bailey's and Ice. Trifley. Best wishes for to morrow x Well its back to the Records office for me....there's people to find, and the Natives are Av a good un. Tony Oz..:>)))) * Just keep smiling through it all * )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) |
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Judy | Report | 14 Sep 2006 13:10 |
I'm gone too - nite all Jood |
Yvette | Report | 14 Sep 2006 13:03 |
I'm off for a shower and bed, turning this off, which will also delete all cookies at the same time. macadamia, triple choc chip and coconut crisp. mel, my other thing worked ok. lara - let me know, I don't want to send it to the wrong addy, also if you know anybody else I have 3 all up thinking of you tomorrow, yrh - don't the rest of you stay up too late now. lots of love yvette xxx |
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Judy | Report | 14 Sep 2006 12:49 |
Well the boss is here on the thread (Lara) lol .. so we should all follow her. .. Now she wouldnt lead us into temptation would she? .. pmsl I'll be glad to have a rest from the poota tomorrow - it's been full on the past few days - getting nowhere fast. All the best tomorrow Trifley Jood |
Yvette | Report | 14 Sep 2006 12:32 |
aaa, we all come trudging back in after a little scare. I'm actually giving the puter a nudge tonight, not tempting fate, so not saying nuffn. yx |
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Judy | Report | 14 Sep 2006 12:27 |
Nice to see some of you back again. Hey - its NOT a virus!!!!!! Its just a pesky popup - could frighten you that's all. .. Those who have Norton seem to be ok anyway. Trifley - did you have your haircut especially just to make us laugh? .. I wanna pic from the front. Anna - lucky you having a roast dinner. Mary - your birthday sounded sooo nice, especially with all these new peeps. When your new table arrives, we need some pickles. Vonny did you get JA's address, it should be on your Wattlers list if you updated it recently. Otherwise msg me and I'll give it to you again. Mel - you still having a problem? Jood |
Anna | Report | 14 Sep 2006 12:20 |
Hi everyone I was scared to visit because of all the emails I received today but I haven't had a problem - I think our Norton blocks everything - I don't get any pop ups at all. So OH reckons it's not a problem for me to come on here. Glad you had a great birthday Mary - you will sleep the sleep of the righteous tonight! How wonderful that you got your couch etc - and more to come. They couldn't have picked a better day to deliver it. Jill - glad that your rash is clearing. What a horrible thing to happen! You won't be using that brand again! Tony - wots that Barb been up to? It must be in the genes!!!!!! Thanks for all those shipping sites. Have saved them. Donna - sorry to hear you are still under the weather. Sending hugs. Dan must be finding favour at work to get so many hours. Good on him. Jood - I know what you mean about over there - it's hard to get continuity with so much bling. The conversations seem to lack depth - it's all bells and whistles. We had the end of term break up for our walking group today - a lovely roast dinner at a country pub. Didn't even need tea tonight!! Waves to all I haven't mentioned XX Anna |
Trifley | Report | 14 Sep 2006 12:12 |
Hello Wattlers Happy Birthday Mary....I hope you've had a great day. I've sent off a few pickles of my big haircut....after all the kerfufle about the 'error' thingy I thought you could do with a laugh. I'm off tomorrow to have the porta-cath inserted so I probably wont be on here untill Saturday. Have fun you wonderful peeps Hugz Trifley X |