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Loopy Report 8 Sep 2006 12:50

Hi Everyone, I am feeling so warm and fuzzy right now. How nice are you guys, you have made me feel so welcome. Thank you !!!!!! Mel


***Shaz*** Report 8 Sep 2006 12:42

GGRRRR, I just wrote a whole page and now ive lost it, cant remember all that I wrote, NOT HAPPY JAN Lew nice little car, suppose we wont see you very much now, too busy zipping around the town lol Trifley, hows it going, feeling OK Jilly, hows the head, yeek, glad its you and not me, but why am I scratching anyway Ha Ha Laurie, worms for dinner, different !! Acquired a new chef by the name of Maggie have we Congratulations great aunty Lara, what a lovely old fashioned name Tony have you seen DIY and worked out a price for your new bed yet LOL Very quite considering we havent been on for a few days, everybody still getting over their withdrawal pangs Well Im off to bed also, nitey nite all, sleep tight Shaz


Judy Report 8 Sep 2006 12:30

Watch it Tony - we aren't exactly your dead relos .. pmsl I had a feeling you were working your butt off while we were all cooling our heels here. .. No place like home. Have a great weekend all. Jood (who's really going to bed this time)


TonyOz Report 8 Sep 2006 12:25

Evening Wattlers....:>)) Just bin checking me freds, an making sure there all there, and notifying me contacts and lookups in progress. Made a contact with a 4th cousin 1x removed, ( me grandads mothers, brothers, great grandson...or 4C1R if you like.. )who sent me a Gr message after we discovered we connected. So waiting to exchange Pickels and info by Email now. Actually got some work done around the house while GR was in freeze mode, and finished tiling in the Ensuite. ( Barb thanks you )...and my reward is, I'm alowed to play with me dead relo's again. Gwenda . Have a great trip away mate. Was very sad to hear Brock'y was killed on the news tonight, as he was an idol of mine in the 70s, and I'm sure wether you were Ford or Holden petrol head, the number 05 Peter Brock will be remembered throughout the car racing industry as a man who bought much happiness to a lot of people who enjoyed the thrill of car racing.... R.I.P Well the Demons are playing the Saints ( Footy ) and Barb is screaming her head off.( Melb Supporter )...GO DEMONS Av a good un. Tony Oz...:>)))) GO PIES....on Sunday


Laurie Report 8 Sep 2006 12:18

Greetings you happy little vegemites . . . . :-)))) Welcome home !!! TLR & I wore ourselves out this afternoon in the yard, so we dragged ourselves into the Jimboomba Tavern for dinner . . . had a great laugh as it was Karoke night, no - we didn't get up but enjoyed all the other poor soles who got dragged into it. The boys are coming out home for the weekend, so that will be lovely. They dont know it but we have a great list of jobs to get them to help with. Off to check my mail catch you all later cheers luv Laurie


Judy Report 8 Sep 2006 12:16

btw do any of you chefs make bruchetta - if so, can you tell me how to make it please? .. I will look up on the net also, but thought one of you might have an extra specially nice bruchetta. Jood


Judy Report 8 Sep 2006 12:05

Trifley - that was just one of many things that happened over the 4 days, but most of them were funny!!! Next years conference at Tamworth - you going???? Jood

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 8 Sep 2006 12:04

Trifley, I think GR are reading the boards and checking messages like never before. better make sure all messages are PC. Have you all looked at the new guidelines?There are some extra lines. ~~~~~~~~~Vonny on her very bestest behaviour PS we may need our weekender sometimes to be totally carefree.


Trifley Report 8 Sep 2006 11:59

Hi Joodles....there always seems to be a story with VIEW conventions. At the GC one a lady passed away. TX


Judy Report 8 Sep 2006 11:53

Vonny - you made me giggle when you said ' I have two days worth of threads to catch up with. That's funny, nothing to catch up on (puzzled look)' Ha ha - I must be in a mad happy mood tonight. .. Wonder why? .. (puzzled look) .. Ouch, Vonny kicked me! I left a msg on the other board for Mel to contact us. Gwenda hope you and Wattie have a fantastic trip mate - don't let him drink too much. I'm off to a nice warm bed soon for a little read and then shut-eye - I'm still catching up on late nights. Jude - yes Sladen House is absolutely beautiful - and if you had the same caterers as we did, then you would have had a superb meal also. .. We were in a motel at Corio and had to cab in to the Arena or to Geelong at least twice inwards and twice outwards each day, so the cabbies did well. .. Unfortunately two of the girls in our group of 6 were in a cab which was hit by a lady going through a give way sign. .. They are sort of ok - bit sore. Jood

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 8 Sep 2006 11:40

Evening all ~~~~~~~~~~ and big *grin* have a great trip Gwenda. Mary, so glad about the good news for John. That's fantastic. Now, we have a new member who joined us. Her name is Mel and she lives at Mulgoa - doooooown the road from Jood. I shall pm her and let her know where we are. ~~~~~~ going to check general - I have two days worth of threads to catch up with. That's funny, nothing to catch up on (puzzled look) (I think I'll miss the pretty icons hee hee) Vonny


Trifley Report 8 Sep 2006 11:24

~~~~~Hi Gwenda~~~~ have a great trip. Don't forget we want lots of pickles. Mary...glad to hear John has got some relief with the massage. He should keep it up. Hi Devily.....would you like me to send Nefer and the boys to help with cleaning the house? I'm off to watch Midsommer Murders too. I love a bit of murder and mayhem. TX


Gwenda Report 8 Sep 2006 11:14

Yoohoo Wattlers, So nice to be home isn't it? Thank you to everyone wishing Wattie and me a great holiday. Heading off on Sunday so not long to go now. Short working day tomorrow so I can get last minute bits done - my case is packed but daughter won't fit too much shopping into her big backpack as it looks chokkers now - oh dear, so sad, too bad - pmsl Lew - love your little car - bet you're a happy little vegemite Mary - let's hope the massage and exercises do John the world of good. Hope you have a good night's sleep. Off to watch Midsomer Murders - Dave says we are not going to live there if we get the chance to move to England - it's such a crime ridden village - lol See ya tomorrow Gwenda


Trifley Report 8 Sep 2006 10:58

Zipper de do dah ....Hi Wafflers. You wanna be careful Crew....GR might not like being called GITS. Even if they are....:) Hi Lilly. I bet this was worse for the Pomms than it was for us. Big hugs Trifley X


Aussieone Report 8 Sep 2006 10:52

:-) 12800 hee hee Fingers Crossed we have sorted out internet probs, see how long we are connected for this time. I see there is fun been going on over the last couple of days. Well We have got keys for new place but gee people can live like pigs, the place need a thorough clean before we start moving in stuff, so I will still be flat out over the next couple of days, with help from friends. I will try and get on if we still can access net. ~~~~~ madly to all~~~~~~~ Cheers Sue


Aussiegirl Report 8 Sep 2006 10:50

Welcome home guys... Tried to speak on other thread but I think they got cooked by the many dejectors...I could read but not post,,, It is so good to be together again..Still the other place is still there if needed.. Lew Love Lily and hope you realise it is my second be careful what you say..LOL Well have had 1 too many whites so off to bed and hope that tomorrow is a better day.. Before I go I must tell you that the physio that I took OH to today seems to have hit the jackpot.. He thinks OH problems are comming from his spine around the waist and did some massage and has given OH some exercises and when we got home OH said he felt so much better and did things he hasent been able to do for ages and felt a lot better. He has exercises to do and we are hopeing for great improvments.Keep your fingers corossed that this bloke has found the problem.. Nite nite and see ya tamurra. Mary xxx


Janetx Report 8 Sep 2006 10:42

Yipee hi everyone !!!


TonyOz Report 8 Sep 2006 10:34

:>)) Annonymoose


Judy Report 8 Sep 2006 10:32

woooooohooooooooooooooo - we're home again lol Great to see everyone - wasn't sure I liked coming home yesterday and finding everyone gone :( My spirits are lifted (meybee I should get some spirits into me, eh???) Trifley - I did tell you all about Geelong in the other site that I didnt like. .. If you or anyone else want to hear about it again, I will copy and paste. Hi Lily Hi Lily Hi Lew !!! Jood <dancing around>


Anna Report 8 Sep 2006 10:23

Hubba dubba ding ding!!! Honeys, we're home! Hi Trifley - hope you're OK. Jill - hope you are back to normal - no more nasties. Gwenda - have a great holiday - am I in time? Hugs to everyone as I've got Connor in the bath and I need to keep an eye on him so the water doesn't come down the hall to meet me! Back later XX Anna