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'hands are up'

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Karen Report 7 Jun 2005 14:40

Sorry, its definately me, I've just seen about 5 threads that I've killed %3A-%28 Karen (singing to herself, 'nobody likes, everybody hates me, think I'll go and eat worms') %3A-%29


Mandy Report 7 Jun 2005 14:29

OH the whirlwind life of a celebrity Linda......... By the end of the Relay were going to have quite a few local celebrities on this board as well as a famous bear.......................LOL Mandy


**Linda Report 7 Jun 2005 14:13

Hi Pat really well hows yourself, Having a great time with GB going to school in the morning then to the local radio station at lunch, then meeting the deputy mayore's on friday so its all go and 1 of the councilors is hoping to put on a charity night for the fund Linda


lynnchalmers70 Report 7 Jun 2005 14:00

no chance pat. LOL dealing with a few weeds at the moment. garden ones. pmsl beautiful day here in swansea, but i am popping back 'n'forward to this page for up date, I SHALL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lynnxx


Pat Report 7 Jun 2005 13:35

Hi Linda Just been cheered up by Kal's wonderful news, she is so excited her message has made the screen go all funny with all her e's as in yippee, lol. Who could blame her? I was waiting to hear how it all went for her, its great news. How are you today? hope all is well and your are enjoying you GB Relay thingy? Pat x


**Linda Report 7 Jun 2005 13:32

Hi Annie....Pat....& Mandy How you all doing Linda


Mandy Report 7 Jun 2005 12:39

As a frequent thread killer I was thinking of changing my name to Mandy-Amen..............but you could call the thread Killers society AMEN if you like........... or APERSON if we have to be politically correct!!!!!!!!!! Mandy


Annie Report 7 Jun 2005 12:35

hiya, gary calls me paranoid stresshead cos there is still loads to do for the wedding and we are trying to get council to move us out of our flat at the same time. nothing to be stressed about really pmsl annie


Pat Report 7 Jun 2005 12:19

Hi Em C is this too long 'Thread Killers Appreciation Society'? Other wise I don't know at the moment. Hi Linda Stress's real name is Annie but Paranoid or Stesshead obviously suits her better. Wonder have we worn we Scot Lynn out? Pat x


**Linda Report 7 Jun 2005 11:54

Hi Im Here but can I have a real name dont like calling you stresshead Linda


Annie Report 7 Jun 2005 09:38

morning linda and everyone else =0)


**Linda Report 7 Jun 2005 06:15

Good Morning Linda


Pat Report 7 Jun 2005 00:34

Yes I've worn them out Well at least for tonight I have. %3A-%29)) Pat x


Pat Report 7 Jun 2005 00:09

Boasting away there Lynn I nearly missed it, I hope Stress will be pleased this thread is continuing on, we may get it to 150 yet, the way people are sneaking around here you never know. Pat x


Pat Report 7 Jun 2005 00:01

4 threads in ONE hour blimey Em C that could be a record, wow you must be proud of that, don't know if I could beat that. Maybe we should have a society for us then, instead of internal fighting we join together and don't let the others win, we could share threads to kill you allow me some I allow you some etc., what do you say? do you reckon we could get people to join us? lol Pat x


lynnchalmers70 Report 6 Jun 2005 23:58

ONLY 4 PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!! i think iv'e killed the whole board today lol. maybe it's the scottish in me. anyway locked up now so i'm off, tarra for now. see you tomorrow HAHA lynnxx


Pat Report 6 Jun 2005 23:51

No Em C poor thing you are under a false illusion, I was the perennial thread killer, I was doing it before you so you don't remember lol. I can still do it now but there are others like you who have this false idea that they are the THREAD KILLERS!!! Pat x


lynnchalmers70 Report 6 Jun 2005 23:48

put cat fight on hold, have been summonds, by hubby. LOL still on that bloody thing he's saying, WILL BE BACK SOON, shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! will sneak in later . nite nite lynnxx


lynnchalmers70 Report 6 Jun 2005 23:43

come on pat!!! puuuuttttt eeeemmmm uppppppp lmho. hold on pat, haven't sorted me hair, now for lippy, right where's me heel's. cat fight!!!!! ready? LMHO lynnxx


Pat Report 6 Jun 2005 23:40

'Ere Em C you can be a sneaky one can't ya? How are you then? Don't tell me you wanna join this one as well? blimey there's some greedy people on here aint there? That lynn's not satisfied in being her own thread killer she wants this one too!!! She ain't getting it!!!!!!!! ITS MINE!!!!!!!!!! Pat x