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DAVE B Report 14 May 2005 09:50

Sure you will Magi crust coming up still warm are you having Yorkshire Puds? Dx


Vickie Report 14 May 2005 09:57

MMMMM!!!! Smells good in here Dave..hope they cant smell it all over the site or they will all be in here. Need a glass of Red...mmm at least there is some of that left, u lot gave the white a bit of a beating didnt you....LOL Vickie


Magi Report 14 May 2005 09:57

Aaagh! That's what I wanted her to bring! New pudding tins, ah well I suppose I'll figure out a way. This man if mine won't eat a Sunday dinner without the Yorkies (someone forgot to tell him he's not a Brit!) Magi


Vickie Report 14 May 2005 10:03

Magi I have always wondered what are Yorkshire puddings...pardon my Yorkshire ancestors sorry. Vickie


Vickie Report 14 May 2005 10:34

I have to be going now...everybody enjoy the rest of your day Vickie


DAVE B Report 14 May 2005 10:44

speak later Vicky take care.! Dx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 14 May 2005 11:09

Hi everybody just wanted to say hello and make sure you are all behavin while I'm away we arrived in redcliffe queensland on thursday in absolute pouring rain so much for getting away from victorias winter weather to queensland where its supposed to be beautiful one day perfect the next but today was beautiful and so will tomorrow be we are going to a kite festivalon the beach great eh will put some photos on the photo page when I can they are great and very pretty here on morton bay well bye for now to all and will get back on line asap Lara


DAVE B Report 16 May 2005 04:55

Hi Lara glad your enjoying yourself in Queensland it sounds beautiful but so does a lot of Australia to me, must go sometime.Still some beautiful parts of the UK I need to visit to and I live here.Dont forget to pop in here when you can for a livener! Take Care Davex


Magi Report 16 May 2005 06:17

Morning all, Ah, I love this time of day, when the city is waking up, and I'm far enough away from it not to hear the traffic. Woke up to the dawn chorus (must find out what those birds are), the nesting pair of falcons are hovering about atop looking for breakfast. The Golden One has been to the forest for his morning constitutional, now he too is looking for breakfast... Just like Dave, there are many parts of the UK I haven't visited, but my beloved Belgrade Forest reminds me so much of both the Northumbrian and North Waleian regions, that it stops me getting homesick (well not too much). Can't believe we were actually thinking of moving back into the city! We went to see 'Tia' yesterday, she' still a wee bundle of fluff at the minute, but we should be picking her up at the beginning of August. Strangest gift my students have ever given me, but now we all cant wait to get her home. Dont know how the big fella will feel having his space invaded by a female, but he's gentle enough to cope. Lara, enjoy Queensland - we only get to see Australia through'McLeods Daughters' ( I think Christine lives nearby), Vikki, Yorkshire Puddings :) family recipes passed down from generation to generation. Made them for our American friends and they couldn't get the idea of 'pudding' with gravy... Dave, by the way the yorkies were FLAT! Well the first ones anyway, took me two attempts to get them right :) the girl is out of practice methinks. Have a good day, no school for me today, so I'm lazing about... Magi


Vickie Report 16 May 2005 07:24

Hi Everyone Lara glad to see you finally got away after all the caravan dramas...If you find any rain up there please bring in back down with you....WA & SA hogged it all over the weekend.........Sorry Deb!!!....LOL Magi you will have to have Sundays dinners during the week to get in practice again. Has anyone seen Tony?? Dave we will have to catch up on MSN have some Manchester questions for you. I'll have a quick drink then off ..... need to see what we are having to eat tonight. Bye for now Vickie


DAVE B Report 16 May 2005 07:28

OK Vickie will look out for you when you are on msn Davex


Magi Report 16 May 2005 07:41

Hi Vicki, I'm going on strike when it comes to cooking. I'm off for a few days from Wednesday and heading for some 'hot' sunshine. Leaving my lot to cope for themselves. Dave, do you have a recipe for 'pease pudding' (oops more pudding that's not), obviously we cant get it here. That brandy is in the new fridge, and I've put some more T.D in the cupboard. Coffee's good this morning. Love the holiday thread :)


DAVE B Report 20 May 2005 09:08

Morning everybody hope you are all Ok round the world,plenty of booze in I am going to see my Mum but help yourself.! Davex


Vickie Report 20 May 2005 09:12

Hi Dave and everyone Just popped in for Friday night drink. Vickie


TonyOz Report 20 May 2005 13:43

G'day Dave, and Morning/Afternoon/Evening to everyone. Well I've finally finished the Family tree Album i have been working on for the last 6 months. I designed it myself, and the front cover is inlaid with a sailing ship ( Barque ) in 'Mother of Pearl' sailing on the high commemerate my partners G,G,Grandfather who came to Tasmania as a 14 year old Convict in 1840. When you open the first page it plays the tune ' Fairwell to old England forever' Its the the future Father-in-laws birthday to-morrow,21st and he turns 80, so it will presented to him after we all sing Happy Birthday and he blows out the candles on his cake ( thas if he has enough wind left in him !!! ) But they say most of us men are just a bag of wind anyway!! lol. It is a written family history story ( In Calligraphy) of his Great Grandfather b.1826 -1911 who after he finished his 7 year term, married and settled as a farmer in Jerusalem ( now Colebrooke )Tasmania....and had received a parcel of land from the Government of the day, given to many convicts who had stayed in the Colony,finished there term, and not returned home to the U.K. He eventually married a female convict from the 'George Town' female factory, and the rest is history. The Album has 120 pages with Family History, Bushrangers, Tradgety's,Photo's, happy and sad times and much more. They perished to-gether in a house fire in 1911 in Tasmania at a ripe old age,( which seems fitting ) but they left over 100 plus decendants to carry on ( My better half being their G,G,Grandaughter.) who with me, will visit their place of births in Sept. this year. So i will just grab a beer out of Dave's new see through Fridge and sit down on his Couch and relax. Tony Oz......who dosent want to look at another Document for at least 2 months...LOL


Vickie Report 21 May 2005 11:04

I see Tony has been in here writing essays again. LOL Vickie


DAVE B Report 21 May 2005 11:26

Hi Vickie Hi Tony hope you are both well you have been busy Tony sure your Father in law will love that!,you deserve a beer after that Tony. Dave


DAVE B Report 26 May 2005 08:36

Morning everybody hope the Liverpool fans have;nt left to much mess after their celebrations Magi and that you are ok Tony and all my mates in OZ sorry you cant make the fancy dress.Anyway me and marilyn are thinking of having a ride out but be back for fancy dress,help yourself to a drink or a snack. Davex


Magi Report 26 May 2005 09:24

Gretings from Istanbul. The Liverpool fans have been the best ever visitors for a match I've known while being here. The local people have taken them to their hearts in a big way. Could have something to do withthe strip being the same colour as the National flag... I've been congratulated a hundred times today, (haven't got the heart to tell anyone I'm Black & White through and through.) The ex-city boy Aneka (did I spell it right?) played a blinder in Sundays championship game. (Thats a special Bilal to Dave message). So we now have two flags hanging from the terrace the Fener one and the Union Jack, my turn to wind up the Not long now folks... school closes on June 24th and I for one cant wait! Up to our necks in paperwork, but here's me making time for a flying visit. Well done Tony on the book, hope your father-in-law loved it. Love to all speak soonish


Joy Report 26 May 2005 10:27

good morning, everyone. Just added my final report to my UEFA football thread. Nice and warm down south, and the forecast is good for the bank holiday weekend. %3A-%29 Joy