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Do the birds know bird watch thread

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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 13 Oct 2011 16:20

Ann...l know naughty are'nt l, will have a looksie, not done much craft, l get so cross with it...lol

jude :)


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2011 15:05

4 very small Goldfinches eating from the seed feeders. But eating the no mess sunflower seeda rather than the nyger seed. Yesterday we had just one older larger goldfinch eating the nyger seed. I wonder if this years birds have evolved to eating the sunflower seed. Strange.


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2011 14:08

Yesterday at Westonbirt there was a large flock of blue, coal and Great Tita. We waited for ages but neither of us could catch them to get a photo, they were flitting around very fast.

Jude not had any photos off you for ages for either the craft or photo blog.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 13 Oct 2011 13:35

Afternoon everyone... :-D

l have just added some photo's onto my blog from JustJean:))

l will add more from asap, l took some of sparrow that looks like he has a lump on chest, l do hope its not to do with this nasty desease the birds are getting, will send photo to the welsh report thingie l do!
No owls lately:(
A pair of chaffinches have visited this past few days:)

The other day at the Strensham south bound service station we saw loads of starlings eating orange berries off a bush, loads of them in the bush chattering away, sounded quite cute too.....did'nt have camera on me...dohh

Take care
jude x


Jane Report 7 Oct 2011 20:55

There seems to be a lot more Bird Song in the garden now.(not sure what they all are at the 'mo).I am looking forward to things perking up again.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 7 Oct 2011 19:28

Evening all:)

We have had a couple of Chaffinches today, other than that just the usual!!

Tec...yeh you'll have to get a camera thingy, can you borrow one??

Ann....you lucky thing to have one Gold finch let alone 20 of them:))) send them this way please:)



AnninGlos Report 7 Oct 2011 16:20

Pity you can't set up a web cam Tec. I bet he/she is camera shy!!! Maybe you'll have more luck when the tree is bare. But maybe that will deter the owl from hiding there.


Tecwyn Report 7 Oct 2011 15:30

It would be good to get a photo of the Barn Owl Ann, but I have no idea if he was perching in my tree last night. It was terribly windy, a full gale coming in off the sea, so I couldn't hear anything over that. The leaves are begining to thin on the trees now, and I have scanned them all, but no sign so far in daylight.

There are few birds about at the moment, the odd chaffinch, sparrows, a robin, occassionaL blackbird, collared doves, and the usual flock of jackdaws. There were oyster catchers on the beach the other day.
Haven't seen the goldfinches, or greenfinches for quite a while.



AnninGlos Report 7 Oct 2011 15:09

Yesterday morning we watched out of the conservatory as about 20 goldfinches took off from a tree in the garden that butts onto ours at the end of our garden. We didn't have any nyger seed as we'd been away so haven't seen any in our garden until today. We'd replaced the nyger seed but this solitary one goldfinch was eating the sunflower seed!!!


AnninGlos Report 6 Oct 2011 16:40

It would be good if you could get a photo Tec, but I think they are too clever for that!


Tecwyn Report 5 Oct 2011 23:13

Yes Ann, I am rather pleased about that. Haven't actually seen it yet, though may stand a better chance when the leaves have fallen, if it still perches there.

Jean I can't believe you snore like a Barn Owl - your OH would leave home :-)



AnninGlos Report 5 Oct 2011 22:01

Glad you have got that sorted Tec. and without having to sit out in the rain. How lovely to have barn owls in your garden, I envy you.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 5 Oct 2011 19:37

In our house its me or the cat that snores! Barn owls are lovely, but so are all birds, I think. Dont encourage them in our garden now because one of the cats is a hunter of anything that moves, but there is water available all through the year, we keep the waterfal running especially.


Tecwyn Report 4 Oct 2011 22:54

Mystery solved :-)

It is a barn owl.

I'm not sitting in the garden as it's now raining here in Wales, and I'm not that deranged - yet.

Shaun who posts on the Welsh thread has e-mailed me. He has had Barn Owls on his land, and has described the noise perfectly. He describes it as like a snoring noise, with a hiss and a wheeze, but that's just what it's like.

Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions.
If I'm lucky enough to see it, I'll let you know.

Regards to all,


Jane Report 4 Oct 2011 22:07

Will be thinking of you later Tec,as you sit in your garden lol.I have to say I would be doing exactly the same as you ,and be waiting to be taken away in a straight jacket by my OH.
I can hear a wheezy sound now!!!!!!!!!!! ..........no it's not a bird ,but my dog snoring his head off on the settee :-S :-S


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 4 Oct 2011 20:38

Hello Tec....

have just found another site, scroll down till you find the Barn Owl:) Sorry that last link were birds from everywhere in the world but UK...doh, interesting though:)

Hello Island...wheres you bin??

Byeee ....jude


Tecwyn Report 4 Oct 2011 20:18

Well - I've searched through the owl sounds that Jude sent me. I can't identify it. The only owl that "hisses" is a Great Horned Owl. Can't possibly be one of those as they are in America.

Jane I hear this anytime from around 11 pm. Maybe your little birds are one of the tits, especially if they are in groups.

Island - Thank you for the link. It could be a Barn Owl. We do have them here, among others. I saw one flying over the field at the back of the house early morning about six months ago - beautiful sight.

I am going to sit in the garden late tonight, if it's dry, to see if I can get a sighting of this bird. If you don't hear from me again it's because OH has had me taken away LOL.



Island Report 4 Oct 2011 19:24

Hi Jane
I wonder if they could be Goldcrests? Although they scurry about rather than walk up the tree trunks, that habit is more like the Nuthatch but thay are larger.


Jane Report 4 Oct 2011 19:10

What time of night was it Tec?I have been wracking my brains and can't think what it might be.
There seems to be lots of little birds here at the moment that walk up the tree trunks .I saw a group of them fly in earlier to the big pine tree in the garden.I don't know what they are,but look like the tummies are a pale yellowy colour.
They are too quick to see properly.


Island Report 4 Oct 2011 19:03

Hi birders

Tec, it sounds like a barn owl


Lucky you if it is, I hope you get a sighting :-D