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What Book or Kindle Book are you reading ??

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AnninGlos Report 9 Jul 2012 22:17

Just read a good one Bedpans and bobby socks by Barbara Fox. A true story of a group of British nurses who go to work for a couple of years in the US. And five of them go off around America in an old car. Set in the 50s and written by the daughter of one of the nurses from letter written to her mother.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 9 Jul 2012 21:31

This looks interesting and its free on Amazon Kindle :)

'Lillian's Story, One Womans Journey through the 20th Century.' by Sally Patricia Gard..


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 9 Jul 2012 20:14

Finished "Call the Midwife" and the "Shadows of the workhouse" and 1/4 way through "Farewell to the East End"......all factual and brilliantly written by Jennifer Worth. But all very explicit. The last 2 very detailed as to how people were treated in the Workhouses and by the Police if arrested for prostitution !!!!!

Not sure what to read next, but will look out for 'Mrs Robinson's Disgrace' by Kate Summerscale?....l think it was Rita that mentioned, if not l have a few on the pc kindle:)



Mersey Report 9 Jul 2012 19:38

Hiya GR Readers <3

Im reading a lovley book at the moment called :-

Muddy Boots and Silk Stockings by Julia Stoneham

Its a story of a group of women in World War II becoming Landgirls....

Its 1 of 3, so looking forward to the next :-)


ButtercupFields Report 2 Jul 2012 19:35

Thanks Ann, have read Hostile Witness but will add the other one to my list :-) <3


AnninGlos Report 2 Jul 2012 16:54

Not sure there is any romance in it (can't remember) But Hostile Witness by Rebecca Forster was a good read and it is free for the Kindle.
The Woods by Harlan Coben is a good read too.


ButtercupFields Report 2 Jul 2012 11:26

Have started reading (on Kindle) 'The Divine Feud' about the bitchy relationship between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Fifty fifty so far in the cat stakes! :-D

Am looking for a non-violent, non spooky, psychological thriller with a small bit of romance (non schmaltzy) and humour thrown in for good measure.



'Emma' Report 2 Jul 2012 10:06

Finished reading 'The Butler Did It' good read.
Couldn't resist it and started 'The Song of Achilles'
while the footie was on, really enjoying it, read about
40% tiredness won the battle or would have read more.



'Emma' Report 1 Jul 2012 13:11

Have just downloaded 'The Song of Achilles' by
Madeline Miller. Anyone read it?



AnninGlos Report 30 Jun 2012 11:03

I have just finished The Thread by Victoria Hislop who wrote The Island.

The thread is a great read and very informative about Greece in the 20th century. I shall review it on the Greaders review thead the end of July. But I thoroughly recommend it.


Muffyxx Report 30 Jun 2012 11:00

I'm reading River Of Destiny by Barbara Erskine .

Haven't been able to read it as much as I'd like as it's been hectic so I'm resorting to late night reads at the mo........but so far so good.x


'Emma' Report 19 Jun 2012 13:22

LOL I must have missed that one. :-D



Barry_ Report 19 Jun 2012 13:19

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."

(Is it my system or is GR [alone] so VERY slow to load again!!)


Julia Report 18 Jun 2012 09:28

I have just started Hanging Hill, by Mo Hayder. Usually her stuff is very good, so hope this one is aswell

Julia in Derbyshire


'Emma' Report 17 Jun 2012 12:34

Started reading 'The Butler Did It' by Paul Pender.

True story about Roy Fontaine also known as Archie Hall,
a serial killer who served a life sentence 1978-2002 when
he died.He was infamous as bisexual butler to Britain's

Enjoying so far and is written with humour re encounters
between author and killer, also has underlining threats
made to Pender through the book that Hall could kill him.



AnninGlos Report 16 Jun 2012 11:53

Lol BC I can usually remember the name but not the plot


'Emma' Report 16 Jun 2012 10:34

Finished reading The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran
last night which followed on from Nerfertiti by same author.
I would recommend both books.

Now my problem, what to read now, can't make up my mind. :-S
Decisions, decisions. :-D



Rita Report 15 Jun 2012 21:22

Sorry AnninGlos

Getting muddled with these Ann's lol

Buttercup fields your mentioned in the book I am reading


ButtercupFields Report 15 Jun 2012 17:59

I am nearly finished a great thriller by David Baldacci. I forget the name of the book! but...the hero is called Will Robie and he is a trained assassin for the government but he is given an assignment one day which changes his life and the course of events. He meets up with a young, troubled girl called Julie and takes her under his wing. A very complicated but clever plot.

A great read and unlike my recent reads, keeps you guessing until the end. If only I could remember the name... :-D


AnninGlos Report 15 Jun 2012 17:51

Rita it wasn't me that bought those smutty books it was Ann Cardiff........... :-D