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Barker Siblings born in Lichfield Staffordshire

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Rachel Report 14 Feb 2018 12:12

I am helping my mother-in-law search for her siblings.
Paul, David and Yvonne.
All born in Lichfield Staffordshire. 1958/1959 & 1962.
Parents Raymond Barker and Alice Dyson.
Alice sadly died very shortly after the birth of Yvonne.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Obviously if contact does not want to be made we respect that but it would be lovely to know what happened to them and they are happy and well.
Many thanks
Rachel xxx


malyon Report 14 Feb 2018 13:27

was there another child graham k barker 1957 born Lichfield


Rachel Report 14 Feb 2018 14:26

Yes. Him and Kathleen remained with their father. One day the youngest were there the next gone! Never to be spoken of again! X


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Feb 2018 15:15

Hi Rachel, do you know the other person who has Yvonne in their tree here?

There is also an Yvonne who has an Yvonne Barker 1962 with no place of birth (your Yvonne wasn't the only one born in 1962, unfortunately). Her surname doesn't seem to match a marriage of an Yvonne Barker.

If you haven't, it might be worth trying to contact her. A child adopted after infancy might have kept her given name.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Feb 2018 16:12

Following through with the suggestion that they might have been adopted, has your MiL added her name & theirs to the Adoption Contact Register?

Although there's nothing on the index to indicate they were adopted, its possible that the original certificate may have a notation.

Has anyone approached the Social Services in the area to see if they may have been taken into the Care System, retaining their birth names?

The boys both have a middle initial/name
Paul A born 1958
David R born 1959

If you wanted to order a copy of the certificates, the references required can be found on

They can be ordered from at a cost of £9.25 each.


Rachel Report 14 Feb 2018 21:46

Thank you.

I have found all the sibling's birth records confirming parentage.

I've been in contact with a lovely gentleman on here who has them on his tree but it was just extended research on his own tree and can't help.

The Yvonne Barker on here does tie in with my Yvonne in terms of year and place of birth but unfortunately she hasn't opened the message.

I will ask her about social services and the adoption register.

Where do you find the adoption indexes?

Thank you xxx


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Feb 2018 22:36

Adoption indexes aren’t open to the public.

The normal GRO index has a volume and page number. Sometimes the page number is prefixed by S/ .
Now although that could suggest it refers to a late entry in a different quarter, perhaps because a 2nd forename has been added, it could also imply that the child has been adopted.

Unfortunately, it isn’t consistent. Some children known to be adopted have a perfectly ‘normal’ index entry.


Rachel Report 15 Feb 2018 10:10

Thank you.
None of the birth indexes are amended. I had actually forgotten to check that so Thank you.

Unrelated to this particular search but if a birth index has been amended to this 2437/S what would you say it meant?
I presumed it was just a reference to a new entry for the adoption. But I was also told the S indicates that only a father/step father was added to the record and it has no connection to adoption?



malyon Report 15 Feb 2018 14:25

a S usally means adopted


Rachel Report 15 Feb 2018 20:08

Oh for goodness sake... I spent ages searching through 5 years of indexes looking for a handwritten entry on that piece of bad advice :( %3A-%28

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Feb 2018 20:12

The S doesn't always mean adopted. It only appears for births between the early 60s and early 80s.



Rachel Report 15 Feb 2018 23:24

What else could it mean?

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 16 Feb 2018 05:31

It means the registration was amended.

From FreeBMD:

What is the reason for a page number with a suffix letter S
Each quarter the Superintendent Registrar for a district sends copies of his/her register entries to the General Register Office who then apply a page number to the records for indexing purposes.
However, in some circumstances, e.g. when a birth is re-registered, a further supplementary copy is sent by the Registrar to the General Register Office which supersedes the original copy and in these cases the new entry is given a supplementary number.
This means an original page number in an entry such as 495 might be crossed out and replaced by a page number such as 1659/S or the supplementary number might just be added to the page number.
There are a number of reasons for re-registering a birth, such as:
If at the time of registration the mother was not married to the baby's father, but they have since married, it is a legal duty to re-register the birth, even when the father's details were entered when the birth was originally registered.
If the natural father's details were not recorded at the initial registration but there is now a wish to add them.



Rachel Report 16 Feb 2018 12:16

Thank You Rose.
Is it possible to find the second entry? If so how would I find it?
