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A -W of Food and Drinks Forget the I Q and U.

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Battenburg Report 2 Jan 2010 22:42

Neenish Tarts


Allan Report 2 Jan 2010 22:48

Open Sandwich


Battenburg Report 3 Jan 2010 03:44

Panaculty ( any Northerners out there)


jan50 Report 4 Jan 2010 21:38

Aye, a Northerner here but have never heard of it! How far north?
And what is it, if one may enquire? Please enlighten me tastebuds!
Queen of puddings


Allan Report 4 Jan 2010 21:49

Roast Pork

Also originally a Northener before exile in Aus and I have never heard of Panaculty



jan50 Report 4 Jan 2010 21:52

Sauerkraut (which is definitely NOT northern!)


Allan Report 4 Jan 2010 22:21



Battenburg Report 5 Jan 2010 03:30

Well, you Northerners never heard of Panaculty Im amazed (Perhaps you were a posh lot)

Some call it Pan Haggerty. Its common in Northumberland,Durham and Middlesbrough

There seem to be several different recipes for it. Mum would thinly slice onions and potato and cook then in the oven with Oxo gravy. When the spuds were nearly done she sliced tinned corned beef on top and put it back into the oven and it would crisp on top.

I loved Panaculty night when I was a kid eaten with bread of course

Some use stove top method and some add cheese on top.

Googling to see other recipes I noticed it was common in Yorkshire and Lancashire with a slightly different recipe using bacon

Remember Stottie Cake?

Sorry next item is Umble Pie


Allan Report 5 Jan 2010 21:39

Vegetables (Roasted)

Thanks, Quinsgran. Perhaps I'm not a true Northener as I lived in Manchester/Salford abd then Middleton. My miu never did those dishes that I know of, closest would be Bubble and squeak.



jan50 Report 5 Jan 2010 22:09

Pan haggerty, of course! Heard of that!
Well, here's another Northern one - especially for anyone from the North-West area!
Wet Nellies.


Allan Report 5 Jan 2010 22:14

Apple Crumble


jan50 Report 5 Jan 2010 22:15

Banoffee pie


Battenburg Report 6 Jan 2010 00:50

Corn Fritters

Never had a Wet Nellie. Plenty of wet wellies though

I will google the recipe

Seems to be common in Liverpool area and like Panaculty people have different versions of it. Some use bread and others pastry


Anne Report 7 Jan 2010 10:35

Damson Jam


jan50 Report 7 Jan 2010 21:13

Well, let's keep it Northern! (seems that each northern area has a different name for the same sort of dish, eh?)

Eccles cakes

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 7 Jan 2010 23:00



Battenburg Report 8 Jan 2010 03:36

Ginger Cake


jan50 Report 8 Jan 2010 20:19

Horseradish sauce (can't stand it meself!)


Battenburg Report 9 Jan 2010 10:17

Indian icecream


jan50 Report 9 Jan 2010 22:55

Jugged hare (now there's an old recipe for country-folk!)