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Terms and Conditons of this site

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Joy Report 6 Oct 2011 18:47

IGP - I did not have to type within what time frame the two responses occurred but I shall do so for your benefit: within a few hours of each other.


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Oct 2011 18:33

I agree, IGP, that GR's decision should be the final one

BUT it would be so much the better if there was consistency in such decisions ....... not decisions based on the "flavour of the moment"

in other words, the staff member on duty that particular day.

That just leaves us, the paying members and the ones responsible for this site being in existence, floundering and wondering what on earth we can post and not post.

It leaves me wondering whether there is actually any consistency in GR's T&C's, wondering how good is their training of staff members in T&Cs and in making decisions ....... or do we just have a group of "fly by the seat of my pants"?????

Like so many others, my opinion and enjoyment of GR has greatly decreased in the last few months. My membership runs until next June, but I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether it will be worth renewing, or if the general aggravation on and with the site is becoming too much.

I was starting to hope that there was a new era beginning when this thread was set up, and we began to get responses on the thread to reports of bugs in the system or suggestions for improvement.

But it seems to me that we have slipped back once again into "ignore the members".

Days go by without any response ......... except from a certain few members who all have their own biases and axes to grind, including you and me.

It is very hard sometimes not to believe that this site is more often regarded as a cash cow.

Maybe the staff sometimes forget that their jobs depend on paying members using this site ......... and the continuing use of this site depends on the paying members being satisfied.

It strikes me that more and more are voting by walking .............. to other sites. Some of those other sites being ones that were set up by dissatisfied customers of GR several years ago!

and I KNOW that I am becoming grumpier with the site and its inefficiencies!!!



InspectorGreenPen Report 6 Oct 2011 17:39

""So does the left hand not know what the right hand is doing?" - unfortunately not always, in my experience:"

So, put another way, the left hand does not always not know what the right hand is doing - implying that it does sometimes know....!

Think about it.....!

At the end of the day, whoever it is at GR who is charged that day with making a decision should do so, and that should be the end of it.


Joy Report 4 Oct 2011 23:24

"So does the left hand not know what the right hand is doing?" - unfortunately not always, in my experience:
On occasions when I have felt something should not have been posted, I have reported it. I remember not long ago receiving a response that it could stay on the board. I felt quite adamant that it should not have been posted so reported it again and this time received:
"After considering your request we believe the content to be unacceptable and outside of the terms and conditions and message board guidelines of the site. This content has therefore been removed"


TootyFruity Report 4 Oct 2011 21:47

GR's inconsistency in dealing with reported threads and problems with the site is why I am not renewing my subs.

The other day they asked someone to post details of who they were looking for on their FB page. I object to this because you need a standard membership on this site to post whereas FB is free. I feel it is ripping members off.

I find that my enjoyment has dwindled and although I have made some good friends on here who I will miss feel it is time to leave.

The boards are not as active as they once where and GR's priority seems to duplicate a thread on Downton Abbey. I feel they have lost their way and are no longer worth my tenner


GlitterBaby Report 4 Oct 2011 14:14


A thread on Sunday has an email addy. I posted to ask for that to be removed. Hours later sent a pm. This was eventually opened sometime on Monday. Checked back on thread and still the email addy was showing. Sent the thread for review on Monday.

Just got an answer from GR:
"After considering your request we believe the content to be unacceptable and outside of the terms and conditions and message board guidelines of the site. This content has therefore been removed"

So does the left hand not know what the right hand is doing %3A-S


InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Aug 2011 13:55


I thought I had made my views clear but if not, then I will try again.

The point I have been trying to make from the start, and which keeps getting taken out of context is this:-

I do not feel it is appropriate for members to criticize (change the word to Report if you don't like criticize) other members for allegedly contravening the Terms and Conditions of the site, when you yourself have also, on several occasions also broken the Terms and Conditions.

The example I cited, is the clause in the Terms and Conditions which outlaws the publication of third party URLs, something that most regular contributors to these boards technically contravene on a regular basis.

If you are saying that you have never ever broken the T's and C's in this way and have never posted details of third party sites yourself, then I apologize.


GlitterBaby Report 28 Aug 2011 08:40

Still waiting for two responses on this thread.

First from GR. Did they make a mistake when they put the information back on that thread.

Second from IGP.

The Meercat

The Meercat Report 23 Aug 2011 08:42

I can remember a man putting his email address on this site.He was asking for teenagers to go to london and he would help them with their family tree
He then put on his website link which was supposed to have been him having a good time in london.
Genes reunited was very quick in removing it when we reported it.

Perhaps this is why it says about not putting email addresses on.


GlitterBaby Report 23 Aug 2011 08:38

Problem is Roger and Ken that there is a reply missing from this thread.

It was sent to GR for review. Not found out who actually did that or why.

But there was a comment made in that reply that was aimed at me. The poster has never offered any explanation of the remark made.

Otherwise this thread would have remained a query about the Terms & Conditions and would quite rightly have seen members offer their opinions on that one subject but it got personal.

(who did change their board name to TurkishDelight - cockney rhyming slang - which is how I was feeling about things at the time and not just about this site)


Kense Report 23 Aug 2011 07:44

You are right Roger. This thread has become too personal. Nevertheless Glitter Baby's original question does need an answer.

Looking at the T&C it seems there is a reference to email addresses in para 3
"We advise that you never reveal via the Genes Reunited Service any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example: telephone numbers, home addresses or email addresses) which you do not want to be visible to third parties. "

That seems unneccessary if the para 8 item is there i.e. "You shall not publicise, post or advertise your contact details (including your email or postal address, phone number, website address or any other contact details) to any other member of the Genes Reunited Service except by making contact with them through the Genes Reunited Service message centre."

There is also para 16
"If any provision of these Terms shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms which shall remain in full force and effect."

So perhaps Genes feel they cannot enforce the email address rule. The main reason for the para 8 rule is probably to stop people advertising their services, rather that to protect members who are unaware that giving their email address is unwise.



Roger Report 23 Aug 2011 00:01

Has the site gone mad?
Lets get back to our research!

Roger W


BarbaraFromYorkshire Report 22 Aug 2011 23:27

Ok IGP now which statement did you really wish to use??

InspectorGreenPen Report as Abuse 21 Aug 2011 20:41

Just because someone has 'broken' a rule, it does mean that they should be banned, be reported, or have their posting removed


InspectorGreenPen Report as Abuse 22 Aug 2011 19:24

So, just because someone may have 'broken' a rule, it does not IMO (I'm learning.....!) mean that they should be banned, be reported, or have their posting removed.

As for you saying you are getting too old to understand all these silly "Three-letter acronym" --well "your never too old to learn" I think the saying goes.



Joy Report 22 Aug 2011 22:39

" getting too old to understand all these silly TLA's"
- %3A-S


Rambling Report 22 Aug 2011 22:26

IGP how is 'saving' a member from possibly receiving emails from random nutters ( not to mention the possibility of sending a virus) "criticising' them ? It's no more criticising than it would be if you stopped someone touching a hot plate that you knew was on and they didn't!

If I post a URL to Freebmd for example it hurts no one (though it may be 'against T & Cs) ...if I post my email would have to be because I was unaware that it could cause me trouble...whether it does or does not break T & Cs ( it does) 'may' be irrelevant to me as the poster and to someone else as the reader.... but my safety might be RELEVANT to both parties and should be to GR admin also.

Postings of a personal email address SHOULD be removed by GR, NOT as a 'punishment' but as a service to the unwary member. IMO.


GlitterBaby Report 22 Aug 2011 22:18

More words but still no explanation ?

So you can criticise me and get away with it !!!!

Whats the difference then ?


InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Aug 2011 19:44


Thanks for explaining IMO - getting too old to understand all these silly TLA's these days. I have even added it to my last post....!

Thanks again.


InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Aug 2011 19:24

If you read the very first thread on the board you will see that GB / TD has admitted to reporting the thread as, presumably, she / he felt it contravened the Terms and Conditions of the Site.


"I reported a thread after midnight because it contained the posters email addy. Watched the thread for over 30 minutes, before reporting it, and was aware the poster was on site after the thread was posted."

Is this not criticising the member? It is in my book.....!

As I have said, many members on here regularly break the rule regarding the posting of 3rd party urls when providing help to other members but GR, presumably, don't see this as an issue.

So, just because someone may have 'broken' a rule, it does not IMO (I'm learning.....!) mean that they should be banned, be reported, or have their posting removed.


Joy Report 22 Aug 2011 18:28

"What is IMO?"
- in my opinion
imho - in my humble opinion.


InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Aug 2011 18:10

I could not agree more, Joy.

It is just a pity that some have failed to understand the point I was trying to make.

PS What is IMO? I thought it meant an International Money Order