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This site is a joke and I am not laughing

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InspectorGreenPen Report 16 Jan 2013 14:52


This particular error has been around on and off for over a year now. It is volume related, not a fault with a specific activity, so can occur almost anywhere on the site.

My experience shows that it is more likely to happen when the volume of data that the system has to process in order to comply with the members action exceeds a certain critical amount.

So someone with over, say, ten thousand threads to their name is likely to get it regularly when using 'My Threads', whereas if you only have one thousand, then it is unlikely.

I used to get it all the time when trying to sort my Surname Summary, although it has been less frequent of late.

Keeping your PC and browser up to date and cache and cookies etc cleared out is always good practice but in this instance the error is coming from GR, servers which are timing out before the action is completed.


PeeEmm Report 16 Jan 2013 16:28

Thanks Inspector............

I think I understand that.
What I don't comprehend is why anyone should have 10,000 Threads .......
I'm assuming we mean 'threads' as on this page?
Sorting your Surname Summary of course is a different thing and would need to perform without any error - I would hope!
Is it only on GR that we should need to 'clear cookies etc' ?
I don't do this for any other site I use..........

PeeEmm %3A-%7C


GlitterBaby Report 17 Jan 2013 00:21

Getting the error messages again when trying to look at My Threads


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jan 2013 02:00


No-one has 10,000 threads ................................

but several of us, if no many, do have 10,000 or more threads on which we have posted over the years, and each thread is maintained in My Threads so we can check back.

One of the other silly little problems is that we seemingly cannot remove all of our posts from a thread, and have that thread disappear from My Threads.

so, basically, we cannot reduce the number of threads "kept" in My Threads.

It is easy to post on that many threads when you are a regular helper, and have been for many years.



Joy Report 17 Jan 2013 08:52

As Sylvia said.

Also as Inspector Green Pen said - "
Keeping your PC and browser up to date and cache and cookies etc cleared out is always good practice but in this instance the error is coming from GR, servers which are timing out before the action is completed."

- so GR needs to sort out the servers.

Edited: In the last couple of days I have removed some threads that I started. However, the following remains the same:


InspectorGreenPen Report 17 Jan 2013 10:06

I think it is fair to say that GR have made some efforts to sort this out since the problem first started to appear over a year ago, however the fact remains that it is still happening, albeit less frequently.

Joy, with over 24k threads to her name, Sylvia with over 28k and GB with over 29k must be some of the worst affected, and the same sort of problems will apply to members with large trees too. Around 13k of entries seemed to be the trigger point last time we checked it with other members but it might have improved a bit since then.

I can't say for sure but it is probably only affecting a relatively small percentage of users, which places GR in somewhat of a dilemma. Do they spend money and resources for the benefit of the minority, or are they content to live with it as it is and put up with the subsequent complaints.

Sadly it is those who are the most long standing and active members on the site who are affected and are most likely to express their annoyance, so I can't see this one going away.


GlitterBaby Report 17 Jan 2013 13:54

"long standing and active members"

Yes we are probably worst affected but it is us that help out most on the boards so the My Threads facility is more important to us.


Joy Report 17 Jan 2013 19:02

Indeed, Inspector Green Pen and GB.

Perhaps the minority will become fewer and fewer.

Edited: since having posted on a few more threads, the number of posts has reduced to 24,809. (So it seems one has to delete a few then add a few and then the number will reduce.)


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jan 2013 19:45

more and more of the "long standing and active members" are actually losing patience ................... and are leaving GR when their subscriptions become due.

I certainly post on here far less frequently than I once did ........................ there are not as many members asking for help, and the problems are finally beginning to get to even me.

It might be interesting some day to count the number of names you no longer see posting on GR


PeeEmm Report 17 Jan 2013 22:10

Hello %3B-%29

Joy Kentish Maid

I would just like to thank you all for helping me to understand how you are giving other members the benefit of your collective experience.
I would imagine that many - if not the majority - of the members that you help are totally unaware of your status (volunteers)
So I will say "thank you" for the help you have given and will probably continue to give in the future.
I have not used the Boards very often as I like to DIY and have collected most of my 'tree' content via Census Returns etc and through GR contacts who have been very generous by allowing me to 'share' their trees so that I now have quite a large extended tree and a lot more 'cousins' than I ever imagined was possible.
(I now have the voice of Bob the Builder in my tree!!!!)

Please keep up the good work - it is appreciated.

PeeEmm %26lt%3B3


GlitterBaby Report 5 Feb 2013 13:26

My Threads is producing error messages for the second day running


GlitterBaby Report 15 Apr 2013 14:24

More members than ever are having problems with error messages and other problems.

One member can not access sent messages. I still can not delete any messages.

Error messages seem to be back big style.

So are the Team working currently to fix any of these problems.


Sally Report 15 Apr 2013 22:43

I too am having error problems %3A-%5C

sally w


Joy Report 18 Apr 2013 12:46

Still error messages 18 months later.


Gee Report 19 Apr 2013 18:08

Computer says noooooo

Again %3A-%28 %3A-%7C %3A-P


Joy Report 21 Apr 2013 19:04

Not acceptable; error message again and again when attempting to post on a thread. (Using chrome.)


Joy Report 2 May 2013 19:04

Still :(
Mainly on sent messages.


Lesley Report 3 May 2013 17:49

I was the same all I got was 'oops web page can't be found' then when I did get on to reply to a message, it kept kicking me off %3A-%7C


GenealogyResearchAssistance Report 3 May 2013 19:28

I've been back a couple of days now and one of the problems I keep encountering is an error message when I press submit. It's not on all posts but quite a high proportion. When I press back and my threads my post appears on the thread

Also when I post and it does work the screen move up, very strange.


Elizabeth2469049 Report 9 May 2013 23:14

I gather the error messages are often caused by the huge size of the thread content. I know you can't cut down out the trees! but I am caught out by this mostly on the games and quiz threads, in particular the word game which has when I last looked 23,281 entries and the 5-letter scramble which has 8629. I can't think that any of the participants would mind in the least if you cut out huge chunks of the back entries - say leave it only with 500 or so of the recent entries!

And I think the mass of entries dating back for years for all our My Threads must take up a vast amount of unnecessary space.