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ERRORS .............. Monday and always

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RolloTheRed Report 11 Apr 2012 11:22

From far to the south of Dundee.

Last night some urban cowboy demolished our phone / broadband cabinet and now broadband is out until later today ... I plugged in the USB WiFi key which we use for such emergencies. It gives about 2MB download and works well enough for web and email.

After getting on with some work decided to try GRU.
Attempt #1 got the purple connection error.
Attempt #2 worked ok and the site works normally, inc old tree view.

So whatever the site problems lack of bandwidth, time lag / data speed with connection over cellphone does not seem to be one of them.

have a break have a kitkat %3B-%29


LadyScozz Report 11 Apr 2012 10:34

Getting on here........ 3 minutes ago......

typed www.genes etc

Error Message

I didn't bother clicking on the GR Logo, that just gets another Error Message

Clicked on Refresh.......... I'm in!

How long with this last? %3A-%7C


Kense Report 11 Apr 2012 08:09

Yes GR was wrong about the weather being awful. As we are experiencing near drought conditions it was nice to see a useful bit of rain.

Also I experienced errors at about 0725 BST when I don't think many of the UK population were using the site.


LadyScozz Report 11 Apr 2012 01:01

errrrrrrrrrrr -

" Yesterday the site was particularly busy (we're guessing because of the awful bank holiday weather!) and this caused a large amount of timeout errors. Unfortunately the people who use the site the most are the people effected the worst. "

The weather where I live was beautiful yesterday.

Wake up GR - many of us don't live in the UK

By the way......... I've had THREE EMs and I've been here five minutes.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Apr 2012 21:04

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Renes Report 10 Apr 2012 20:02

I have just ad block --- and never ever see an add on GRU

see a few on Findmypast but after blocking a couple they all disappear

............seems like it is people like you, wif all those posts , that is causing my h·errors now please restrict yourself to only one post a day ........better make that the breakfast --- for Dea Dearests bones !!!
%3A-D %3A-D


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Apr 2012 19:05


I have AdBlock permanently on ....... and as a result the only ads I see are for GR or FR, and then only 3 in 2 bands across the top (games at FR, FR and FR Dating), and 1 across the bottom (FR games).

None of them move or are animated :)))



RolloTheRed Report 10 Apr 2012 18:15

They will never ever get Micro$oft IIS 7.5 and SQL server to scale in a public web environment without spending shed loads of money. It is not even very easy in a closed or corporate environment where Oracle is doing the heavy lifting - ask the NHS.

Unless GRU wants to go bust I suggest that they shift the system onto something that works i.e. Apache / linux. Easier to run their toolbox as well %3A-%29


RolloTheRed Report 10 Apr 2012 18:05

I just switched off all the advertising stuff, using Google opt out, AdBlock and even the local router if needed. Result perfect peace and nary an error. Your advertising experience may vary.

Interestingly over the holiday GRU was displaying a little purple box for each failed ad link with a line through it. A couple I had missed had no line. Now hols are over the little purple boxes have gone again. Coincidence maybe.

I don't especially mind ads, they are part of our urban landscape and nobody refuses to use the Underground 'cos of non-stop ads. OTOH they don't slow the Underground down or stop your Oyster card working.

Recently I saw a prototype car sat nav system which actually had in motion ads .... take the next off ramp for a 50% discount on steaks at Ruth's. I wonder what GRU could come up with ? You are nearing Highgate Cemetry, a cool place for visiting yr older rellies. Buy some flowers at ...

Mind the gap.

This ad may self destruct.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Apr 2012 17:22

I can't be bothered posting on every single Error thread on hear, but here is the notice posted at 5:03 pm by GR on Announcements board .........

Text ...............

Hi everyone, as you know, we have been experiencing on going issues with the site performance.

The errors are occurring for a number of reasons, sometimes it will be an old link you have stored, sometimes it will be browser related, but mostly it is down to the size that our database has grown to. We now have millions of names and trees stored within our database and thousands of calls are made to this database every minute of the day. Each time a person does a search or adds a thread a call is made to our database. Our database is struggling to cope with the sheer amount of data we now have and this is causing timeout errors which show to you as an error message.

Yesterday the site was particularly busy (we're guessing because of the awful bank holiday weather!) and this caused a large amount of timeout errors. Unfortunately the people who use the site the most are the people effected the worst.

We now have a new resource within the brightsolid team who has come on board to help us update the database so that it can cope with the amount of data we have and fix these errors once and for all. This will not be a quick process, so once again we have to ask for your patience. We will do all we can in the meantime to keep the site running as smoothly as possible. We will also keep you up to date with progress on this project.

The Genes Team