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Suggestions: TREE

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Colkitto Report 26 Aug 2012 16:43

Why so few boxes for details when first adding a new person? To enter place of birth I have to go to the horrid slidey out panel ( I blame Apple Corp for this style over function nonsense). Then I have to save this & then if I want to enter a baptism I can do this but I have save at least 3 times before it works. Does anyone else have to save each time they enter any small detail?

The find existing relations still doesn't work, I informed GR properly & the response was that they have fixed my tree.... missing the point surely.

I agree with previous posts the '70's lady icon is really naff.

Being allowed to have more than one tree, on one subscription.

With all that blank grey space at the bottom of the main tree page, I would like the option to display more than 3 generations at a time.

Couldn't there just be 26 pages (one for each letter of the alphabet) for the trees shared with me list?

My main issue is that this is where I keep my main tree with all it notes, but I just don't trust GR anymore, I'm worried there might be a catastrophic failure of the whole thing, so I'm transferring it a bit at a time to another site. It's all backed up etc but I feel happier knowing it's on the internet as well.


S80DP Report 26 Aug 2012 12:22

Either bring back the old tree or the old tree option. You might keep some paying customers.


Ian Report 26 Aug 2012 00:49

I reported all my concerns weeks ago direct to GR, I have just come back off holiday to find nothing has changed, except I cant open my using Mozilla Firefox.

I can open open it using Internet explorer but still get the stark white background that is really hard on the eyes. I am not the only one having this problem. When the new tree was introduced the back ground was ok so why can we not go back to that?


Suzanne Report 25 Aug 2012 22:08

i wont be renewing my membership.......after almost 7 years. I cant get my head around this new tree, it looks amatuerish and is difficult to navigate and add/amend/delete option to continue to use the old tree would be good.

does GR ever look at these comments? is so, what are they doing about the comments listed?


Kense Report 25 Aug 2012 20:05

I would like to see the displayed box for Source enlarged. I know you can put more in it but it might as well be the same width as the Notes box.

PS Don't think of reverting to that old tree with the dreadful colour scheme, inadequate space for birth and death dates, irritating search facility and that required constant scrolling when navigating through it.


Joanna Report 25 Aug 2012 18:59

Please please please go back to the old tree.I do not want to go elsewhere.
It really is irritatingly slow.


Porkie_Pie Report 25 Aug 2012 17:22

Colin, pages should not take more than 2/3 seconds to load,

Their are several reasons this can happen but more often than not it relates to your cache, this is the part of your browser that remembers previous pages you have used and is supposed to speed up the time it takes to open a page that you have viewed before but if that page has altered in any way your cache may not recognize the page and so their would be a conflict between what your browser was expecting to open and the page your actually trying to open

some PC maintenance should resolve the problem

clearing your cache, delete temp Internet files, history and cookies,

may help but you can also go on to run disc clean up and defrag but try clearing your cache first,

How to clearing your cache would depend on what browser your using,

If you want further help PM me as this thread is not for help and i will delete my post later

also see my post on this thread



KIMM Report 25 Aug 2012 17:13

Something needs to be done, fixed or whatever.
I liked the old tree, i used to sign in every day, now i don't, the new tree doesn't work for me it doesn't store the data i attach to it or do much else for that matter.
I can read the boards without signing in, I would only be paying subs to post on the boards which i don't very often.It was more easier to show my kids the tree with photos and info directly showing now you can't keep anyones attention with the sliders and time it takes to show up info etc.
So I am using another site, one I can update my family tree on my pc with for nothing and plenty more for free that isn't here.


Colin Report 25 Aug 2012 16:33

Biggest and perhaps the hardest task is to restore customer faith in your ability to safely hold data on their behalf.

While I hate the overall look of the revamp my biggest bugbear is the total waste of screen space caused by the change of displaying data in a verticle format rather than the previous horizontal format. You end up scrolling down to display data while looking at vast areas of blank screen.

With large families the data display needlessly covers family members.

Plus why is now so slow to load data.


RolloTheRed Report 25 Aug 2012 16:20

Suggest that people stop banging on about the old tree view which is not going to come back and focus on the tree view that is currently in place and what can be done to improve it.

Given that at least some people on this site will have encountered UKGov in one of its many hydra headed on line incarnations it is a bit rich to accuse Gru of being difficult to use.



ErikaH Report 25 Aug 2012 09:58

A return to the old tree.

With the old tree, one could select a family member and have all of his/her relevant data, plus photo - if attached - immediately accessible on one page.

With the awful new format, this cannot be achieved.

You supposedly canvassed opinions about the new tree before imposing it on us. If you read the feedback, you certainly took absolutely no notice of it.


Roger Report 24 Aug 2012 23:06

Well on the old tree we could scroll down a com[plete list of all other trees we had permission to see - not any more, there are on 5 pages for me, but I cannot see the bottom of the list without zooming to 75%, well I have poor eyesight and like to see everything 100% like I could on old tree.

So come on think of you customers not yourselfs for a change.

So let us have the option for using old or new tree again.


Malcolm Report 24 Aug 2012 18:55

I agree with Andysmum & Catherine-With the old tree I could look at the record of say my great-grandmother (1858-1939) and see all her life details and a photo of her in her fifties-a complete picture of a real human being all on the same screen. The new tree presents me with a strange avatar of female with some wierd 1970s hairstyle that is supposed to represent her and I can only see her properly if I then open up the side box and click on her photo. Is there no way to get rid of them, how can they represent a real person? I would much rather there were no avatars at all when I open the tree.


CupCakes Report 24 Aug 2012 18:10

Would like to be able to click on any photo or image/document I have downloaded so there is a enlarged readable image. To also be available for those whose trees are shared with me & visa versa.

Would like to be able to copy any photo or image/document from trees I share or they with me.

Would like to be able to add all the info about a person in one go and save.

Would like more optional fields for burials, wills probate, travel, immgation, emigration

Would like to be able to copy members from my own tree - facility available with the old tree. Good for when there are mistakes in ones tree which have to be corrected.

Cousins marrying cousins. Siblings marrying siblings. Sibling marrying the same partner after one dies.Siblings marrying step siblings :-)


Cynthia Report 24 Aug 2012 17:47

Whilst I am generally happy with the new tree, I would like to be able to delete the many trees I have access to - mostly from people whom I have helped.

I can delete the names from my Contacts list but the tree remains.



Catherine Report 24 Aug 2012 15:54

I would like for when I select a person on my tree that I can see his (her) info in ONE go - i.e. not having to slide open a panel on the right side of the screen and then scroll UP and/or DOWN.
I know the info changes if you click and select different persons but nonetheless you still have to scroll up or down.
I say (and ask) this because my memory is not what it used to be and so with all the to-ing and fro-ing...
Thank you.


Catherine Report 24 Aug 2012 15:45

I would like the box for each person on the tree to indicate GENDER by COLOUR (e.g. a BLUE box for Boys and a PINK box for Girls) so losing those cute little heads - there would be more room in the box then to indicate if a photo is available and even have the whole name on one line.
Thank you.


Porkie_Pie Report 24 Aug 2012 15:18

Could GR make it a priority for the tree to work in all modern browsers without having to switch between normal and compatibility view

I think this is the main issue causing the most problems for members at the moment

Most members don't even no what compatibility view is let alone how to switch compatibility on or off



Andysmum Report 24 Aug 2012 14:29

I agree with a lot of the above, but my particular dislike is the sliding panel. Please bring back the old lay-out where all information about a person was on one page.


Porkie_Pie Report 24 Aug 2012 14:00

I would like to be able to view my photo's in a larger panel? The thumbnail photo's are far too small

Could GR add a hyperlink to an enlarged or full size photo
