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All threads on "Suggestions" board
This board is for you to add your suggestions for changes you would like to see made to Genes Reunited. We will be unable to respond to each post individually, but we will be checking the suggestions regularly and taking your suggestions on board.
Icon | Topic | Posted by | Last Post | Views | Replies |
find living relatives | jansmith | 13 May 2011 10:07 PM by jax |
47 | 3 | |
would it be possible to add something like a tick ... | |||||
CMT: Living relatives board | jax | 13 May 2011 05:38 PM by JaneyCanuck |
220 | 68 | |
Is living relatives board serving its purpose ... | |||||
ENH: Highlight viewed records | Carole | 13 May 2011 05:04 PM by Joeva |
50 | 5 | |
Add indicator to show if record has been viewed ... | |||||
ENH: New posts icon | pittsy | 13 May 2011 06:37 AM by TootyFruity |
53 | 4 | |
Reinstate new posts icon since last viewed ... | |||||
contacts | ♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ | 12 May 2011 08:51 PM by ♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ |
76 | 5 | |
One of the suggestions I made to GR (on a couple o ... | |||||
I think | KempinaThermalhat | 12 May 2011 11:50 AM by InspectorGreenPen |
57 | 7 | |
you should get our drop down menus working properl ... | |||||
what has happened to the posting instructions?? | JaneyCanuck | 11 May 2011 05:17 PM by JaneyCanuck |
131 | 12 | |
Because I seldom start a thread on what is now Fin ... | |||||
Emoticons | Kathleen Bell | 11 May 2011 03:51 PM by Dea |
68 | 3 | |
Could we please have an option to turn off Emotico ... | |||||
ENH: Tips/Order of Boards | Perchino | 11 May 2011 03:51 PM by ♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ |
335 | 49 | |
Highlight Tips, Change order of boards on menu ... | |||||
ENH: Search boards by surname | Trixie2 | 10 May 2011 05:41 PM by Trixie2 |
178 | 8 | |
Reinstate search boards by surnames in tree ... | |||||
Banned Members. | *** Mummo *** | 8 May 2011 10:32 PM by JaneyCanuck |
341 | 14 | |
Now we have a * new look * GR why not let all the ... | |||||
ENH: Remove viewed count | Dea | 8 May 2011 10:00 PM by TootyFruity |
130 | 15 | |
Remove column in summary to give more space ... | |||||
ENH: New Lookup Offers board | Dea | 8 May 2011 09:06 PM by JaneyCanuck |
145 | 9 | |
Create new board for advertising lookup offers ... | |||||
ENH: Member not responding, show active indicator | Dorothy | 8 May 2011 07:15 PM by SylviaInCanada |
100 | 3 | |
Show last activity date or status of member ... | |||||
ENH: Add profile photo description | Cynthia | 8 May 2011 04:48 PM by FRANK06 |
143 | 12 | |
Add field to allow description of profile photo ... | |||||
Search results | David | 6 May 2011 03:17 PM by David |
70 | 0 | |
Suddenly over the past week or so you seem to have ... | |||||
Trying To Find thread | June | 5 May 2011 10:35 PM by Elizabeth2469049 |
152 | 2 | |
What has happened to "Trying To Find" ...seems thi ... | |||||
BUG: Cannot change profile photo | Chris in Sussex | 5 May 2011 05:46 PM by Lady Cutie |
106 | 2 | |
Unable to change profile photo ... | |||||
ENH: Add more instructions | Glitter Baby | 5 May 2011 01:57 PM by RamblingRose |
193 | 2 | |
Add clear instructions on how to do stuff ... |