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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Aug 2009 14:10

You would be most welcome to move to Kent Ann. Erm when you coming,I am moving soon. lol
Hello Sue.
Good to hear that Luke is recovering,slowly but surely. I normally like to watch things like the rat catcher,but having one them there b--g-rs in the house,makes my skin crawl.
Well the rat man came,and yes it is a rat. He said the dropping was to big for a mouse. Mind you I suppose a mouse could have stored it all up ,and just deposited it in my house.
He has put poison down,behind the dish washer and fridge. There were more droppings behind there. But he does not know howthe swine got in. The only thing he could think of was,that it had just walked in through the patio doors.
I tell you what,it doesn't pay rent,so it's not welcome.
The man said he will be back next week. So if the flipping thing dies,we are really going to smell it.
It's a good job I can laugh about it. I think I have got the cleanest hands
in the kingdom,They have been in so much bleach the last two days,they are beggining to shrivel up. lol
The dishwasher is feeling the strain,of all the things it's had to wash.
And the washing machine,is on a go slow,poor things.
I think I ought to go up to Jeans,for a few days,until the rat vacates the property. lol
Speak to you later,when I come back from town.


JustJean Report 28 Aug 2009 15:52

Mo, you would not like it here, we have rats as big as tigers without the sripes of would have been most welcome.....

love Jean xx


Deborah Report 28 Aug 2009 20:12

Good Evening to everyone on here, I hope that you are all well. Happy Anniversary to Ann & Sallie (not together, you understand:-)).

Mo, let's hope the rat decides to eat poison and travel outside to lay his head. The smell could be quite bad if the weather is warm your way. At least you know he will have been caught. We have mice in our house on a regular basis. We do try to catch them, but they get into the tiniest of spaces. They come in under the floorboards and like the central heating pipes in the winter. We haven't had too many to sort out this year - yet.

All well here at the moment. Thank you for asking about my Dad. He is still waiting for results on all the tests they carried out in Hospital. He went home on Weds, much to mums delight. They think he may have built up some "odd" antibodies in his blood, which are actually attacking it. The blood and bone marrow samples have been sent to London, so we will probably have to wait a little while longer for the results to come through.

It is Mum & Dads Golden Wedding tomorrow. We are blessed that they have reached such a milestone in their lives, and will all pop up to visit them at some point during the day. They find it hard to cope with the noise of all the Grandchildren in one go, so we will stagger our visits. Then on Sunday we have the BBQ Lunch arranged at the local hotel. The weather forecast is good for the weekend, so that is pleasing.

Huia, I really wish we could all send you a huge Hug through cyberspace, as you certainly sound as if you could do with one occasionally. I wish you and Phil all the best during this oh so difficult time. At least you have your choir that you can go to and concentrate on something different. Sorry Ladies, my voice is only suitable for the Bathroom audience. My Mum does a lot of singing and is in the Festival Choir here. She and Dad both have lovely voices and we often catch them singing a duet together, which is great to hear.

Anyway, gotta go. The children won't go to bed until I have been to tuck them in. I probably won't be back on here now til after the weekend, so here's wishing you all a lovely Bank Holiday weekend, I hope the sun shines for you.


AnninGlos Report 28 Aug 2009 21:05

Debbie thank you for the good wishes - Sallie & I together Lol Lol!!!!

I hope your parents have a wonderful wedding anniversary and that they enjoy seeing all their family and then sharing in the Sunday lunch with you all.



Sallie Report 28 Aug 2009 21:49

Hello Girls,

First of all thank you all for your good wishes for our anniversary. Alun was working this morning, so we only went to Derby, but we had a nice couple of hours there.

Mo, good to see that the rat catcher has been and laid the poison. I was thinking like Debbie, lets hope that the rat goes outside to die. I've been thinking about both you and Roly throughout the day, and hoping that it won't be long before you lose your unwelcome guest.

Sue, pleased to hear that Luke is getting better day by day. Bless him, it must be uncomfortable having to keep his arm straight up, but as long as the bone sets properly, it will be worth the discomfort .

Huia, how are you today? I hope you are feeling better and are starting to get into a routine sleeping pattern again.
How on earth did you manage not to scream out loud when you seen the rat on Phil while he was sleeping. I'm sure that if I had seen one on Alun I would have gone hysterical and probably woke the whole neighbourhood

Debbie, good to hear that your Dad is home. It must be lovely listening to your Mum and Dad sing together. Have any of their grandchildren inherited their lovely singing voices?
Please wish them a Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary from me, for tomorrow.

Jean, I hope your legs are feeling better and are not so painful. Have you done anymore scrap pages? I'm still getting on slowly with the scrap book that I'm doing. I bought a few more things that I needed while we were in Derby today, so can get on a bit more now.

Not sure how much time I'll have though, as Richard and Christie are coming up tomorrow evening until Sunday evening, just a flying visit this time. Alun and Michael (son-in-law)are going to change the points and leads on his car. I'm afraid Richard doesn't know one part of a car from another, so Michael offered to do them for him and Alun volunteered to help. So that's our weekend taken care of!

Thinking about Marie, Grace, Ann, Liz and Marilyn. Hope you are all okay!

Hope everyone will enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and that the rain will keep away for us all.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 28 Aug 2009 21:59

Ann, just seen your reply to Debbie, it made me chuckle.

Hope you have had a good day and managed to get some of the garden done. The weather hasn't been very nice here today either, showery, windy
and a bit chilly.

Love, Sallie.x

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 29 Aug 2009 03:41

Hi all.

can't bear to think of those rats, I had one visit a storage area I was renting, I hadn't realised it was so rotten and it ate it's way in and chewed some papers and stuff and left droppings. My doctor and I checked on line and found that once their urine has dried it can't pass on Weil's disease, but like you I wiped everything with bleach wipes and still felt unclean. i hatge the things. The storage area I had to vacate so the owner could have it demolished as he hadn't realised how bad it was either, I was really peeved as I had hoped to use it as a sorting area for all my things and get more organised. All my plans for this summer went out the window when that happened and he hasn't got back to me to say if it is available again, even if it is it will be too cold and dark soon to do much there so I won't bother renting it again, will have to find some other way to sort out my things.

I am still busy trying to find holiday accommodation for three weeks today so forgive me if I owe emails and such, my head is spinning!

take care, enjoy the weekend

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Aug 2009 19:13

Hi everyone.
Liz,Broadstairs is lovely and quaint. Theres not a lot going on at Whitstable,but Herne Bay has a lovely prom,and bandstand. Out of the three,I prefer Broadstairs. And as someone said on your thread,do not bother to go to Margate,it's a dead and alive hole now. Most of the shops have been closed down. And dreamland has also been shut for a few years now,so theres nothing left on the front.
But if you are down this way ,you could always go into Canterbury,and visit the Cathedral and the shops are great there. It's not far from all the places
you have mentioned.
How are you Huia. Is Phil o.k?
Sallie,I hope you are having a great time with your family around you.
Just to update you. The rat came back again last night,it knocked my table lamp over.
It has eaten some of the poison bait, that was put down by the rat man.
So hopefully it will do what it's supposed to do,and kill it off.
The blooming thing left a load of droppings behind my chair. So when we are sure it's not going to return,we will have all the carpets downstairs steam cleaned. yuk it's an awful feeling when you wake up,and look around and find the droppings.
I have had to buy another two bottles of bleach today,cant stand the thought of that creature climbing all over my home.
A big hello to Jean,Marie,Debbie,Ann,Debbie,Sue,Grace and all our friends if I have forgotten your name please forgive me.
Have a lovely weekend,I will pop in tommorrow.
Take care one and all. Love Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 29 Aug 2009 20:35

Hi Everyone,

Again is just a short one as I cannot think of anything to say like you lot of

Sallie happy anniversary for yesterday ,I 'm sure you and hubby had a great day.

Getting worried about Mo's little friend RAT ...I think he likes Mo's house, and Mo I think you'll will miss him when he passes away LOL

Got lots of connections on Hot matches yesterday...long lost cousins of my be met later next week. should be interesting, wonder what they will be able to tell me, hope they know more about my Irish lot than I do.

Hello Jean. not forgotten you .

Back to my tree........ !

Marilyn xx to everyone..


AnninGlos Report 29 Aug 2009 20:40

Well, we have worked hard in the garden so far this weekend. Yesterday we pollarded the tree that was reaching for the sky ( A twisted hazel I think) Took that lot to the tip as our brown bin was full. Today we completely cleared a bed that was mostly full of cranesbill out of control, moved a couple of other plants as well so we had a completely empty bed except for a hardy fuchsia. We then we to a couple of garden centres, where they didn't have what we wanted. went on to B&Q and they did. Got membrane gravel and log roll edging. That was this morning. After lunch we put round the log roll, laid the membrane then put down the 4 bags of gravel we had. have to get another three bags of gravel tomorrow as we didn't dare put too many in the car which is quite low slung!! all in all this bed will cost about £60.00. Still it will be worth it as it will be very labour saving, the cranesbill (hardy geraniums) took a lot of cutting back every month or so, they are thugs!!)


JustJean Report 29 Aug 2009 22:28

Ann, must be catching all this sorting out... thank you for the photos I love the steps what a lovely place, they are all brilliant.... I am getting itchy fingers just wanting to start doing some snapping , must try harder.... like the polo top too......

Love Jean xx Hi, Marilyn and everyone xxx


MrDaff Report 30 Aug 2009 09:58

Hello everyone... just popped on to see how Ann had got on in her garden! You have worked hard, Ann... wanna start on mine, now? lolol I bet you and T are sore today!! We had visitors, so didn't really get started.... never mind, there is always today.

~~~~~~~~ to everyone


Daff xxxxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Aug 2009 12:24

Back is a bit sore but otherwise not too bad. Got the rest of the gravel now so hope to get it down after lunch.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Aug 2009 12:40

Welcome Daff,good to see you.
Ann is such a busy person,I bet she's out in her garden again,theres always so much to do out there. If not she will be doing her scrapping.
How's you Daff,I hope you are still on the up.?
Jean,what you on about snapping,from what I heard,you are good at doing it. lol.
Hows you my love. I hope you are both enjoying a nice relaxing weekend,and not doing to much back breaking gardening. Don't overdo it.
Our furry friend is still about,but I think he may have invited some of his friends around as well.
We discovered a patch of carpet scratched up,this morning,right by the patio doors. There was a small hole,but it did not go through to the outside. That has now been filled in again. We have searched high and low for this pest,and can't find it.
More of the poison had been eaten. All I can say is,it cant be strong enough,so when the man comes again on Thursday,he can put something stronger down,hopefully.
But we have to be so careful,because of our cat. She was having a good sniff around again ,this morning,but I think if she saw it,she would probably die of shock. She's an old lady now.
I am fed up of clearing up the droppings,and bleaching every where.
Still enough of my moaning.
We have another beautiful day here in Kent,and I am now sitting around relaxing.
I will pop back later,and see how you all are.
Love to all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 30 Aug 2009 12:59

Hello, folks, you are going the right way for a smack,Mo, I am a most placid peaceful person.. I am.... we havent got a garden as such , but we do have tubs and pots.....I miss my garden so share Anns and Daffs when she gets round to sending any snaps ( photos for Mo, who doesnt speak the photography jargon ) uhm......Sorry to hear about your new friend my neighbours have rats as pets, I have threatened them not to lose any of them !! could you take a snap for me Mo, I could put it in THE book....Hope you all are enjoying the sunshine whatever that is.....

love to all Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Aug 2009 13:03

Jean,if I could find the darn thing I would take you a snap. Hopefully the next time I see it,it will be lying flat on it's back DEAD. Not that I have seen it yet. It must be wearing an invisible cloak or something.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Aug 2009 20:19

Coooooeeee,girls,anyone around. It's sooo quiet,and I am bored,nothing much on t.v. The Lewis programme,is a repeat,and Roly insists on watching it again. Huh men.
Oh well,I will see you tommorrow. Night Night god bless. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Aug 2009 20:26

Hello people. The gravel was all put down by OH in drizzle this afternoon, then we (well he with me supervising) placed a couple of red pots containing grasses, a couple of pink rocks and a large red dragon on the gravel, it looks quite good, needs to mature a bit.

*story, when our youngest grandchild was about three she went down the end of our garden where the lower patio is and saw my large red japanese type dragon, backed away from it and said to her Mum " It's not a REAL lion"! This has become a family joke between OH and myself, so we moved the 'not a real lion' from the lower patio to the newly gravelled area this afternoon. We then moved a bird table to a better position and decided that was enough for today.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Aug 2009 20:31

It sounds like you have been really busy Ann. I bet you will sleep well tonight.


AnninGlos Report 30 Aug 2009 20:45

Hope it is better than I slept last night, I was so stiff that I woke up every time I moved!