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GR - Writing Group

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Rambling Report 21 Mar 2010 14:24

sorry just putting this here lol, I will lose it otherwise lol


Drinking copious cups of tea
My eyes begin to glaze
There really aren’t enough hours
In any of my days.
Teresa sets me homework
My writing skills to channel
And I hope it’s up to scratch
For the writers' 'judging panel'.
They’re very kind and friendly
And don’t interrogate
Not at all like horrid Daleks
Who scream “ex-terminate“.
The words come pouring from me
Like a mountain waterfall
I don’t have time to write them
Fast enough to catch them all.
But I’m happy with my writing
To my talent its more fitted
than pictures I embroidered
Or the jumper that I knitted.
I like my gardening just as much
Though not when raindrops drizzle
I go out there when writing makes
My brain begin to sizzle.
Now more will have to wait
Until the penny finally drops
So while inspiration falters
I’ll go down to the shops.
In summer I shall sit and write
In a garden full of flowers.
Underneath a large pink parasol
I’ll while away the hours.
Thinking up my stories
As I sit and get a tan
In a pair of shorts and flip flops
Drinking lager from a can.



TeresaW Report 21 Mar 2010 14:46

Brilliant Rose, well done, that made me smile.


AnninGlos Report 21 Mar 2010 14:49

Rose, that is great and I don't think I'll bother now Lol!!


MrDaff Report 21 Mar 2010 15:07

Mmmmmmm!! Rose, that was brilliant, and so quick!

*rips up own bumbling attempt*

lolol.... seriously, it made me howl with laughter!!


Daff xxxx

ps ~~~~~~~~ to Lynda xxx


Jane Report 21 Mar 2010 15:15

As much as have and am enjoying all your pieces ,I just don't have the time to read all and comment .So please .Pretty Please Teresa let me go lol.Maybe in the not so distant future I will rejoin.And don't give me a hard time at the Meet !!!!!!


ButtercupFields Report 21 Mar 2010 15:22

Awww Jane, of course you can go, although we will be sorry to see you leave. Teresa will be ok, as she is not a bit BC XX


Jane Report 21 Mar 2010 15:25

Thanks BC .I feel bad about it but think I need to bow out .'Sobs'
Just too much going on here at the moment .


TeresaW Report 21 Mar 2010 15:26

Jane, please dont' worry. The door is always open when you feel ready to re-join us again.

I won't hold you captive any longer lol.

We'll miss you though %3A-%28


Jane Report 21 Mar 2010 15:36

Thanks Teresa.Am I free from my chains now ??? lolol.I'm really sorry.There are a lot of talented peeps here.Long may it continue.


AnninGlos Report 21 Mar 2010 15:46

Jane I have deleted you off the email list. Come back when you can though.

Teresa, I assume this latest set piece is for sending out next Thursday?? Are we still sticking to that?


TeresaW Report 21 Mar 2010 16:32

Thursday or Sunday Ann, whenever you've written it, put it away, got it out again, re-read and edited lol


Susan Report 21 Mar 2010 17:15

Somebody has got to be dim on here so i'm nominating myself. :)

Question i've got the list of everybody now and i just email my work to everybody on the list? Do you all want to receive it????? You may change your mind :)

Thank you for the work i have reeived so far, you are all SO talented!



Rambling Report 21 Mar 2010 17:38

yes please Lynda, you just send it to everyone on the list and we will read :))


AnninGlos Report 21 Mar 2010 17:50

It is not a dim question Lynda. we have probably all asked it at some stage we are just a little bit ahead of you Lol!!

Are you happy to receive gentle criticism?


TeresaW Report 21 Mar 2010 17:54

Don't forget to put the work in the body of the email, and not as an attachment Lynda.


Susan Report 21 Mar 2010 18:18

Ann in glos - Would really welcome it, often others can see blatant mistakes that you just can't see yourself.

TeresaW - I have remembered :))



AnninGlos Report 21 Mar 2010 18:22

does anyone else feel that the hardest part of this is giving and taking criticism?

I know I am not particularly thick skinned and I like criticism when a solution is suggested (TW you should have been a teacher you have the knack). And nobody has said they don't like something I have written but I do sometimes find it hard to have my 'babies' criticized.
I think we all need to remember that when we offer a critique, we end up with saying something nice. at least that was how I was taught. That way the bad part gets overtaken by the good and doesn't rankle so much. This is just general by the way, nobody in particular, and it is to remind me as well.


Rambling Report 21 Mar 2010 18:38

I can take it Ann, even though they are my babies... but I do find it terribly hard giving it, unless it is simple like the mis-spelling of a word :)

I got used to 'constructive critiicism' at college, because it was always said , as here, for my benefit not out of malice :) but my instinct is just to say 'that was very nice' when applied to others lol



TeresaW Report 21 Mar 2010 18:41

Ann, I think criticism should be followed by suggestions as to how to correct it. It's all very well saying, this bit is wrong, but a suggestion to make it better should always follow. That's constructive criticism, and always useful, because then we can be guided by it and learn from it.

I hope I can do that when I offer comments, and I'd hope others will do the same with me. I'm still learning too.


ButtercupFields Report 21 Mar 2010 18:53

Soooo, Rose, when you say to me...that is very are merely being ....nice? lol. Must admit that is one of my worries, that everyone is being too kind to me, and I really want constructive criticism. As I have said before, I just do not like the criticising part, I am not at all good at it and would by pass it if I could. But that wouldnt be fair, as we all need feedback.

well done Lynda and Daff for sending off their writings! BC XX