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Jimmy Savile.. Police pursue 120 lines of inquiry

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AnnCardiff Report 29 Nov 2012 21:52

money talks Rebekah!!!! saw a badge that read "Silence fixed it for Jim" and it sure did


PollyinBrum Report 30 Nov 2012 09:21

I actually feel physically sick when I read and hear about Jimmy Saville. My cousin worked for the NSPCC in late1970/80s. She told me several times that there were concerns about him abusing children, she also said that there had been reports regarding abuse by Cyril Smith. In both cases these concerns were never taken further, it seemed their status over ruled their offences.


~Lynda~ Report 6 Dec 2012 12:02

Just announced...... a man in his 60's from Surrey has been arrested under operation Yew tree.

I heard this morning of a woman who was abused 40 years ago, and because of the Jimmy Savile revelations, it has given her courage to take her abusers to court.

I imagine there will be many more people who will now be able to tell of there abuse,.


AnnCardiff Report 6 Dec 2012 12:38

that's the one good thing that has come out of this whole sorry story - victims are now empowered to come forward


JustJohn Report 6 Dec 2012 12:42

Just had a look at the OP. How things have moved on in 2 months. And Operation Yewtree does seem to be wheedling some of these utter *******s out %3A-%28


~Lynda~ Report 6 Dec 2012 13:18

The man arrested is Max Clifford, but although arrested by operation Yew Tree, he is not connected to the Jimmy Savile case, but arrested for sexual offences.


AnnCardiff Report 6 Dec 2012 13:19

what!!!!!!! %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S

unbelievable - who's he gonna get to represent him then


AnnCardiff Report 6 Dec 2012 13:21

Jimmy Savile: celebrities frightened of being implicated, says Max Clifford – video Video (2min 41sec), 27 Oct 2012: Publicist Max Clifford says he has been contacted by stars from the 1960s and 70s who say they are frightened of being implicated in the Jimmy Savile scandal


supercrutch Report 6 Dec 2012 13:26

Well, if you read back through this thread you will have my opnion of Max Clifford!

This arrest will be of interest to a number of my friends both GR and other.

No doubt he will be able to make money from this no matter what the basis for the arrest or outcome of the investigation.


supercrutch Report 7 Dec 2012 00:34

A snippet from a new reports but not taken out of context to the rest of the article.

A former BBC producer has revealed he quizzed Sir Jimmy Savile over spending the night with a 12-year-old girl.

Wilfred De’Ath told ITV news last night: “I know for a fact that he spent a night in a rather squalid hotel with a girl who was at the most 12 or probably 10 and I said to him ‘Jimmy you are living dangerously.

"Surely you must realise you’re living dangerously?’.

“All he said was - I’m sorry I can’t do a very good Jimmy Savile - was ‘oh no no no I’m much too valuable to the BBC for them to do anything to me.’

“He didn’t think anything could happen. And nothing did happen...that was the interesting thing.

"Nobody actually grassed on him in any way...well not in any formal way, although we all knew.”


~Lynda~ Report 11 Jan 2013 13:37

I didn't think I could be more shocked than I was when this whole sorry story came out about Savile, but just hearing that Savile had been up to no good , from the 1950's, to as recent as 2009, and he abused not only in care homes, hospitals and prisons, but also at a Hospice, how vile was this "man"?

I just hope this case makes so called "celebrities" cannot do as the please.

I also feel very angry that he is dead, I'd like to of seen him handcuffed, and in the back of a prison vehicle on his way to court %3A-D


'Emma' Report 11 Jan 2013 14:53

I was a psychiatric community nurse years ago and most
of my patients were sexually abused.
The big hurdle for them was that they could not challenge
their abusers because they had died.
Some got on with their lives and came to terms with that
as they felt they did not want to ruin the rest of their lives
by letting their abuser win.
Others could not find peace as they felt they needed to
face them and ask them why.
Like yourself they all wanted them to be charged with what
they had done.



AnnCardiff Report 11 Jan 2013 15:12

it's a dreadful thing for the victim and their immediate family and I speak from personal experience here - as a family we are reaching what is hopefully the end of a year long investigation - waiting for some more follow-ups from the police and then a decision from the CPS who are waiting for the latest info - the utter joy will be if the perpertrator ends up in court - he has already been thrown out by his family and his employer [a military organisation] - so his life is in tatters anyway, but that's not enough for me


JoyBoroAngel Report 11 Jan 2013 15:59

just goes to show anybody can be a child abuser
thank god i was careful who come in contact with my kids %3A-D


Kay???? Report 11 Jan 2013 16:35

It sickens me that the likes of this Wilfred De'ath come forward and state what they do,,,,,,,*he knew that man had spent a night alone with a 12 year old,*fgs,!.

and then I question-----------what was a 12 year old doing being allowed to stay out all night.!where did her parents think she was.?

I think a good stamp and blastpheme on his grave would make some feel better. %3A-P


AnnCardiff Report 11 Jan 2013 16:57

think his grave has been erased so to speak


GinN Report 11 Jan 2013 17:51

I just can't believe how he took so many people in. My daughter once wrote in, unsuccessfully, to Jim'll Fix It. As she said on Facebook "Im glad Jim did'nt fix it for me!"

May he rot in Hell!


JustJohn Report 11 Jan 2013 18:38

Just looked at OP. That was horrible enough, but the sorry saga has moved on so much since. Now hospices. And I am sure I read that he may have been working in hospital mortuaries on his own. Will say no more %3A-%28 %3A-%28 %3A-%28


Kay???? Report 11 Jan 2013 18:44

I hope those that *knew* or very much suspected what he may have been up to,,,,,,,,suffer sleepless nights, %3A-P


aivlyS Report 11 Jan 2013 18:44

Anyone that knows that a child is being abused or suspects it and does nothing about it is as bad as the abusers in my opinion .