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Tastey Thursday ;o)

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Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 08:34

Hiya all you lubbly people %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Day 63 of passing smiles forward %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Beautiful morning here in Liverpool %3A-D

If you are reading this why not pop in and say hello or give us a wave
we are a friendly bunch %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Mwoochios to all as always %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


PollyinBrum Report 1 Aug 2013 08:53

Good morning Mersey and Hello to everyone who pops in later. Last night we went for dinner to a new W******spoons. It is a renovated old cinema and has been very sympathetically restored. It was full, and the atmosphere was great. An elderly gentleman sat next to us, actually he almost joined us at our table. He was such a character and gave us a potted history of his life I could hardly eat my food for laughing at him. After a while other people came and joined us and the banter was great. He had such a sharp wit and had an answer for everything, it was such fun; and he just loved the attention bless him.

Today I will mainly be doing nothing as I have cleaned the house top to bottom (also completed all of the ironing) I will be having a manicure and pedicure later.

PS Just done 110 squats!


PricklyHolly Report 1 Aug 2013 08:57

Morning Motley Crew.

I am not one to moan about the hot weather but i do b'weave i is gonna frazzle today.

%3A-S %3A-S

It's gonna be a Bobby Dazzler!!

%3A-D %3A-D


Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 09:01

Good Morning to lubbly Paula.....pleased you had a good night last night does sound like my type of evening....having banter and squiffettes %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29....Your squats should be applauded %3A-D %3A-D CLAPPIYTY CLAP CLAP %3A-D

Good morning Prickles me ickle flower petal.....I do love a bobby dazzler %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29


PollyinBrum Report 1 Aug 2013 09:08

Prickles, it is really close, dull and murky here at the moment. I have all the windows back door and French doors open. I don't think weather has quite made it's mind up.

Stay cool!



Jeniwren Report 1 Aug 2013 09:18

Hi everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovely morning here, sunny and warm, feels like a day for sitting out doing nothing, 'oh. I wish'!!
First lot of washing out, lots more to do, how does one 3 year old make so much?
Sounds like you had a great night out Paula
Hope you all have a good day, take care and stay safe.

Mersey, love this thread, I read every day but don't always post.
%3A-%29 %3A-D %3A-%29 %3A-D %26lt%3B3


PricklyHolly Report 1 Aug 2013 09:31

I did one squat this morning and that was enough for me.

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 09:38

I haven't done my squats yet %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29

Hiya Jean ~~~~~~ have a wonderful day!! you pop in whenever your ready as always %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Dermot Report 1 Aug 2013 09:52

If I were a hammer, I'd look like Vincent Price. But I don't & I'm not.

Bang goes that theory!


Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 09:55

Dermot you get me everytime %3A-%29 %3B-%29


PricklyHolly Report 1 Aug 2013 10:15

I i were a hammer......

I'd hammer in the morning,
I'd hammer in the evening,
All over this land,
I'd hammer out danger,
I'd hammer out a warning,
I'd hammer out love between,
My brothers and my sisters,
All over this land.


Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 10:24

I may need your hammer later Prickles...can I borry it %3A-D %3A-D


'Emma' Report 1 Aug 2013 10:32

Morning Mersey and all,

Throwing it down here and foggy....of out to
get me eyes tested see ya later.

Have a great day in the sun ya all and remember to
slip, slap, slop %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Emma %3A-%29


GeordiePride Report 1 Aug 2013 10:46

Hiya Mersey and everyone,
It is an absolutely beautiful morning in the Northeast and I hope it stays that way.
Will be meeting my friend for lunch in Newcastle later today and I fancy one of my favourite meals - PeriPeri Chicken mmm!!! Catch you later.



GinN Report 1 Aug 2013 11:33

Hello, Mersey and everybody else!

It's a gorgeous hot day here - the return of the barbecue summer! %3A-D

Paula - we have also found a Weth******s not too far away, which has been converted from an old cinema - it's marvellous! We have a lovely old disused cinema in our local town, but the council refused to have it turned into a pub, the meanies! %3A-%7C

Enjoy your Peri Peri chicken, GP - you like your spicy stuff, don't you, you devil! %3A-D %3B-%29

Been shopping for barbecue food for tonight - bits of Errol for OH, and a fillet steak for me! %3A-D %3A-D


GeordiePride Report 1 Aug 2013 11:50

GinN - You are quite right - I just love anything that excites my taste buds. %3A-D %3B-%29



Dermot Report 1 Aug 2013 11:50

The bus driver was grumbling this morning at being offered a £20 note at his first stop for a £2.50 fare by the passenger in front of me.

His sour face was miraculously altered to a smile as I handed him my exact fare in small change. I became his favourite passenger & was waved off later with a 'have a good day'.


GinN Report 1 Aug 2013 11:53

They like it even better when you have a bus pass, Dermot! %3A-D


Dermot Report 1 Aug 2013 12:01

GeordieinNorfolk - steady on!


Mersey Report 1 Aug 2013 12:55

Hiyaaaaa Emms, GeordieN and GeordieP %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

GeordieN I think you almost made Dermot smile...... %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29