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Lost emoticons

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SylviaInCanada Report 5 Oct 2013 22:57

I still have mine

I use Mozilla Firefox

Computer was bought in 2003

%3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-S


Renes Report 5 Oct 2013 23:13


Have mine also ...both on old lappie ...bought in Spain a good while ago

and on my Ipad %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

GB ...... can you still not get on the other side ...we miss you ... %26lt%3B3


LadyScozz Report 6 Oct 2013 00:00

I believe Micr*s*ft aimed the Windows 8 at businesses.......... the rest of us don't seem to matter. I also think they shot themselves in the foot!

John ~ I should have more raspberries than Sainsbury's........ my family used to own orchards in Scotland, they grew most fruit including raspberries.

>>>>>> insert smiley watermelon here <<<<<<


GlitterBaby Report 6 Oct 2013 00:42

Hi Renes

Sorry my computer does not like FB at all. Throws its toys out of the pram if I try to get onto FB.

Also miss the gang.



Renes Report 6 Oct 2013 08:42

We all miss you ......Mo %26lt%3B3


JustJohn Report 6 Oct 2013 09:47

%3A-D %3A-D @ Scozz. Love watermelons - and always prefer those grown in Scotland %3B-%29

Thta "raspberries from Sainsburys" remark was based on Chas and Dave's song. About a lovely young lady, perfect in every way. But she would rabit, rabbit, rabbit. She had "more rabbit than Sainsburys" (smiley face, choke choke, naughty wink)


LadyScozz Report 6 Oct 2013 10:20


I can't imagine watermelons growing in Scotland!

I added the >>grinning watermelon<< because it has such a BIG smile.

The orchards grew mainly soft fruit, mostly strawberries & raspberries, they also had lots of fruit trees, apples, plums etc. I grew up eating lots of fruit in summer....... these days I get really mad when I see the price of a small punnet of raspberries.


Rambling Report 6 Oct 2013 16:55

Just checked mine as I'm now usung Chrome but still have IE,

Windows IE 8 emoticons
Google chrome = emoticons.


LadyScozz Report 6 Oct 2013 22:53

I won't touch chrome.

I tried it once and it messed up lots of websites (including familysearch).

Computer guru told me it's a spy!

>>>>> insert sad chrome thingie here <<<<<


GlitterBaby Report 6 Oct 2013 23:28

Seems to be a constant here

Windows XP and IE8 - which I am also using

Not sure if I purchased this computer in 2004 or 2005 but it was second hand then


LadyScozz Report 7 Oct 2013 03:43

My emoticons & the compatability button disappeared overnight.

I had NOT done anything to my computer.

Since then I have downloaded the latest IE8.

Who snuck into my house in the middle of the night?


Merlin Report 7 Oct 2013 14:01

Don,t think its our Computors its all the fiddling GR have done thats messed things up.Surely not all putors in different parts of the world can be have something wrong with them.GR.Should pull their collective fingers out and Sort it.


PricklyHolly Report 7 Oct 2013 16:59

I was expecting an email from them today but nukkink!!

So i have sent another one asking if they are any closer to sorting out the problem.

I just noticed i posted "nukkink" instead of "nuffink"



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Oct 2013 20:15

I still have my emoticons %3A-D

and I'm still using Firefox %3A-D %3A-D


PricklyHolly Report 8 Oct 2013 14:35

Dear Bestest most Favoritist member......aka Prickles :>))

Thanks for your email. I am truly sorry for the length of time it is taking for our technical team to look into this problem.

At this stage, I am unable to say how long it is likely to be before we receive a response from our technical team, but please be assured that they are working through all the queries they have as quickly as possible.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this causes, and we thank you for your continued patience.

:>(( :>((


BarbinSGlos Report 8 Oct 2013 15:30

How's your continued patience doing Prickles %3A-%29 %3A-D %3A-%28 %3A-0 %3A-%7C %3A-%7C %3A-P %3A-%5C %3B-%29 %26lt%3B3 %3A-S


PricklyHolly Report 8 Oct 2013 16:04

I's at the end of me tether nerves are dangling from a string!!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :>))


Kay???? Report 8 Oct 2013 17:04

glad they didnt put,,,,,,,expert technical team.:))))))))).


PricklyHolly Report 10 Oct 2013 22:31

Would someone be kind enough to post a few pokey out tongues on here for me please.




LadyScozz Report 10 Oct 2013 22:34


>>>>> insert flabbergasted face here <<<<<