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Fun Time Wednesday - Day 305

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Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 09:21

of passing our smiles forward %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

If you have good thoughts they will shine out
your face like sunbeams and you will always
look lovely %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Special thoughts for Emms,George & GP %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Mwoooochios, schmuggles & gorgeous pink cwtches
for those that loves em %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Allan Report 2 Apr 2014 09:30

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-%28


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 09:33

Helloooooo Humbug %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D now turn that last frown upside down %3A-P %3A-P %3A-D


PricklyHolly Report 2 Apr 2014 09:35

*Cough, choke, splutter*

Can someone tell me where I am please?

I can't see through all this smog. %3A-S %3A-S


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 09:37

Heeelloooooooooo Pwickles, you are here in the madhouse %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29 %26lt%3B3

Smog, what smog %3A-0


AnnCardiff Report 2 Apr 2014 09:40

smog? %3A-S how about piddlin' rain instead - cos that's what we got %3A-%28 %3A-%28 %3A-%28

looking at Allan's posting methinks he's on the pop %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


PricklyHolly Report 2 Apr 2014 09:40

Oh, hello. %3A-D

Sahara Desert smog Merz.

If I find splatterings of camel dung on me windows, oi ain't arf gonna be mad.

I bally cleaned them at the weekend. %3A-%7C %3A-%7C



Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 09:45

Close your windows just incase Pwickles %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


PricklyHolly Report 2 Apr 2014 09:52

Yeah, good thinking Merz.

I don't like sand in my eyes.

%3B-%29 %3A-D


Allan Report 2 Apr 2014 09:53

Pop! Pop!

How dare you, AnnC!

I'm not allowed to drink pop %3A-%28

I merely drink water, which by some strange metamorphosis turns into...... never mind %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-0


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 10:08

Good morning Ann %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3

Pwickles you might get more than sand in here, there are camels, eleflumps, geeeeeraffes and also dung beetles %3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-D %3A-D Go careful %3B-%29


Wend Report 2 Apr 2014 10:57

. . . . . and don't forget the daft wazzock %3A-D

Morning all - no sand down my end %3A-D

Have fun, whatever you're doing to-day and love to Emms, Merlin, GP and Georgie Boy %26lt%3B3


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 11:05

The daft wazzock is the best !! %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29 %26lt%3B3

Goooood morning lovely Wendawoowooo %3A-D %26lt%3B3


JemimaFawr Report 2 Apr 2014 12:05

Good Afternoon Mersey and Gang %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D HOW'S THAT FOR A LAUGH!

Wishing you all a FUN DAY %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 12:32

Hiyaaaa our is always generous thanks babes %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 13:21

Wakey wakey GR members %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


BarbinSGlos Report 2 Apr 2014 13:33

Who is that shouting down me hatch %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S

Oh hello Mersey Munchkin, how are you %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3

and good afternoon to everyone who has already popped in %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

The weekly shop and lunch is done so its ME ME ME time now yehhhhhhh %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


CrystalTips Report 2 Apr 2014 13:33

Good afternoon Mersey and all other smilers %3A-D %26lt%3B3


Island Report 2 Apr 2014 13:38

%3A-%28 %3A-%28 %3A-%28 I'm wondrin' if the Sah-a-hara has blocked me t'internet tubes %3A-%7C %3A-%7C %3A-%7C

It's been compootah sez noooo all mornin', h'ackchoolie, all week - maybe just as well because FMP is doing my head in!!!! %3A-%7C %3A-%7C %3A-%7C

Arfermornin' each, lions and tigers and camels, cold ale and sandwiches too %3A-D %3A-D


Mersey Report 2 Apr 2014 13:44

Hiyaaaaaaaaaa Auntie Barb....I saw a lovely geeeerafffff before reminded me of you lol %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Coooooeeeeeee CT good afternoon darlinks how are you today?? %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3

Island Aftermorninks to you too %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3