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Cynthia Report 26 Jun 2014 11:46

I have been helping on the research boards for almost 10 years but didn't venture much on to Chat because everyone seemed to know each other and I felt an outsider.

As the research boards became slower and slightly boring, I began to look at more threads on this board and was especially interested in any faith issues which were raised.

I would occasionally watch some of the threads developed into the most unpleasant spats with bad language, insults and sheer nastiness. The only time I have ever RR'd a thread on here was because of pure evil malice from one member to another. That was several years ago.

When JustJohn first joined the boards and I tried to help him to find his posts again, he was rather irritating - I make no bones about that whatsoever. However, over time I realised that there was more to him than met the eye. His tongue-in-cheek, sometimes rather silly humour was missed by some and misunderstood by others, but it could be very clever.

It soon became a well known fact that, when JustJohn posted a comment, whether it was facetious or serious, it was more or less guaranteed that someone would criticise him.

It took me some time, but it was when any faith issue cropped up that I really began to see the man behind the name. He was often jeered, mocked and scorned for what he held dear but he stuck to his guns despite this.

Often, those who 'had a go' at him for his faith opinions had absolutely no idea of what they were talking about, but had to have a say anyway!

John and I were poles apart in many ways, yet united in one.

He has now been banned from the boards for SIX YEARS over some silliness and I, for one, will miss him.

Cx %3A-%28


Dermot Report 26 Jun 2014 11:58

Well said, Cynthia.


Sirius Report 26 Jun 2014 11:59

I am astonished at the length of the ban ( however we all know they are easy to get round).

Mea Cupla, I reported John twice on the thread that has got him banned, I stand by my reasons for reporting him, I told him why at the time, but I am sorry it has led to this. Most of the time he argued well and with conviction for what he believed in.


AnnCardiff Report 26 Jun 2014 11:59

agree with everything you say Cynthia - and six years is absolutely ridiculous

when he first came on the boards he rubbed everyone up the wrong way, me in particular and I really wished he would just disappear - however, he moderated his ways and I began to see a different side to him and I really miss his input on Chat


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Jun 2014 12:00

6 years? Ouch! %3A-%28


supercrutch Report 26 Jun 2014 12:03

It's no secret that John and I were at loggerheads on many occasions and exactly why. I will not say anything further about that other than quite a few of us would have deserved a 'GR holiday'.

We achieved a mutual respect and both tried to stay away from topics guaranteed to light a fierce fire which nobody could put out.

We are in touch privately and I too was absolutely astonished at the length of his ban. I've seen some really vile attacks on GR over the years which resulted in just a few weeks away.

It's frowned upon but ~~~~~~~~~~~~ to John.


Sharron Report 26 Jun 2014 12:05

As the first one he landed on ( thread about the queen's mother-in-law) I resolved to ignore him and that was what I tried to do for most of his sojourn on here so it won't affect me much.

However, what must he have done to warrant a ban like that and what a strange time to choose.


AnnCardiff Report 26 Jun 2014 12:05

and yet other members consistently wind people up, make veiled snide remarks, are reported time and time again and still they donlt get banned %3A-%28

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 26 Jun 2014 12:06

Pity they don't give some of the malicious RR`s a 6yr ban.

All in favour raise their hands. %3A-%29


Island Report 26 Jun 2014 12:10

I very much doubt that a six year ban would be over 'some silliness'!

Who said he got six years? I find that very hard to believe!
Up to a months suspension or a total ban was more usual but six years? That's just daft.


Mersey Report 26 Jun 2014 12:15

John and I came to an agreement, and we actually talked through quite a few one time I really did get wound up by him, infact he annoyed me so much as I did him......

The best thing we did was talk through it all, realise our total differences and respect them.........We agreed to start a fresh and respect each others postings on the threads.....

I did try to talk him out of continuous reposting as did others and also to try and ignore those that he thought were winding him up........John and I are totally opposites and we will never agree on all subjects but I wish him well ...and it is a shame that certain things could not have been sorted out in a more sensible way....


TaniaNZ Report 26 Jun 2014 12:17

I'm finding the 6 year figure a bit weird too Island
I have been a member for over a decade and have never seen such an odd figure
It was either a few hours a few weeks or life


Guinevere Report 26 Jun 2014 12:18

I can remember the times of "life bans". 6 years seems a bit arbitrary, though. Maybe if he apologises for his behaviour then GR will relent, they have in the past.

John was warned by me and by others that he was risking a ban but still he continued to post the same contentious post time and time again. He should have stepped back, he was asked to step back but he was out of control.

I'm not surprised GR had had enough but I am surprised at the length of the ban.


BrendafromWales Report 26 Jun 2014 12:20

This is the first Ive heard of this and I think it's ridiculous.

He did rub up others,but I personally found him OK with me.He had lived in the village I now live in..never knew him,but we discussed places that we both knew and he was polite with me....I only speak as I find...and don't know what the ban was for,but a lot of his remarks sometimes seem to be taken out of context to me.
Then again don't know what has been said in PMs .
What's the betting he will soon return?


Sharron Report 26 Jun 2014 12:21

Apart from John, doesn't this ban give you some idea of how important GR think they are?

I am sure there must be one or two other forums somewhere on the internet that people might join. It costs a bit more than a packet of fags or a couple of pints to come on here for a year. Losing a few months worth is not going to cripple anybody.

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 26 Jun 2014 12:23

I got a months ban once.
I cant remember exactly whether it was just from using Community Boards.
So not sure if I could still use the records and search facilities.


DIZZI Report 26 Jun 2014 12:24



Persephone Report 26 Jun 2014 12:33

He has told me that he is banned till 31/12/2020... which I thought was too stupid for words (and I can be wordy)

He spent 9 years on here doing his tree before he even ventured on Chat.. I don't think he knew it existed.


LadyScozz Report 26 Jun 2014 12:35

Six years ban is harsh.

I've been in touch with JJ (via pm), so the ban must be just for the boards. Which is rather strange.



Island Report 26 Jun 2014 12:36

Persie, he also claimed to be 92