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Cockadoodledoo Sunday :)

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JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 19:33

oooh I've missed Barb- Night Barb %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3

Welcome home Our GinN %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:34

Hi Jem %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:35

We have missed you being norty GiN %3B-%29


JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 19:36

Hi Fly %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:38

How is your grandson Jem %26lt%3B3


JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 19:39

He's not too bad Fly thanks. It's still the virusy thing we had that seems to be bothering him the most!

How's Dad today?


GinN Report 14 Sep 2014 19:40

Thanks Jem %3A-D %3B-%29 %26lt%3B3

It's not easy being norty you know, Fly %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3A-D


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:41

Dad is a lot brighter thanks Jem %26lt%3B3

Is grandsons girlfriend still around %3A-D


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:42

I dont know GiN you make it look easy %3B-%29


JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 19:46

Yes, Fly, he's out with her now! One of his best friends is now going out with her best friend and they have made a pact to all stay friends if either couple break up.

Easier said than done though! %3A-D %3A-D

She's lovely little thing!

How's things up in Yorkshire?

and Norfolk?


GinN Report 14 Sep 2014 19:47

I work hard at it, Fly %3A-D %3B-%29

Sometimes I get this terrible urge to be sensible ............ then sanity kicks in again %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3B-%29


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:48

Things are fine here Jem %3A-D how about your end %3A-D


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 19:49

Sensible GiN whats that %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S


GinN Report 14 Sep 2014 19:49

Norfolk is fine, Jem %3A-D When you come back from holiday you expect something to have changed for some reason, but you find it's the same old thing! %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


GinN Report 14 Sep 2014 20:03

Goodnight all - going to watch a bit of telly now %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 20:05

%3A-D %3A-D @ GinN

OH had a Victor Meldrew moment yesterday.. very embarrassing%3A-0 %3A-0

We are a family (my side) that are not good visitors!

I came back from doing the weekly shop yesterday. OH came out and said- " I think I've boo booed".....

.....We have a Privet hedge that has got out of control, and we had been discussing about getting one of my nephews (he's a professional gardener) in to take about 6 foot off the height.

OH was sitting out our back, and a young man came around with his wife and little boy.

Oh, said OH! Jem is out shopping! she'll be gutted she missed you!
I was going to ring you to ask you to cut our hedge. Ok said the visitor, I won't be able to as I've broken my hand, but my mate will do it.

The visitor said to OH. I haven't seen Jem since the wedding!
He measured up the hedge, made a phone call and arranged to come back today!

OH put " gardener nephew's" phone number into his phone.

Afterwards, he realised that this nephew was not at the wedding that had been referred to, and he had no idea who this visitor was! %3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-0

Well, it WAS a nephew. My oldest brother's son, who hasn't visited me since he was a child. And not a gardener, and was a bit bemused, but hey!.. he went with the flow!

Of course, the penny dropped, and I phoned and explained to their amusement!

They still came. Poor nephew ended up having to cut the hedge with clippers with his broken hand as the chainsaws kept cutting out!


But I had a lovely time with him and his lovely wife and toddler!

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 20:09

Night GiN %26lt%3B3 %3A-D

Bet your OH felt a bit daft %3A-0 but at least you got to catch up with your nephew %26lt%3B3


JemimaFawr Report 14 Sep 2014 20:15

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D He's not Irish for nothing Fly %3B-%29 %3A-D %3A-D

Night GinN %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 20:17

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D Jem


Fly Report 14 Sep 2014 20:24

Night Jem %26lt%3B3 %3A-D

Night Munchkin %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3

~~~~~~~~Wend %26lt%3B3 %3A-D have you sobered up yet %3B-%29

George %26lt%3B3

Emma hope your ok %26lt%3B3