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Mersey Report 8 Sep 2015 09:10

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D
Always passing our smiles forward %3A-D %3A-D

Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday %26lt%3B3

%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 For OFITG %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 Get Well soon darlinks....take it easy and remember
all your friends on here care and think about you %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


BarbinSGlos Report 8 Sep 2015 09:13

Good morning Mersey and to all that pop in for a chat today %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Sending special hugs to One Foot, take it easy my friend %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 09:34

Hiya Mersey %26lt%3B3 how are things with you today %26lt%3B3 hope your Nan and Mum are both doing OK %26lt%3B3 have a nice day and enjoy yourself %26lt%3B3 and thanks for your kind wishes %3A-%29

It's dry but a tad chilly here this morning in my corner of Kent %3A-%28 and the forecast is for a dry day with some bright sunny spells %3A-%29 albeit there will be a fair amount of clouds about as well %3A-%28 and with temperatures hovering around 65°F %3A-%29 it should be quite a pleasant day %3A-%29

So wherever you are and whatever you will be doing today %3B-%29 stay dry %3A-%29 take care %3A-%29 enjoy yourself %3B-%29 and don't forget to smile and make someone's day %3A-%29

And remember that there are two powerful medicines you can offer to anyone who is struggling %26lt%3B3 no doctor's prescription is needed %3B-%29 they are called compassion and kindness %26lt%3B3 they say to the person you give them to %3A-%29 you're not alone %26lt%3B3 I see you %3B-%29 I hear you %26lt%3B3 I am here for you %26lt%3B3

%26lt%3B3 Wishing Everyone A Lovely Day %26lt%3B3


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 09:41

Hello Barbs %26lt%3B3 how are you feeling this morning %26lt%3B3 take care %26lt%3B3 have a lovely day and enjoy yourself whatever you will be doing %26lt%3B3 thanks for the hug %26lt%3B3


LondonBelle Report 8 Sep 2015 09:53

Morning Mersey, Barb & OFITG %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Overcast and pretty chilly here %3A-%28

Our boiler ain't pushing out any heat %3A-%7C Man coming to sort it PM....suppose better now than in the winter %3A-0

Off out shortly to warm up...catch you later~~~~~ %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 10:01

Hiya Londonbelle %26lt%3B3 how are you fairing this morning %26lt%3B3 and I hope you manage to get your boiler problems sorted out as it is supposed to get a lot colder come next week %3A-%28 have a lovely day %26lt%3B3 but don't forget to keep your thermals on till the boilers fixed %3A-D Morning Ralphie %26lt%3B3


LynGinN Report 8 Sep 2015 10:08

Morning Mersey, Barb, Footie and Belle %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Same weather as Belle, and we've also had some drizzly rain %3A-%28

Hope you're feeling a bit better today, Footie %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3

Belle - it's a good thing that your boiler is playing up now, so it can be sorted before it gets really cold %3A-%29

Got to tackle the weekly ironing soon, then I'm off to visit my poorly pal this afternoon %3A-D


**Ann** Report 8 Sep 2015 10:13

Morning everyone %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

It's another hot one here again today,Princess is watching My Little Pony and I am doing the ironing %3A-0 %3A-0

OFITG...Hope you are feeling ok today and that your meds kick in quickly %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Mersey....Did you see Blitz Cities this morning? 'Twas Liverpool, I have been in floods such characters they were, telling their stories, very sad %3A-%28

Well worth seeing if you can get it on iplayer catch up if you missed it %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 10:14

Morning to you Lyn %26lt%3B3 how's it going %26lt%3B3 have a nice day and enjoy doing the weekly shop %3A-D I hope your pal is feeling a bit better today when you go to visit her %26lt%3B3

As for me %3B-%29 I had a really good nights sleep last night and I am feeling much better today %3A-%29 on 2 antibiotics and they are starting to kick in %3A-%29 my breathing is easier this morning and I am coughing much less than I have been in recent days %3A-%29 I will be staying in and keeping warm %3A-%29


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 10:22

Hi **Ann** %26lt%3B3 how's it going this morning %26lt%3B3 have you not got Princess trained to do the ironing yet %3A-D have a good day and enjoy what you will be doing later on %26lt%3B3 as for me %3B-%29 I am doing OK and thanks for asking %26lt%3B3


AnnCardiff Report 8 Sep 2015 10:44

mornin' all %3A-D not such a good day here today - very overcast but might improve

Glad you're feeling a tad better Footie %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 10:53

Thanks and a very good morning to you AnnCardiff %26lt%3B3 hope all is well with you and yours %26lt%3B3 enjoy whatever you are going to be doing %26lt%3B3 and have a lovely day %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 8 Sep 2015 11:02

Morning everyone %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3

OneFoot %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


'Emma' Report 8 Sep 2015 11:04

Morning all %26lt%3B3 %3A-D

Footy %26lt%3B3 take care of yourself....mwaaaahhhh %3A-%29

Weather .......damp and miserable out..


Fly Report 8 Sep 2015 11:06

~~~~~~~~~Emma %3A-D %26lt%3B3


'Emma' Report 8 Sep 2015 11:15

~~~~~~~~Fly %26lt%3B3 %3A-D


Barbra Report 8 Sep 2015 11:15

Morning All x Very foggy here first thing. but sunshine now %3A-%29 Big (((((((Hug))))))) %26lt%3B3 Footy, Enjoy your day %26lt%3B3 To All %3A-D %3A-D


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 11:29

Hiya Fly %26lt%3B3 how are you this morning %26lt%3B3 no doubt you will be pottering around here %3B-%29 pottering around there %3B-%29 and pottering around everywhere %3A-D so enjoy what you will be doing and have a lovely time today a%26lt%3B3

Hello Emma %26lt%3B3 how are you today %26lt%3B3 and how's that wee laddie Ollie coming along %26lt%3B3 have a lovely day and enjoy yourself %26lt%3B3 and don't be tiring yourself out with all that cuddling your doing %3A-D


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Sep 2015 11:37

Hiya Barbra and thanks %26lt%3B3 how's things with you today %26lt%3B3 enjoy whatever you will be doing and have a lovely day %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 8 Sep 2015 11:42

Morning Barbra %3A-D %26lt%3B3 Damp and Cold here %3A-%7C

OneFoot i am pottering %3A-D emptying the cupboard under the stairs %3A-0