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US Election

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Barbra Report 8 Nov 2016 12:25

Goodness Me does it need all our news people out in America ?.who will be footing the Bill licence Holders .hurry up & get it sorted please %3A-%5C


Dermot Report 8 Nov 2016 12:52

It is often the case in America where there is a lack of hard historical facts, the missing details are filled in by myth.


JoyLouise Report 8 Nov 2016 13:52

Sheila, we were in San Fran when the Gore-Bush election took place.

Almost unbelievably (and early) it was announced that Gore had won.

It wasn't long before that decision was rescinded. When Florida declared for Bush it was not unexpected. It took ages to declare a winner and cries of fixed were not unusual.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Nov 2016 16:28

Interestingly, the voting in the US is the LEAST reliable for avoiding rigging , fraud, etc than in any other democratic country!!

An election is under the control of the individual State ....... there is no Federal Elections Officer setting out the rules, hiring people, etc etc

Canada is similar to the US and to Australia in that we are a federation of provinces with a federal government and provincial legislatures.

Many responsibilities in all 3 are federal, but others are provincial or state (eg, education, health, welfare).

BUT in Canada, and I think Australia, a Federal Election is under the control of a Federal Elections Officer, while provincial elections are under the control of a provincial Elections Officer. Control on elections day and in the voting stations are not much different between a federal or a provincial election

Not so in the US.

This means that regulations can differ between states, and to be honest, fraud CAN occur.

Stuffing of ballot boxes has happened in the past. The "hanging chads" in Florida in the Gore/Bush election was a result of some counties using a different machine


Kay???? Report 8 Nov 2016 16:46

DT will be stomping and waving --if he loses.

fix ,,,,,,,, its a fix,,,,,,,,,,he will demand an FBI,Interpol,Scotland Yard and High Sheffiff investigation........ %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D.


Dermot Report 8 Nov 2016 16:54

'The world is watching in baffled astonishment as the 2016 United States presidential election campaign, one of the most divisive in American history, draws to its conclusion. Not only has it brought to the surface deep fissures in American society, it has opened them wider.

The United States constitution, a masterpiece of political ingenuity that has held conflicting forces in balance for more than two centuries, is undergoing one of its severest trials.

The principle of the “separation of powers” at its heart, which sets up mutual checks on power between executive, legislature and judiciary, will have to be robust enough to withstand an unprecedented threat to democracy and the rule of law. Its greatest challenge yet may be to tame President Donald Trump in the White House. At which it may fail.

Neither of the possible outcomes will let America off the rack. A victory for Donald Trump would herald an era of populist demagoguery that could run out of control with incalculable consequences. His defeat by Hillary Clinton could unleash even darker forces in opposition to her. The campaign could almost have been designed to disprove Winston Churchill’s famous dictum, “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.”

*(An excerpt from last week's Tablet magazine.)


AnnCardiff Report 8 Nov 2016 18:43

CNN and Fox news are hardly impartial - CNN for Hillary and Fox for Trump - we don't do that over here do we?


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Nov 2016 18:52

are you serious, Ann??

Of course you do ............... so do we in Canada

The one difference is that your BBC and our CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) do maintain impartiality, balancing one pro- speaker with an anti- one

The independent stations do show their partiality, and will even declare for one candidate over others ........ even the print media does that.

at least, CBC does and BBC USED to do %3A-D

The US has no nationally supported radio and TV station ............ your BBC has license fees, our CBC gets funding from the Federal Government.


Kay???? Report 9 Nov 2016 07:01

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D.



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Nov 2016 07:08

watched and watched, and now have to go to bed .......

..... will be waking up to the prospect of a whole new world tomorrow %3A-%28


PatinCyprus Report 9 Nov 2016 07:35

Well I thought they were mad voting for George W but this time - well.

Markets around the world falling and the dollar has nose dived.

Canadian immigration computer has been overwhelmed - wonder why?%3A-D

Farage is off to see his mate Trump %3A-%28 %3A-%28

Off to get another cup of tea and wonder if the sky will fall in today %3B-%29 %3A-D


Guinevere Report 9 Nov 2016 07:49

I think it already has.


JoyLouise Report 9 Nov 2016 07:50

HC has conceded.

DT is the President-elect.

Batten down the hatches would be my reaction. %3A-0


JoyLouise Report 9 Nov 2016 08:00

Just listening to DT's victory speech - has he changed his speechwriter?

Gawd, it's getting maudlin ..... %3A-0 %3A-S


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Nov 2016 08:00

Oh dear


JoyLouise Report 9 Nov 2016 08:06

Thank you Uncle Tom Cobley and all ...... %3A-0


Kense Report 9 Nov 2016 08:13

No surprise then. The Brexit parallels were all too obvious.


JoyLouise Report 9 Nov 2016 08:20

I hope they have a bag of chill pills ready for DT in the White House! %3B-%29


AnnCardiff Report 9 Nov 2016 08:31

wonder if he'll rename the White House - Trump House maybe %3B-%29

God help America and the rest of the world


BrianW Report 9 Nov 2016 08:40

I was about to post exactly what Ann has said.

Americans: what HAVE you done !!!