England & Wales Marriages 1837-2008

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England & Wales Marriages 1837-2008

These are our indexed marriage records for England and Wales. Marriages were first recorded in July 1837 and this index ranges from that date up to 2006. They have been indexed which means it is easy to search for the marriage of your relative by simply entering their name and the year of their marriage. You can search up to ten years either side of that year and you can narrow it down by place too. Try entering either the town or the county the marriage took place in.

We will also show you possible matches for the spouse helping to make your research even easier.

The index has divided the year in to four quarters – January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December. The record you see is the quarter that the marriage was registered in, not when it actually occurred.

We have found the marriage of two iconic British actors. Josephine (known as Hattie) Jacques married John E Le M Halliley (known as Le Mesurier) in Kensington, London in the last quarter of 1949.