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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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GRMarilyn Report 7 May 2009 12:14

Now you are gonna laugh at this my Azalea is now a (Rhododendron) LOL

Hubby has just asked me where is your Rhododendron I'm ready to plant it !!

What said I, I thought it was an Azalea ...just checked the label.,and sure enough its a RHODODENDRON !!!!!!!!!!!
He will play on that ALL day now, the neighbours will get told soon and maybe put me in the hole he's dug instead !!

I have all sorts of bits and bobs of paper on my family history all over my table.
I really am not very organized in filing , but got a real shock yesterday My friend 's hubby has asked me to help him on his father.s side and we discovered his great grandfather married into my family funny was that ? all these years we have known one another , we have a blood tie.
Better get and think about lunch......


Fiona Report 7 May 2009 12:21

Small world Marilyn.
So what connection is he to you then ?
when meeting him will you be saying" Hi cus number of times removed? LOL
Yeh feeling a bit peckish myself
BBL after lunch


GRMarilyn Report 7 May 2009 12:58

LOL Fiona,

I was thinking way back he used to try and chat me up !!!!!! as I've known him since he was 18yrs, he asked so many times to go out with him but I turned him down all because he had a hole in his jumper LOL !! put me off of him, mind you it was a knitted one.

He did marry my friend though,and they have been married over 41 yrs now.
So he must have picked the right one .....

I haven't worked out the relationship yet just know we share blood LOL
Just think he could have been my hubby ....easy to work that one out !


Fiona Report 7 May 2009 14:33

we must all be very busy today or are we all having a rest.
Sh!!!!!! Sooo Quiet we are


Jane Report 7 May 2009 14:56



Annx Report 7 May 2009 15:09

Well, I'd no sooner dug me a hole in the front garden for this pretty yellow berberis I bought, than a neighbour over the road came across to see what I was doing and for a natter.....not seen her to speak to since before have only put 2 plants in!!!! lol Must go and get the soil from under my nails now before I have my hair done......why do I always end up taking my gardening gloves off.....and forgetting to put them on again???

I see Helen is doing lots of zeds....catching up on her beauty sleep!!!


Fiona Report 7 May 2009 15:16

sweet dreams Helen

enjoy being pampered at the hairdressers,


Jane Report 7 May 2009 19:08

Just dashing off to pick up OH from station.He has been to London too.
Lorraine I was having a meal out with my sister one evening and on the next table was a gent in a suit and a man in his dress high heels,pearls etc.The label was sticking out of the back of the dress and I could read the size very clearly.I felt sorry for him so went and told him and he let me tuck it in for him.I think he was very grateful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Oh he had a really bad wig on too lol.


GRMarilyn Report 7 May 2009 20:21


They do over do the make up bit .....and the clothes !

Its a shame really I feel sorry for them as they must be a bit mixed up somewhere !!
But I to would have stared at him ..well just a bit LOL
Did he have high heels on ,just watching them walk is interesting .....

I'm now having my lovely glass of wine, I have been working on my tree and have gone boss eyed..done enough now.


Jane Report 7 May 2009 20:48

Cross dressers don't really want to be the opposite sex,they just like to dress in womens clothes (I think) I may be wrong.


Fiona Report 7 May 2009 21:18

Just heard a splattering sound on the window pane, looked out and saw we have got hailstones now, IN MAY!!!!!!!


Jane Report 7 May 2009 21:37

Have just got to try and wake my daughter to get her back up to bed as I am off now,hopefully for a good nights sleep!!!!! Fingers crossed.
Night Night x


Fiona Report 7 May 2009 21:46

I'm off to bed
see you tomorrow


GRMarilyn Report 7 May 2009 22:47

Night Everyone,

Been watching the telly....!

I forgot to put the Electric blanket on, and hubby is complaining , so I've sent him to bed to warm it up ..!!

Marilyn xx


GRMarilyn Report 8 May 2009 09:47

Morning All,

Oh last to bed 1st up.....!

Hows your poorly boobies ? I suppose you are in bed now I for got !

Its nice and sunny here ,a bit windy but nice ,at least better than yesterday.

Going for my bath lots of cleaning to do today before I put my new curtains up ....Excited LOL

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 8 May 2009 12:45

Hello ladies

Marilyn they are back to normal!! No red at all and it's all down to the Sudocrem, it's really good stuff. Thanks for the recommendation.

Talking of chaps wearing ladies clothes, we have a chap who goes regularly to our local market town, he has a moustache and makes no attempt to hide the fact he's a bloke...very odd. He really is like a character from Little Britain! He's pleasant enough and always says hello...I think he's even married! Don't think I'd be happy about my hubby wearing my clothes...they'd never fit him!

Got to go out but will be back later.

Take care girls,


Jane Report 8 May 2009 12:56

Afternoon Ladies.
When my son was little he used to like dressing up in my daughters things.My mum saw him with a skirt on ,and said "You don't think he is going to grow up like of those do you"?I think he was 3 then.He is 23 now and has a girlfriend(at last) lol.


Fiona Report 8 May 2009 12:58

Hi Marilyn, Hi Pam
I'm just under 5' and OH is 5' 8" so he would look really comical wearing my clothes my trousers would be shorts on him. ,mind you we sometimes look like twins when we go out .
OH favourite colour is blue and I also like blue so we check that if were both wearing blue it co-ordinates, LOL
if I wear a blue dress , OH wears a blue shirt & tie.
for no1 daughters wedding last year, I wore a lilac out fit
OH wore a pale gray suit, pale lilac shirt and a gray and purple tie


Jane Report 8 May 2009 18:43

Hi there.
I have got the dog back from the vets after a G A for a dental.He is rather spaced out still so am keeping an eye on him.He is away with the fairies lol.
Daughter still not brill after her D&V ,so she is still on the settee.
Luggage all around as son back to Uni in the morning.Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I will leave tackling his room until next week LOL

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 8 May 2009 19:14

There is a Dunelm in Hereford, first place I think of when looking for bedding and towels. They do some lovely microfibre blankets and rugs.

Went to my weekly physio today. The physio said I was better than her at some of the exercises! I can do the wobble board easily and squats. Its just walking a distance that finishes me.