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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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moonbi Report 13 Feb 2012 10:38

about the money exchange rate
Today Monday 13 Feb
$79.95 AUD is equal to 54.4 GPB

PLeasant weather here last few days, sunny with a cool breeze, but warmer the next few days to 32C with evening thunder storms.
I picked some of my corn cobs, also zucchini is growing way too fast, and yesterday I made 10lb of tomatoes into sauce. whole kitchen smelled great !

Cath, thank you for your interest, navy son is doing quite well. has graduated from recruit school and now is beginning his trade of Marine Technician in the engineering faculty.
they had Maths exams which he passed easily and so that shortens his course by 4 weeks. last week he did O H and S and passed that, so moved on to Tech drawing this week. he joined the track and field team and this is his preferred sport.
his days start at 5 30 and lectures finish about 1pm. then they have afternoon study or other duties. weekends are free if they are not assigned to watch/security.
Looks like he will be posted to the fleet in Early August if he passes all his basic modules.

About doing sources for your family tree. are you using FTM ? I have found that to be more than i expected too, and they havent made it very easy to understand.
I have had a couple of contacts from members the last two weeks. which surprised me, as I havent had any queries for a long time.

Well my bed is calling me, so to all a good night


Cath2010 Report 13 Feb 2012 15:13

Hi Ann,
its been a fairly mild winter but just the last few weeks have been very cold although we've had no snow. I am not a winter person and feel like hibernating when its so cold.
Today is grey and miserable and the grandchildren are getting boisterous being stuck inside. I have lots to get on with but need to entertain them :-S


AnninGlos Report 13 Feb 2012 16:28

Thanks Moonbi, that is an expensive sub.

Hi Cath, about the same as us then. are your Grandchildren on half term? :-D :-D


moonbi Report 2 Mar 2012 00:03

Hi folks
Have been away for a few days, annual medical checks etc. Im fine.

I want to let you know that the subs business has been sorted out.
I am offered the loyalty 20% discount and so now I am to pay about $25 per anum. That is heaps better, at $ 2.50 per month. That I can do.

Also I am so proud. Today
Navy son is in the Royal Guard.
The Victorian Govenor is presenting a cup to the base Commander, which in a nutshell says that their base is the "best naval base in Australia".

Hope I see him on the news tonight.

best wishes


AnninGlos Report 2 Mar 2012 21:57

Congratulations to your son Moonbi on being in the guard for such an important visit. did you see him on the news?

Well done on getting the subs reduced, they were ridiculously high anyway weren't they?


AnninGlos Report 11 Apr 2012 21:40

I thought I would nudge another thread up that encouraged people to add who didn't normally, seeing as there are people roaming the boards looking for strange threads to add to.


Susan10146857 Report 12 Apr 2012 00:04

Hello all

Just visiting :-)) :-D


Porkie_Pie Report 12 Apr 2012 00:07

Me too, Hello everyone :-D

The board will never be as they used to be but you have to make the most of what you have

Roy :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Apr 2012 00:33

Hi everyone

Ann ...... I'm sorry to say I had forgotten to look for this thread :-(


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2012 12:46

No Problems Sylvia you have found it now, I don't like to keep bumping it up myself it looks like attention seeking.

Welcome to the visitors anyway!!


Rambling Report 12 Apr 2012 13:04

Also popping in to say hello :-D I don't add to the long threads usually, not sure why, just don't like to interrupt really lol.


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2012 13:06

Rose you should know you are welcome any time. I just had to rescue this one from the depths.


Florence Report 12 Apr 2012 13:24

:-D Hi ,!!

If you canot beat them join them :-D

have a nice day :-) Flo


Jeniwren Report 12 Apr 2012 13:34

Hello Ann, I often read this thread but have never added to it, I like to read some of the threads, they keep me in touch with the world, as I am disabled and dont go out a lot now, I think you possibly know why, I spend quite a lot of time on here. I often have a good laugh at some of the threads, some people are so funny at times.
Hope everyone is ok, and enjoying the day.
Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2012 14:50

Hi Jean, lovely to see you out and about round the boards. You will be made welcome on any of my threads you know that. Do call back in again sometime. :-)


Benjamin Report 12 Apr 2012 18:31

Hi not been on here for a while. I am OK. I received the autograph of Philip Lowrie who plays Dennis Tanner in Corrie. I wrote to him via Granada Studios who make the show and he personalized it for me. Good to have something he actually wrote on in my possession.


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2012 21:23

Hello Ben, good to see you, I was actually only wondering where you were yesterday. Glad you are Ok and that is good to get his autograph, do you collect them?


Tecwyn Report 12 Apr 2012 21:59

Hello Ann,

As this is Visiting Day, I thought I would also visit you you :-D.
I have ventured onto a couple of threads - no one has bitten me, shouted at me, or been rude to me :-D in fact everyone has been very nice.

It's good to look over the garden wall sometimes.

Take care,


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2012 22:02

Tec, lovely to see you. It is surpring isn't it just who is hiding in these long threads. It was a great day and everyone was lovely


Tecwyn Report 12 Apr 2012 22:34

Yes Ann, it was great to "break the ice" with people we never usually speak to.
Maybe we should do it more often, without the fear that we are intruding where we are not known.
We see all the threads, and recognise most of the names, but never think to talk to them - silly really :-).
