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TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 06:17

Is this him. Marriage: 1858 Registar Leeds. FOSTER Oliver HIRST Mary A ....St Peter, Morley Leeds CE115/301 Tony Oz


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 06:26

Yeah that's the one I found, but the one Janice has found is more likely to be it. Buggar! Lew x


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 06:37

o' probs. I cant find the one Janice found ( 1864 ) but then...I'm just going off the Yorkshire BDM, and nothing comes up on that for.. O.Foster ( 1864 )......and the only other was. Marriage 1850 FOSTER Oliver GULLAS Hannah.... All Saints, Sculcoates.. Hull HAS/7/401 Sorry mate. Tony Oz

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 15 Apr 2006 06:45

Hi Tony if you are still around and looking for something to do lol cause I know you get bored easily just relaxing and having a VB lol if I send you pm with some names on of DAYS of O'DAY could you please tell me who the boys married and the girls too and also who had what children please if too much to ask you can tell me where to go but I'm not going unless you say the UK ok hehe there is NO HURRY Tony but just thought I' d try and find some of their offspring to see if they can shed some light on their father and grandfather Samuel and he's disappearing parents and parents in law Henry Ward and Ann Ward Kavenough etc and also George Day/O'Day and Mary O'Loughlin supposed to be parents of Samuel love Lara


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 06:51

Hi Lew. Wot about this one. Dewsbury is in District of Wakefield Marriages Jun 1858 Foster Oliver Dewsbury 9b 537 Hunter Mary Ann Dewsbury 9b 537 Tony Oz.


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 06:58

Well, could be, but first child was born in 1864, so the one Janice found (and I have viewed the image on Ancestry) is more likely to be the one. BUT how do I find out what his wife's surname was! Lew x


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 06:58

Lara. I cant help know that mate. Lew's surname....FOSTER.... just makes me thirsty....although i prefer V.B :>))))


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 07:00

Hey, don't blame me, lol. It's my goddaughter family who are the Fosters! I prefer a Corona. Lew x


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 07:43

Lew. I had a look at Ancestry, and found the ref. to the one Janice found. Oliver Foster ( Wakefield ) Then checked the 1871 and found the ref. census to which you found.... Head. Oliver Foster b.Morley......Wife: Mary A So both Morley and Wakefield are 'West Riding'. Might be worth it to see if you can find out the Village /Parish where he married, and see if someone can do a look see. Or take a chance ( i didn't say that ) and order the cert. from the ref. ..unless someone on records or tips has better index's?? Trying to tie up the 1871census and the marriage ref. is a gamble anyway, cos there were a few Oliver Foster marriages to Mary.A..s around the same time, and the one i found ( below ) Dewsbury is also 'West Riding' The Oliver Foster to Mary A Hirst is also ref. Morley, so could be the 1871 census view.?? Sorry i cant be more helpful. Tony Oz...:>))


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 07:49

Obviously we've both been busy. I have just finished search on Ancestry marriages for any mary ann's marrying in the dec quarter of 1864 (after looking up all mary a's born in Wakefield in 1843). Got to Mary Ann Haley and bingo! 9c 95!! Persistance pays off. Thanks for your trouble mate. I owe you a VB. Lew x


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 08:08

Bewdy, As much as i love Yorkshire, i hate searching West, North,East Riding's frighten me.....:>)) Still cant find me G,G,Grandad Richardson born I'm gunna diss-own him, and he can stay lost..for all i care....:>(((( Dislike him......:>))). Actually..... went through Leeds last Sept. and totally ignored him. Tony Oz..:>))


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 08:30

Naughty Tony. I'm a Richardson, but me mother's side was from Yorkshire. Careful you don't offend me! lol. Off to set the table for dinner, friends coming over to check out new house. Have a great night and I'll check in later to see how many millions we've won. Lew xxx %3A-%29


TonyOz Report 15 Apr 2006 09:03

And I'm a Richardson too....:>)) well half of me anyway. ...reports meself to GR abuse. Tony... Hull-Richardson


Lewella Report 15 Apr 2006 09:05

Okay you're forgiven. Lewella Richardson-McMahon

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 15 Apr 2006 10:58

Ooooo all related under the skin etc............ Have we won yet? Have we won yet? Couple of things to share. I got caught yeaterday with a download called Error-Safe. It seems to come from Micro-Soft and appears to be one of their free product update type thingys. I was fortunate and it doesn't seem to do any damage, just asks you for $50 or so to 'fix' all the 'errors' it finds after doing a free scan. (I didn't pay and deleted it via one of my programs) had to get son to check today if it was all gone :) Symantec shows it as a scam. Other thing I'm trialing at the moment is the browser Mozilla Firefox (free). Son has been at me to download it for ages but I haven't wanted to do it by myself. So far it seems to be working just fine. Apparently it isn't as susceptable to viruses as the microsoft outlook Express. At the moment I am keeping both as options. Hope you have all had a great Easter Saturday. We have the fire on as the wind is cold!! Joodles, are you coming to Canberra NEXT weekend?? Just as I am leaving to go on holiday for the week?? Awwwwwwwwwwww Waves to all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vonny


Judy Report 15 Apr 2006 11:14

Hi all Gwenda and Tony : 'Hi ... most of the Henk Guth Gallery has sadly been destroyed by fire, including the Panorama Guth' 'We'll have a follow-up story on our web site next Thursday. The cause of the fire is not known with certainty. Namatjira's Twin Gums were off the premises.' I'll let ya know wot it says. Musta bin heart breaking when it happened. Vonny - ...... yes I'll be on a bus tour - I wuz gonna wave to you from Black Mountain %3A-%28(( And Vonny I've been using Mozilla Firefox for aaaaages and aaaaages, I like it. I still keep IE, as sometimes I have to use it instead. Jood .

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 15 Apr 2006 11:22

oh thanks Vonny nearly got caught by that thing thas supposed to be from microsoft too but remembered that it was after a similar thing my desk top went haywire and had started to do then said nooooo and got out of it thank the Lord for that I all of a sudden realised that it was the same wording as the last time and not to do arent they sly making you think that its from microsoft , the B****ers any way saved myself and glad you woke up to it bye so busy house full and just sneaked away while all watching the footie ' WOW bet Sue is doing cartwheels wherever she is now Sue take it easy as when we win tatslotto soon you'll need to be sober to get drunk again hehe lol my pa would be doing somersaults too congrats Hawks two unhappy chappies here at this house Love to all hope the easter bunny comes Love Lara

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 15 Apr 2006 11:53

Anyone seen the numbers yet not showing them up here on channel Ten


Judy Report 15 Apr 2006 11:59

Here ya go Draw date: 15/04/2006 Draw num: 2581 Numbers: 23 36 19 3 18 17 Supplementaries: 20 29 By the way, there was a critical update for Windows M/soft tonight and also an update for Mozilla Firefox Jood

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 15 Apr 2006 12:33

oh oh so sorry folks nothing again two and the sup is as good as it got unless I've missed anything well we live as normal until its our turn then ok boo hoo hope the Easter bunny comes to you all Love Lara