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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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AnninGlos Report 9 Jun 2011 12:33

Thanks Perse, I did see that last night and added to the thread I hope they can get it sorted for her, she is a valued member of these boards.


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jun 2011 19:38

Hi all

I'm back

I've had to pay the rate for a new member (£19.95 for 12 months), as they consider I am upgrading from Free to Standard

However they also said that I have to send an email (another one!), and they will refund the difference between the "new" rate and the rate I was quoted on May 22. They'd better .... that was guaranteed to be as long as I renewed within 4 weeks of my the date on which my sub ran out (June 5).

Plus they are going to be having some discussion re allowing the alternative of paying in £ sterling or currency of your country (if they offer it).

At the moment, if you want to pay in £ sterling, you have to change your country of residence to UK.

It all seems very odd to me!



AnninGlos Report 9 Jun 2011 21:20

glad you are still with us Sylvia and hope you get the refund through OK. What a shambles!


moonbi Report 10 Jun 2011 23:39

Oh dear, what has been going on?
Sylvia, nice to see you can post again, and do hope you get your refund quickly.

There seems to be quite a lot going on with the gr site apart from this type of thing. I have been unable to get on to the site for over 24 hours.
Server unable to be connected.
Hence i have missed the fact that others are having different troubles too.

Very cold snap here last 3 days. Snow falling in the mts to 500 metres
and so the snow season has begun on the Queen's birthday holiday weekend here.
My Young Ones have gone to the mts for 4 days of out in the cold fun.
Not for me. I can enjoy the view of the snow from afar. Yes I can see lots of snow on mt Buffalo from here.
I have recovered from the wisdom tooth out, and have been able to eat normal food again.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer weather.

Perse, have you felt any of the recent rumblings in NZ?
my friend in Christchurch emailed me the other day, to say things are shaking again. But some semblance of normality is starting to happen for her. She has been able to get 15 hours a week work in another optometrist, to keep her skills up, but would like a more permanent position.

I havent heard yet if the lady got her piano lid back or not.
Must call her this weekend.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 12 Jun 2011 08:35

Morning everyone
Couldn't get on earlier as Maintenance or some such !!!

Not a nice morning here rain threatening.

Shame as my youngest is camping with her husbands family for a "bonding" weekend Ummm Think they might all return with soggy tents and all

Managed to cut the back lawn yesterday, but not sure if the front will get done today, possibly not

Enjoy the day everyone

Linda :o) XxXX


Persephone Report 12 Jun 2011 12:55

Not a lot of rumbling in Auckland.... been a bit stormy and flooding here and there. We were getting our roof redone at the back of the house and had to wait for a fine day.

The only other thing rumbling here was my grandson's (10 on the 20th) appendix he had that out last Monday night at Midnight. He is staying with us for a couple of nights and reckons he will be ready for school Wednesday.

Will be glad when this site sorts itself out. I use za to come on here as that is the one that puts up the least resistance.

I never had wisdom teeth problems ... ,maybe I wasn't very wise..



moonbi Report 13 Jun 2011 07:29

Quiet day here, Family are still in the snow having a good time.
Yes they text me last night, to say "Come on up, you'll have fun"

I think what they really mean, is that they would like to throw snow balls at me !

Hope your g'son is recovering well Perse.
As for you being wise or not, from what Ive read, I think you are very clever. This thread and other answers to questions.

Linda, surely you aren't mowing lawn in the rain.


Cath2010 Report 13 Jun 2011 08:13

Hello to all,
another rainy day here, :-( What has happened to summer?
Had to literally drag the dog outside this morning, I opened the door and she bolted straight back to bed, well if I was up to walk her she was going out like it or not so off we went. 20 minutes later we're back and now she is sulking, lol. Hope everyone is well,

Cath xx


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 14 Jun 2011 07:51

Morning all
Nice start to today.
My check for high BP went well yesterday as it has actually dropped to near normal reading
Off to see my parents this afternoon, both in different hospitals, so not an easy day for my poor hubby, bless him he is my chaufeur !!!
Managed some gardening yesterday so it's looking a bit tidier.

Still doing the knitting

Have a good day

Linda :-) <3


SpanishEyes Report 14 Jun 2011 08:33

Good morning everyone from sunny Spain.
I often read this thread for fun and occassional for tips. However this morning I had 383 messages in my in box for emails for yhis thread alone..... I realsie that you are all interesting people but I simply could not keep up wih that volume!! so forgive me,,, you are no longer in my ticked threads... has anyone else had this problem today?

Meanwhile I will keep reading and sometimes adding to your thread

09.31hrs Spain :-0 :-)


Robin7 Report 14 Jun 2011 10:39

Hi everyone

looks a better morning here in Yorkshire so going to get some washing out while i can then the twins off to nursery in the pm and i need to bob down the shops :-)



moonbi Report 20 Jun 2011 04:02

why, its 6 days since anyone has posted here.

I guess the summer weather is out and about time for you all.
You're all gardening or holidaying or going to meets?

My children returned from 5 days at Mt Gwinair in the snow, and don't want to go back to school and work today.

I have been feeling the cold a lot, and bought a new woolen overcoat to wear shopping, and to take on my trip to Adelaide. only 14 more sleeps to go.

I am surprised my cat is still catching mice since it is so cold here this past week. right now she is on her cushion watching me type this message to you all.

Yesterday afternoon I went to card making, and there were quite a few new faces. we ran our papers through the embossing machine,
and learned how to tie baby ribbons. I bought a new stamp set of word sentiments and a garden green ink pad.

This morning I packed up my daughter in law's parcel, as its her birthday on the 29th. I was shocked to find how much the price has gone up since last year.
It cost me $38 Aus to send 860g shoebox of goodies to her in Maine.
when I asked why it cost so much now, the lady said $8 was for the security scan, so they dont have to open the parcel.
OK, I spent quite a long time packing it and taping it up, so it would arrive there in one piece. so yes I paid the $8.

Big hello to you all


Cath2010 Report 20 Jun 2011 07:24

Morning all,
apologies for not posting, no excuse.
Mmmm, summer weather, I'd like to know where it's gone. What a grey, wet and miserable June it's been :-(
Had a busy weekend and today is my eldest daughters 28th birthday.
Moonbi not long to go now until your trip to Adelaide, bet you're looking forward to it, I hope the new coat keeps you nice and warm.
Hope everyone is well,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 08:33

Here I am back from our week in the Lake District.
We had a lovely time. Sunday 12th was wet and also Monday morning, so we went to the craft shop (Paper Warehouse), and Lakeland and had lunch in Mo******s. Tuesday was glorious so we had a freedom of the Lake ticket and went from lakeside to Ambleside and back enjoying the beautiful scenery. The boats were full, mainly with coach loads of japanese tourists.
Wednesday we met friends for lunch then drove round to Brantwood (John Ruskin's house) in Coniston, another nice sunny day.
Thursday was fairly bright but cloudy, a few sunny periods. We Walked a mile or so at Elterwater, then drove into the Langdales where we had a picnic lunch, then walked another short way to take photos of surrounding hills and fells, then drove to Rydal water and walked about another mile to Grasmere Lake and took more photos. Had a lovely day. Friday we went to Arnside, it was a bit showery but no real rain, then we drove to Fellfoot on Windermere and it was sunny. Our daughter and her husband joined us friday evening and Saturday we all went out to Cartmel and grange over Sands finishing up eating our lunch at Bradsea, near Ulverston sitting by the sea (which was in, it is usually mud) in the sun, even eating an ice cream. We then went and looked round the local Budhist community grounds which are lovely and were able to see the temple they have built which is wonderful.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all sunny evenings when we sat outside at the bar by the river with a glass of wine.
Saturday evening daughter treated us out to a meal for Fahter's day.
It was drizzly rain when we left at 0915 this morning but soon dried and it was dry all the ay home.
It has been quite cold all week though, not really flaming June, except for Tuesday.

Apologies if you read all that on Just Jean's thread but I couldn't type an account out twice.

I am pleased to see this thread still plodding on. Strange there was a large gap in the week though, everyone must have been busy.
Moonbi, I am pleased that your young ones had fun in the snow, they can tolerate the cold more easily than we 'oldies'. I see you are a card maker. Did you know I have a card and craft blog? PM me for details if you'd like to see. There is also a scrapbooking and card making thread on this board, don't know if you are aware of that.
Bridget, welcome to this thread, please feel free to dip in and comment whenever you like.
Linda, I hope you see some progress when you visit your parents and that they can soon be home together again.
Perse, hope Grandson is fit for school again after his appendix op. So quick these days, it used to be at least two weeks off school if not more.
Cath, not very summery at all, I am surprised it isn't even warmer in Guernsey. What topsy turvey weather, hot in April (and I missed it) and cold in June. I was almost tempted to put the heating on last night, in fact last week in the Lake District we actually had the gas fire on in the evenings.


AnninGlos Report 22 Jun 2011 08:34

Nobody posted yesterday so hope you are all OK.


moonbi Report 23 Jun 2011 01:12

Dear Ann
I didnt notice a cardmaking thread on the forum.
What is the link please?

we have been carding on and off for a few years.

My daughter's best friend is to marry next February, and she has asked us to make the invitations, table name cards, and table decos.
Will be a big job for about 50 guests. though many of these will be on the same invite, so there may not be as many cards to make anyway.
the colours are black, red and white.
she will get the wording printed on white vellum at the local office works shop, and we add that as an insert.
I bought the red organza ribbon with tiny stripes, that we will bind the layers with.
this week in the process of making 3 different versions of the invites, so the lady can pick her favourite.

The weather is freezing, with a cold southerly, and snow clouds flying.
Volcanic ash has halted most flights in the southern areas for a few days.
I do hope it has cleared before the 4th July, so I dont have to change my trip to Adelaide. Yes thats selfish, I know.

So, you folk havent really had summer yet?
How awful.


moonbi Report 23 Jun 2011 01:16

you have had a very eventful visit to the lakes area. Lots to see and do making pleasant memories.
I looked on the map to see where you went. fascinating trip.


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Jun 2011 01:34

Hi Ann and everyone

we went to the cabin for our first trip of the year ............. hitched the trailer to the car and loaded it with large containers filled with sleeping bags, mattresses, cook stove, etc etc etc.

We left here on Thursday (16th), stopped overnight at a motel about 4 hours from Vancovuer, and an easy 2 hour drive from the cabin for Friday.

Stopped in the nearest town to the cabin to pick up the new generator (replacement for the one that was stolen earlier this year from the hosue here, plus a little bit of grocery shopping, and then drove the 60 km to the cabin

no invasions from pack rats .......................

............ no attempts by bears to get in the cabin, or to play football with the water collector


some 2-legged "animals" did get in

They left all doors wide open ........ it must have been quite recently as there were no sign of any animals having got in (ie, droppings or "nesting"), and no soaking from rain.

They left all the cupboard doors wide open, but didn't do any damage, or leave much of a mess around

And they chained up the farm gate after leaving

Very strange, and weird!

They stole, among other things:-

one Camp Lantern (Coleman white gas kind)
one 15 m extension cord
3 tarpaulins
6 floor runners (very cheap and on their last legs)
1 large plastic box containing among other things ............ 6 battery operated closet lights, 3 battery operated mosquito swatters, suede leather fire gauntlets (for loading wood into the wood stove) and 3 sun hats and 1 ball cap about to be thrown out.

We don't leave much of any value up there over winter!

We had to go to bed early on Friday night 'cos we had no lights

We then had to go back into town on Saturday (60 km each way), to report the break-in to the RCMP (ie, Mounties) ......... he had the same idea as me .................. it looked like someone trying to set up his own cabin or for camping

................ and we also had to buy replacement lantern, lights, tarp, mosquito swatters, etc

Not covered by insurance of course as the cabin is so remote that the cost is prohibitive

We would normally leave the generator and the other stuff that was packed in the trailer up for the summer

............ but they all came back home with us!!

OH was not too happy ........ he'd planned on also leaving the trailer up there, and on having some space in the basement here to sort out other stuff!

Ah well, it's the first major break-in since we bought the place in 1997.

We came back a day early ... Monday instead of Tuesday. The weather was pretty bad, and it was chilly. We had the wood stove lit for a lot of the time!

We'd put my computer into the computer hospital last Wednesday, and OH picked it up on Tuesday morning. They found a few nasties on it, cleaned them out, cleaned out some programmes that were no longer needed, installed a dvd player and burner .. and it seems to be working faster! They also installed a couple of new things, and changed some things .... it's taking me some time to learn the new things!

and it has taken me 2 days to get caught up on here, and with other things!

Weather here has been beautiful since Monday ............. sunny and hot!



moonbi Report 23 Jun 2011 02:24

Oh dear, Sylvia, after driving all that way, to find your cabin cleared out.

Have other people's cabins been ransacked too? do the mounties have any other info?

its getting pretty serious when you cant leave anything behind for the next visit. makes a lot of extra packing each time.

Great news your computer has a new lease on life. I found the new version on my ltop a bit tricky to navigate, but only for about a week or two. now its easy peasy.

Glad they got rid of those nasties too.
and you have warm weather there, how nice.

My son and dil went to Digby and Halifax for a week, as her father lives there. they should be back early next week. havent heard if the weather is nice for them. they drove north, and took the ferry across. he sent an email from the ferry to say happy father's day.
but I had to laugh, AUS father's day is not until 2nd Sunday in September.

I guess he didnt want a repeat of missing our mother's day.
I found out that my daughter told him off on facebook, "You better get a message to mum "REAL QUICK "

they are so funny



AnninGlos Report 23 Jun 2011 15:40

Moonbi the thread is scrapbook, cardmaking, photography and all crafts. I can send it up to the top but you are probably asleep right now. Just put scrapbook into advanced search, that should bring it up. But oif you want the address of the card making blog please PM me.

Sylvia, not ignoring you but I have commented on your break in elsewhere.