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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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AnninGlos Report 25 Sep 2011 22:33

Sylvia, good to see your post, hope it won't be too long before the staples are removed and that you are able to return to typing more easily.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Sep 2011 18:33

Hi all

Thank you everyone

Progress is being made ........ I can now type with 2 fingers, one on each hand!

I have to keep the upper part of my left arm tightly pressed against my body, but can move the lower part enough to get one finger to the keyboard!

OH's sister is down here staying with her son, but we are expecting her to visit later this morning. She leaves on Friday for a week in England .............. visiting their cousin who is fighting a recurrence of breast cancer.

I'm also waiting for the nurse to come, it's change-the-dressing day!



SylviaInCanada Report 27 Sep 2011 21:47

Hi all

1 week progress report (hasn't the time flown by?!) .......

Things are gradually improving.

I still have an untold number of staples in an incredibly long incision, and a drain. Hopefully, the drain will be removed on Thursday, and then I can have a SHOWER on Friday

If not, then I will have to wait until Monday ......... and have the first celebratory shower on Tuesday

I have made an appointment with my hairdresser for this afternoon to get my hair WASHED. Oh JOY!

I still have to keep my left arm close against my body, to provide some support ................. and also as a reminder NOT to make many movements!

BUT ......... I can now move my left forearm and hand with more ease and without causing too much discomfort, so I can ....................... now type with 3 fingers .......... one of which is on my left hand!

I went out yesterday for the first time ...... for afternoon coffee. The coffee shop owners gave me a free latte, as a welcome back.

This has not been the most enjoyable time, but we're getting there!

Thank you everyone for your support, and good wishes.



moonbi Report 27 Sep 2011 22:55

Dear Sylvia

I am so surprised that you are typing already, albeit with 3 fingers.

How lovely that you are improving so quickly,
though i guess you dont think of it as being quick. especially when there is still pain .

but arent you doing well? and when that drain comes out, whoohoo a lovely warm shower. That will feel great.

how nice for the hairdresser to offer to carefully wash and airdry, and get you looking good again.

your little outing to the cafe for a free latte put some interest into your day.
hope you can do more of that.
Is the weather still cooling down there? we have had the typical spring going back and forth from warm to cold. and quite windy some days.

hope everyone is being kind and gentle to you.

Annette xxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Sep 2011 23:24

Sylvia. you are doing well.keep going we are with you and hopefully you will soon get that shower.


moonbi Report 29 Sep 2011 00:56

my gson and I have been through a very stormy night.

the thunder and lightning were awesome, the wind was strong so the power went off for 4 hours from 830pm to half after midnight.
we knew the storms were coming so I fixed us an early tea, and boiled the kettle so we could have a warm drink later.

I checked to see where my candles and matches were. just in case. so glad I did now, as it went so dark. used the light from my laptop to find my way to the candles. granson was a little afraid, but not too much. I put him to bed and sat in the chair beside him and read to him by candle light. I thought if I kept to the normal routine ans wasnt too alarmed myself then he would calm down. it worked too.
this morning is cold wet and windy, rain still falling and I measured 28mm in the guage.
today we must stay at home, as I dont venture out in such weather.

hope you are all well
best wishes Annette


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Oct 2011 21:44

Just reporting in .................

Nurse came about 3 hours ago

52 staples later, the nurse says .................

"I have never before removed so many staples"

she even wondered if the staple gun had "gone wrong" as there were so many very close together in one area

Trust me!

Drain still in

no shower tomorrow :-( :-( :-( :-(


AnninGlos Report 15 Oct 2011 17:17

Two I didn't reply to sorry. Sylvia I think I remarked on your post on another hread and I know that you have had a shower by now.

Moonbi, that storm sounded scary. Glad you came through it OK.

Not many people posting on this thread now so maybe it has served its purpose.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Oct 2011 23:58

no Ann

I think people are just busy, I know that I have been spending limited time on GR

and we know that moonbi is busy with her family

Have you settled back in the home routine after your holiday?

I always find that difficult, especially if we have been away for several weeks!

take care everyone


moonbi Report 16 Oct 2011 01:35

Today is a very emotive day

Son 2 takes the 4pm train to Melbourne.
we are all going to the railway station to see him off.
but his sister is very annoyed because she was called in to do a shift at the hospital, and couldnt get out of it for fear of losing her job.
I think thats so unfair.
Thankfully we had a dinner together last night. I cooked sons favourite meal, lamb roast with roasted veges with lemon meringue pie for dessert, then we had coffee and watched son2 favourite movie together, "Sherlock Holmes" the most recent edition.

Son will stay onite in the Ibis hotel before signing on to recruit school navy the next morning at 7am. his initial course is 11 weeks and he xant come home till thats over, but we can go down to Cerebus for a weekend in week 7. I want to do that.

everything will change here now. and there are some big issues coming up very soon. so if I am not talking here, its not that I dont want to, it just that im not able to.
Best wishes you all.

So glad yo know you both are doing well, and Sylvia especially.


AnninGlos Report 16 Oct 2011 09:12

Sylvia, yes more or less settled back into routine now. We get used to it. It is just the first shock of the tempeature change usually but this year it was the same here when we got home as it was when we left Tenerife.

Moonbi, I wish your son well and hope he enjoys life in the Navy. It is so good to see them on the way to achieving their dream. I know you are going to miss him a lot but at least you can know it is what he wanted to do. Glad you were able to have a good meal all together and sorry your daughter is unable to accompany you all.

We will understand that you will return to us when you can and I hope that wont be too long. If you have any problems you want to chat over please feel free to PM me or use my email (you have the address). I hope all goes well with whatever it is you have to do. xx

I wonder where Perse is, she hasn't posted on here recently. I know from the book readers that she was OK a week or so ago though so probably just busy.

:-) :-) :-) :-) <3 :-) :-) :-) :-)


Robin7 Report 18 Oct 2011 11:03

Hi Ann and everyone

keep the thread going Ann and everyone i have not been well but have been reading it. i norm check my messages then this thread when i come on GR lol. :-D


AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2011 16:14

Hi Robin, I had missed you and wondered where you were. So sorry that you have not been well. I hope you are feeling better and will soon be fit again. I won't delete it and will hope that people drift back when the winter sets in.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Oct 2011 19:53

Hi Ann

and everyone

Moonbi ...... hope all goes well with you.

we're having some gorgeous "Indian Summer" weather .................. sunny days and cool nights.

The leaves on the trees are colouring very well ......we don't often get good colour on this side of Canada, as we don't often get the cool/cold nights that help cause it.

I go for my second session with the physio this afternoon ................ I've already got a lot of mobility back in my arm, and she is working with me to get it all back. Plus help the scar heal cleanly.



AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2011 20:03

good luck with the physio Sylvia. It was a lovely autumn day here today too. Sunny and crisp although there was a strong breeze.


moonbi Report 18 Oct 2011 22:45

hello all
sunny days and cool nights here too in nsw

Son2 going well on first day in cerberus. they are not allowed to use their phones until Saturday 5pm, so we have arranged for that. I do miss him, but am excited for him.

Now that he has left , the family home is to be sold. I have so much sorting to do that it is overwhelming. but I guess its day by day. A friend is coming tomorrow morning to shampoo the carpet for me.

Sylvia Good on you with the physio,

best wishes


cane Report 20 Oct 2011 15:26

Good Afternoon every-one,
Just like to mention how much i like this thread,and thought i'de just pop in on you all to say "HI".....and i hope you are all keeping warm & snug...tis not very warm out there..... <3 <3 Gwen


AnninGlos Report 20 Oct 2011 16:01

Moonbi, we look forward to a report after you have spoken to him on the phone. I assume that you are not in a hurry to sell so can take your time.

Gwen, Hello, glad you like the thread, it drops off the boards sometimes but we usually retrieve it again. Lovely and sunny in Glos but quite chilly, a nice autumn day though.


moonbi Report 20 Oct 2011 22:51

Guess what! A phone call last night from navy son. what a surprise. I was just about to go to bed.

He called from a pay phone and said he came first in the 2.4 km run and so was allowed to call his family.
I am amazed. there are 100 in the intake 80 men and 20 women.
He is feeling a bit homesick, so I could encourage him.

yes Ann I have about 6 months to leave here. I want to move to a retirement village for over 55's. definately not ready for the aged care facility, even though I have disability.

Its quite chilly here today too. sent gson off to school with a jumper this morning. carpet in the living room clean and smelling nice. makes me feel better.


AnninGlos Report 21 Oct 2011 09:11

How lovely to get a surprise phone call annette, made your day I'm sure, and hopefully cheered him up too. And well done to him coming first. I am sure theya re all homesick, like when they first go to university, until they make friends and find their feeet. He will soon settle down.

Retirement villages are a good idea if you are on your own. Is the one you are interested in far from where you live now, or do you have several to choose between? Do you have to go on a list?