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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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moonbi Report 22 Oct 2011 02:17

Its a quieter day here, and gson is busy with his new little hammer, playing his DS, or chasing the neighbours cat away.

The village I am interested in is about half an hour from here. There are many spread throughout the city, but most are for over 70's. There are a couple for 55's and over.
The type I want to have is where you buy the house, but not the land it is on. The land is owned by the corporation.

it then costs $130 per week for the services such as gated security, garden, garbage, library, gym, heated pool, movie theatre, bus to shops, emergency call etc

I have met women who already live there and they are happy.

other home expenses are my own to deal with like power and heating and phone.
but I am thinking I wont get the landline connected. I will use my mobile/cell, and get wireless internet.

My main concern is to get a good price for this home, so I have enough to buy in and extra to set up.

another bonus is that when I can no longer care for myself in that village, or die, that the home is sold and my kids get all the money divided equally between the 3 of them.

Best wishes


Cath2010 Report 22 Oct 2011 09:13

Good morning everyone and massive apologies for not popping in for so long. I don't post much now on the threads as I have been busy and only really posted on the friendly thread. I didn't mean to neglect you all for so long.
Sylvia so sorry to read of your problems and hope you are well and truly on the road to recovery.
Moonbi, great that your son is able to pursue his chosen career and I hope his homesickness soon passes.
Weather here is definitely getting colder and I'm about to go put the electric blanket back on the bed.

<3 to all,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 22 Oct 2011 10:15

That sounds good Annette. Good to have the pool etc

Cath, lovely to see you. It is a shame that treads like the Friendly thread get all the people posting that we don't see on other threads, one of the reasons for this thread in the first place really .

We have missed you. Glad to see that you are keeping well though :-) :-) :-D


moonbi Report 26 Oct 2011 23:27

Hi one and all

nice sunny warm day here, though with the good rains this year the grasses are flowering everywhere and my hayfever has hit a high.
My eyes are so irritated. and the drops work for such a short time.

yet its nice and quiet in the neighbourhood, children riding their bikes to school, others walking their dogs, in the early morning.

I had a birthday and I feel a bit younger, which is nice. Daughter and gson came for tea. I made green curried chicken with sliced salad for us ladies and pork chop and salad for young lad.
followed by chocolate cake and apple juice.
They went home and all was quiet once again. Watched a late movie.

Son1 in Maine rang and talked a lot. said they are coming out to Aus for Christmas. so I am really pleased that my 3 will be home together. as Son2 gets time off from navy duties then too.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 30 Oct 2011 14:22

Just dropped in, not been on many threads lately. I think the lack of posters is down to people getting their gardens finished for winter, ill-health in a lot of people, holidays taken out of school holidays, but not because anyone wants to leave or close the thread. me, i have nothing but moans and groans at the moment and dont want to inflict that on more threads than I have already. Even best friends get a little bored i think, i know I am!!


AnninGlos Report 30 Oct 2011 15:10

Nobody gets bored Jean, that is what we are here for to support people when they are down. It must be so lowering to suffer pain all the time, real pain I mean. I have a back that gives me trouble but it is a pain I can keep in the background most of the time. I realise how lucky I am to have my health. You keep posting on here and moan away if you want.

Annette, how lovely to be looking forward to christmas with all your family. Tell me what is sliced salad?


moonbi Report 30 Oct 2011 21:39

Sliced salad is every vegetable is sliced in julienne style.

Long and as thin as possible.

I use
cabbage, carrot, celery, beetroot raw, onion, shallot and lettuce.
I add hollandaise sauce at the table just for a little flavour.

ps there is no potato in this.

and to Jean I wish for you new inspiration about what you can do to liven up your days. I know you make very beautiful cards, so are you able to listen to your favorite music while you do that. I do while I am sewing, just so I dont feel alone in the house. But then I do still have my cat, Ingot, who keep me company both at sewing and at computer. she is navy son's cat and she is 11 years old. so I shouls have her for a few more years yet, even when I move I will take her.

Best wishes to all


AnninGlos Report 30 Oct 2011 22:24

Thank you Annette for that.

I think you may have the wrong Jean, at least I don't think Jean in Monmouth makes cards, well she may but it is Just Jean who I think you are thinking about. Confusing isn't it? the Jeans are almost as bad as the Ann(e)s


moonbi Report 30 Oct 2011 23:12

Fancy that, my mother was Jean and she had a best friend Jean.
family used to say "Here comes that pair of Jeans."

I think I must have the wrong pair of Jeans.! :-D


Cath2010 Report 31 Oct 2011 06:31

Morning everyone, hope you are all keeping well.
Annette how lovely that you will have all 3 home for Christmas :-D I do a similar salad as yours but just use a splash of balsamic vinegar for flavour.
Sylvia I hope your recovery is going well.
Can't believe it's November tomorrow, I guess its time to start thinking about Christmas shopping, not my favourite pastime. This year seems to have flown by, I must be getting old :-(
Best wishes to you all,

Cath xx


moonbi Report 31 Oct 2011 21:53

good morning Cath.
I must try the little splash of balsamic instead of the hollandaise. that really would be nice.

November today, and the big horse race is in Melbourne today.

I am going to my friends place at noon; a few ladies are having lunch together with drinks and then we will watch the race on the tv. Im happy as I wont need to spend the day alone.

But I do need to pick up g'son after school, as he is back with me for a day or two.
I have him all weekend coming up, so that will be a challenge. I might take him to the indoor pool for a swim on saturday and then I can go in the water too.

Last Saturday I went with my daughter to a card making workshop for Stampin' Up and we ordered the BigShot embossing machine, 2 stamps, some papers and some brads. When they arrive we will have lots of fun.

My brother and I are about to use the freedom of information act Aus. to look for our 3/4 siblings of which there are 2. It is a very emotive time for us as we are not sure if they are wanting contact too.

on my side of the family there are feelings of intrigue, betrayal, jealousy, and anger over this issue; As all children have the same father, but the mothers were sisters.
Our father and our two mother sisters are all deceased.
I know this sounds like a saga from Big Love that mormon tv show. but its surely not.

Think of me as we use the act in November. after we get the details I will decide whether to proceed with the contact. I definate ly not going to try anything over Christmas.
Dont want anything to spoil my kids Christmas together.

Best wishes


AnninGlos Report 31 Oct 2011 22:17

good luck with your search Annette. Something rather like that in my family only a couple of generations back. My Gt Gt Grandfather married two sisters, but..... before the first wife my Gt Gt grandmother died, the two sisters both lived in the same house with him and both sisters had children more or less the same time with no father named of the younger sister's children's birth certs. No proof but it is a fair bet they all had the same father.

hello Cath, yes Christmas seems to come round more quickly the older I get.


moonbi Report 31 Oct 2011 22:45

yes thats exactly how it is with my lot.

the events occurred before my birth but at the birth of my brother. and then again at a following birth.

my father was married to my mother, but when she was in hospital giving birth to my brother (those days women stayed in hospital for 10 days) her sister came to help out with the older 3 children.

it was during mother's hospital stay that father had sex with her sister and a child was conceived and mother didnt learn of it,

and so the very same situation happened a second time, at the birth of the next child, my brother now deceased.

and then when mum came home there was a major blow up and the sister was told to get out and not come back.

so there you have it. hmm


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2011 00:25

Hi all

Annette ...... good luck with your search. I hope all goes well if you decide to ahead and contact the other family.

I went to see the surgeon this morning ......... only had to wait 15 minutes past the appointment time

She went through the pathology report ................ everything is clear, although I did apparently have both pre-cancerous and "atypical cells" of lobular cancer spread throughout the tissue

so da*n good job it was found so early.

I have been referred automatically to the Cancer Agency to see a radiation specialist ......... but the surgeon sees no need for me to have any further treatment. But the radiation guy makes the final decision ......... and she said he is a very practical guy.

so it looks like I won't have to have any radiation ....... we'll know more next Monday.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D



AnninGlos Report 2 Nov 2011 21:44

Happy families then Annette??

I think with my Gt Gt grandfather his wife (my Gt Gt grandmother) must have been aware of what was going on. Her sister was several years younger than her and lived with them from when she was still quite young. I guess in the end she didn't worry about it as she must have been quite ill (she died from uterine cancer) and no doubt was glad to have somebody to look after her children.


moonbi Report 2 Nov 2011 23:06

well not really happy families.

it gets more messy. The sister who had the babies adopted out married a few years after and had a daughter, my cousin.
First baby was adopted legally, so we definately will be able to find. second baby was adopted illegally, and the Matron and the mother got in trouble with child services. so a record of this should be on the books too.

This cousin was only told of it early this year by another cousin. and she didnt believe it because she said her mother would have told her about it, if it was true.
Later She then went ahead and presented her mothers death cert so that she could access the adoption records, because she is the daughter of the same mother.
Well, cousin has received the records, and is sitting on them. ie wont or is not able to share them.
for what ever reason she has I dont know.
my recent emails are not replied to, though in the last message I got from her she was havong a hard time coming to terms with this facts about her mother. having anxiety panic attacks etc.
Maybe it will take her a few years to come to grips with the issues, just as my brother and I have had.
we all thought that our cousin knew about this, and all along she didnt.

So it is now up to my brother and I to try and access the records from our point of view. trying not to upset our cousin anymore than she is.

Thanks for listening
Best wishes too all


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2011 09:10

How sad for her and what a shock to find out firstly that she has siblings she didn't know about and secondly the way they were conceived. I wonder if the siblings themselves are searching.

It was a shock for you as well of course.

What a tangled web we weave is more apt than happy families then isn't it?

I assume that your parents stayed together after the sister left?

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 3 Nov 2011 10:15

Ann(glos) No. I dont make cards, I can knit and crochet and embroider, also used to make own clothes.
Sylvia, good luck with the radiographer, and hope you need no further treatment. Am so used to my falsie now I can even scratch myself when I itch and feel it too!.
Buried my older sister yesterday. Had a fall, and broke her hip and not having her call button on, lay there for about 8hrs undiscovered until we realised her tele was still on at 2am. She died of pneumonia after suffering hypothermia. Being a very small village we all know each other, and there was someone at the funeral from almost every house except where someone was too frail or infirm to come.


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2011 10:18

I am sure you must be feeling sad today Jean, always sad to lose a family member especially a close one. A warning to those with emergency buttons to ALWAYS wear them.
I didn't think you made cards, but you are obviously very talented with needlework.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Nov 2011 00:13

so sorry to hear about your sister, Jean

re falsies

I now get to go to the boob shop, and pick the size I would like to be :-D
