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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 8 Sep 2009 21:04

Good luck with the kitchen people Jean, hope you can afford what you would like.

Glos xx


Huia Report 8 Sep 2009 22:12

I am going to visit Phil today. I hope he doesnt fall asleep like last time, at least, not until I am ready to leave.
I was late getting to bed after choir last night, 11.30, then woke at 2 and couldnt get back to sleep so had a half sleeping tab at 4 and woke (reluctantly) at 8.30. At least I am not driving all the way to the hospital, I have a half hour drive then get a train, then a long walk to the ward.
Better wash the dished, havent done them for a couple of days now!


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 8 Sep 2009 22:20

Hope the visit to Phil goes OK today and that he is reponsive and that you can walk away too without too much upset. At least you get some exercise either side of the visit and a chance to rest on the train too. Let us know if there are any decisions on his care.
No more fights with the lawn mower I hope. I think you do need something easier for you to cope with. I cannot use our petrol mower it just runs away with me. I am OK with the electric one except it sometimes skims and leaves a bare patch. I also still have an old fashioned push and pull, driven by human power, but I puff now using that and it's really hard work.
I think you are enjoying your choir. Wonder why you have difficulty sleeping through? I am the same I think it's my head trying to solve problems, of many sources.
Don't worry too much about the dishes there always seem to be more.

Enjoy your day and know that I often think of you.

Linda ;o) Xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Sep 2009 15:42

Good Afternoon everyone.
Hi Huia,I hope your visit to Phil went o.k. Is he still on high medication,or have they started to lower it now. So glad you are able to go out and about when you want to now. Enjoy the choir practise.
Jean,have the kitchen people been yet? Have you decided what type you want yet.
I hope you are feeling a bit more refreshed now. All that walking about would tire you out.
I am going to p.m you in a minute.
Marilyn has been a real diamond,she has been helping me to trace my grandfather. And today I have sent of for the marriage cert for him and my nan. Hopefully,he will have put his parents names on it. That way,if I get no further,at least I will know who they were.
Marilyn has got her B.B.Q today,I just hope it's a bit brighter there than it has been here all day. It's very overcast,even though it's not cold.
I wonder what has happened to Sallie. It's most unusual not to see her on here.
I sent a p.m to Marie yesterday,but it's not been opened. I hope she is o.k.
Cooooeeee Marie.
Hello Ann,hows you today.
Love to Debbie Sue Grace Liz and all our cyber friends.
Speak to you all again soon. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 9 Sep 2009 17:13

hi all, I am fine, been busy, made about 4 pounds of tomato chutney this morning, did a bit of gardening, did a load of washing. sat in the garden and read the paper, It has been a glorious day here, sunshine all day and very warm. Better go and get the washing in now. Oh yes I also typed out a long letter to friends (snail mail.


Deborah Report 9 Sep 2009 21:22

Hi All, no I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth, I manage to get the children back to school and then still don't seem to be able to find any spare time. They went back last Thurs and have the day off tomorrow, for the Air Display.

So for all you Plane Enthusiasts out there, you could listen in to the commentry on the BBC Jersey Web Site from 1pm and hear what I will be watching all afternoon. The youngest 2 want to go and watch the planes. Guess what..............the oldest 2 want to ge fishing!!!

I love watching the planes but some of them aren't fast enough or noisy enough for me. I like the really noisy ones that make your body shake as they fly overhead. We live just up from the sea front where the display is, so only have a 10 minute walk to watch them. The helicopters land at about 6am in the park just down from our house. We usually have a look around those in the morning, pick up as many freebies as the children can lay their hands on, then watch the main display in the afternoon. The Red Arrows usually fly about 4.30.

So a busy day tomorrow. Thank goodness the weather foecast is good for the day, lovely sunshine, 25º, but an increasing wind. It was 30º yesterday, much cooler with drizzle today, then supposed to be fantastic for at least the next 5 days. Yippee, summer has arrived.

I've read all the threads on here and am keeping up to date with the gossip. Mo, you have been lucky with the Bingo, haven't you. I went once and really couldn't get into it that much. Maybe I shoud have gone a few times to appreciate it.

Huia, I hope that your visit to Phil went ok and that you are able to catch up on your sleep. Do you sleep in the train at all or isn't it a long journey?

Well, all of you with your plant names impress me. I know common and nick names, but fall short at the Latin versions. I should be ashamed as my Dad is a Horticulturalist. He was the reason we came to Jersey as he was employed to set up a Horticulture & Agriculture Training Centre to be attached to the local College of Further Education. Oh well, we can't all be genius.

Am off now, to check out the Snooker Association web site. Hubby has just started this season's league and the results should be published by now. He is hassling me to have a look.

Best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Sep 2009 21:39

I love tomato chutney Ann. I used to make a lot of it,when the children were young. We grew our own tomato's,and those that were not eaten were made into the chutney. We used to have enough to last us for months on end.
You lucky thing Debbie,having the air show right on your doorstep. Roly will be green with envy when I tell him.
His favourite crafts are the jet aircraft,noisy or what. I love all the side stalls that they have with them.
love to all. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 10 Sep 2009 00:59

Hi all, trying to keep up with all the threads but failing miserably, I have lots to do before the holiday and o.h. is not helping by being a miseryguts, think he is getting scared about the flying, lol, oh and I just remembered he hasn't made his will yet - better remind him eh? He did look at getting insurance on line last evening but he needs to phone his house insurance company and see if they will do it cheaper, I did manage to get him to acknowledge his ailments on the quote form but it's an extra £9.48 or something so if he can get discount on the personal possessions side, it would be better and speaking to them he can get definite info about the medical bits. Must get it done soon, I hatge to think if there was a reason to cancel he wouldn't get his money back but I might get some back as I have insured already.

Huia, hope the visit to Phil was ok and not too stressful, shame that you go all that distance and he sleeps through your visit tho, but glad you don't have to do too much driving, and can rest on the train some of the journey.
Let's hope his medication is soon adjusted correctly and his future home be sorted out, maybe then you will relax more and be able to get a good night's sleep.

take care everyone and my apologies for anyone I owe emails etc to, you are all often in my thoughts, just not enough time or energy to get on here much.



Zack Report 10 Sep 2009 12:02

Hello all,
I am well ,but rather tired so much to do with the garden exercise classes and helping Barbara with the girl's am pooped to-night.
I pop in and read the posts but most nights I am too tired to reply as like all of you I don't always get a goodnight's sleep.I must go as I still have to take my medication.

Have a nice day and HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS to you all


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2009 12:18

Liz, when do you go? Why have you got so much to do before you go? Can't any of it wait until you get back? If not you are going to end up really stressed.

Glos who should be sorting out packing for next week.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Sep 2009 13:31

Hello to you all.
It seems that everyone,is having holidays,or short breaks away.
We are going to Blackpool in October,to see the lights again. I love it there at tha time of year. But we never go at the weekend,as it's to full of
hen and stag parties. Being a boring OAP now,I can't stand the pace. lol
Glad you are o.k Huia,I think if you quite often love.
We have just arranged for the carpet cleaning company,to come and steam clean our carpets downstairs. They are coming Monday afternoon.I can't wait for them to be done. Perhaps then I will feel clean again,after our uninvited guest.
I hope J gets on o.k tommorrow Jean. Is it the doctor or hospital,I can't remember.
I hope you are both well. How is your daughter now?
Ann,if I pack to early,I put things in the case,then take them out and repack
as I always think I have forgotten something. Enjoy yourself. Where are you going this time? If you would rather not say,I would understand.
Have you started packing yet Liz?
Sallie,how is your daughters treatment going,is she still well.?
See you all later tonight. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 10 Sep 2009 21:14

Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on for a couple of days. I've had quite a few things to do I haven't been on the computer.

Jean, I hope J gets on alright at the hospital tomorrow, I'll be thinking
about him.

Ann, when do you go away? Sorry I know you told us that you are going, but I can't remember when you go.

Mo, it will be nice when your carpets are cleaned. You'll feel a lot easier in your mind, to know that they are clean once again.
Jennie's been to the hospital today, for another lot of her medication. It looks as though it's working, she's able to eat all the fruit and vegatables that she loves, so that is good to start with. All the ulcers in her colon have healed and of course she doesn't get anymore pain. So we are all hoping that it will continue and that she won't get any of the side effects of the medication.

Marie, you sound very busy with all you have to do. Look after yourself and take care.

Liz, hope you are getting there with all the jobs you have to do before you go away. Is your OH feeling better about flying now?

Huia, how are things with you? Hope the hospital is managing to sort out Phil's medication. Are you still enjoying your choir practice? Take care!

Debbie, hope your Dad has had his results, and that they are all alright.
Have you got back to normal again, now that the children are back at school.

Marilyn, hope you are enjoying your time with your visitors.

Sue, I hope your son's arm is healing well. How long will it be before he will be able to play football again?

Grace, haven't heard from you for a long while. Hope everything is okay with you all.

Well girls, I'll speak to you all soon.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 10 Sep 2009 21:17

~~~~ to all, just to let you know I am still around (and they dont come much rounder than me!).

I have an appointment at the super clinic at 12.30 to get the itch checked out, so must dash as I want to do a little shopping first.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Sep 2009 21:29

Oooooh Huia,we forgot about the super clinic,so sorry about that. I do hope you get on alright. Got my legs crossed for you,can't do my fingers,or
I wont be able to type. Please keep us informed how you get on love.
Wakey wakey Marie. I hope you feel better after your sleep.
Sallie,it's such good news about Jenny Being able to enjoy your food is such a bonus.
I will say night night now. God bless you all.
Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2009 21:31

Hi, We are going to Dorset Mo, near Bridport, we go Saturday Sallie. Goodness Sallie thatw as an epistle. glad Jennie is doing OK (I have to admit I have forgotten what her problem is, sorry senior moment!)

Went to my hospital appointment at 4.20, well we were early actually, they were running very late and I didn't go in until 4.45.He removed it there and then so sore now, 5 deep stitches, 5 surface + sterri strips. Visit nurse at surgery in 10-14 days to have stitches removed and back to hospital in 3 months. Shoulder and arm quite sore now but we walked (slowly) into town from hospital and had curry at Weatherspoons afterwards. It was still numb then, We went in on the bus as it is easier than parking. At least I didn't have to think about it. Same dermatologist I saw last time and he is sure it was another rodent ulcer.

----- Original Message


Sallie Report 10 Sep 2009 21:55

Hi All,

Ann, I'm sorry I had forgotten about your appointment at the hospital.
At least it's done and over with now--you haven't got it hanging over you when you go on holiday. Hope it isn't too painful and that you will manage to get to sleep tonight.
Jennie has Crohn's Disease. She has had it for five and a half years, since she was 19. She has to go to the hospital every eight weeks to have her medication through a drip.

Huia, I hope you got on alright at the hospital, and that the news was good.
Take care!

Love, .xx Sallie


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2009 22:00

Sallie, I thought it might be Crohns as I remembered somebody had it that was mentioned on here. I believe I probably said our friends' daughter, the same age as my daughter, late 40s, has had it since she was about 20, she is so thin but relatively healthy otherwise, wont let it beat her and is training to run a half marathon at the moment. She had to have a hysterectomy last year so wont have children now but she copes with it very well. she is married.

Ann x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Sep 2009 22:08

Oh my god,you weren't the only one to forget Sallie,I had too. That makes two appointments we missed,Ann's and Huia's. So sorry to both of you.
I am sure you will enjoy your holiday Ann. I hope the soreness goes quickly,to enable you be able to relax,and have a nice time.
I am definately going this time. Night Night all. God bless. Mo xxx


Huia Report 11 Sep 2009 05:14

I dont know how some of you manage to keep track of who has what etc. I would have to keep scrolling up and down to remind myself.

Anyway, I have lichen sclerosus. A skin disease - more common in the female. Needs to be checked every year in case it becomes cancerous. I resent being regarded as common! I thought lichen only grew on rocks anyway. I have some cream to apply to it (when I remember to go to the chemist, I forgot on my way home so will have to get it in the morning).

Best wishes to everybody who has some complaint or other, saves me naming you all.



GRMarilyn Report 11 Sep 2009 11:54

Hi Everyone,

My doesn't time fly.....

I'm still getting visisters think the word has got round the family,that Marilyn is a soft touch ..LOL

I seem to be either feeding them or watering them .. ! Got more today but its this afternoon for cream teas.....Scones & Jam & Devon clotted cream.

Then out tonight baby sitting...What would they do without grandmas & grandpas..!!

Hope your all well and enjoying the last of the good weather, they have just ploughed the field behind me this morning .....Autumn is coming !

Now we will be inundated with strews from the field. ...pity Mo got rid of her RAT we could do with it to catch these little blighters.

Off now to do some ironing. ~~~~~~~~