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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 6 Oct 2009 22:15

Oh Huia, I have just read the thread, I am so sorry to hear about Phil, it must be so hard for you to come to terms with... but love, you have done all you can, Phil wont be aware what he is doing, it is so terrible for the partners and families seeing their loved ones like that, but as Ann says you couldnt possibly take care of him, you would soon be ill...J and I send our love to you and pray that you may have some peace, we are all here for you.....

much love and ((((((((((((( X )))))))))))) Jean xx


Huia Report 7 Oct 2009 01:23

I had a visit from a social worker this morning. The Charge Nurse in Phils ward must have been worried that I might be suicidal. No way, I couldnt possibly be until I have got rid of a lot of my junk. Far too much to leave for the family to get rid of! And all the people on here are so lovely I couldnt possibly leave you.

A family conference has been called for Friday at 12.30 to discuss the future. I dont know if our children can be there. It is a pity it couldnt be on the Saturday. I can always ask Phils sister or mine or a friend to come with me on Friday.

Thank you so much, everybody for your love and hugs.



AnninGlos Report 7 Oct 2009 08:25

At least they seem to be doing something then Huia, you do need somebody with you though, it helps in case you miss something that is said.

Of course, you have your extended family on here to look out for you, we would all be distraught if we thought you were suicidal. I hope that they can sort something out to your satisfaction. Did you tell the social worker your concerns about the medication?

Ann xxx


Huia Report 7 Oct 2009 09:27

My son is coming up from Rotorua on Friday for the conference and daughter is going to see if she can get somebody to fill in for her. Phils niece is going to talk to her mother to see if she can come. I think we are going to have the medication problems explained and discuss the future. Phil cant stay in the public hospital forever, unfortunately (doesnt cost!) although there is still a bit over a month before we lose his superannuation and I go onto a living-alone allowance to top up my super. That is when I will really feel like a widow I expect.



AnninGlos Report 7 Oct 2009 09:47

I do hope the conference helps you.


Ann x


GRMarilyn Report 7 Oct 2009 13:23

Hi Again...

Fancy me looking in twice in a matter days !! LOL

Just done all the school uniforms ironed ...its such a long time since I did this ...
Hubby is the shoe cleaner...and the homework helper, while I feed them .

I'm already creamed crackerd,but I here until Tuesday when son & daughter in law arrives back from Sunny Spain!

Jean I went to Wales ..Welshpool for 3 days and then stayed in Shrewsbury a place called Pontesbury where my Hubby's brother lives.

Yes Mo,I did get some Flower seeds given to me called Nicotiana for
free !! I admired them so much in hubby brothers house that he gave me a glad I did as you have to send away for these...

Huia thinking of you ..X

Oh well off now to finish off the ironing ...waves to all ~~~~~~~~~~~

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Oct 2009 18:15

Good evening girls.
Huia,I am so pleased that you are having the meeting,I sincerely hope that you get some answers. And glad that you are not going to have to face this alone. If your family are there as back up,they will listen more,to what you have to say.
Not only that,more than one pair of ears,can take in more information.
Marilyn,you mind you dont overdo it. All this early rising is not good for you.
You are going to need your next holiday.
Coooeee Jean,how are you and J.
If we don't get a responce from Jean girls,we will have to send in a search party,coz she is probably lost in amongst all the kitchen equipment,in the dining room.
Wheres our Sallie got to tonight.?
helloooo Sallie,how are you and Alun faring today.
Hi Marie,whats your weather like over there at the moment. If you have got any spare sunshine,can you send it over here to us please. We have had yet more rain today.
Ooooh Ann,how are you feeling. Any news yet on your biopsy. I know you told us when you will be likely to get your results,but I have forgotten,sorry.
Still no news from Grace,she's like the invisable woman,one minute we see her,and then she vanishes. Come back Grace.
Love to all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 7 Oct 2009 18:50

If anybody wants to come and do my garden for me, they are welcome. I have plenty of mattresses which we can put on the lounge floor (only 2 spare beds unless somebody wants to share my big one). I should add that we have an acre of grounds - no, make that jungle! Actually there is a big patch of native bush which doesnt need work done and at the far end we have planted quite a few exoctics - beech trees, deodars, magnolia, liriodendron, rhododendron, hazelnuts, silver birch, and our natives have come up among them so that area doesnt need work, but the gardens around the house are a mess - long grass and other weeds. Plenty of free self-sown plants if you want to take them, though you might have trouble getting permission to take them into England. Even seeds might not be acceptable unless they are specially certified, which mine arent.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Oct 2009 19:01

We will all come Huia,if you pay our air fares. lol

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Oct 2009 19:02

Oooooooh look I have got the 1,000 th post.


JustJean Report 7 Oct 2009 19:14

Here I is,head spinning trying to get the work sorted...we have to clear everthing out just before we escape to Llandudno, D wont be able to do it all.. the problem with getting the washer and dryer up stairs into the bathroom is sorted we are having the doorway made wider and a new door, so thats sorted, now we just need to get the flippin case back....

Huia, you brought so many memories back at the mention of Hazelnuts, I used to pick them off the hedgerows in wales when I was a little one, also mushrooms sound as though you could have lovely garden once it was tamed, is there no sort of help the aged in your area,?I read the carers thread again advice they have shared with you sounds very good, take care and try to get your sleep pattern sorted, I am sure you will be refreshed.... always thinking of you........

big squashy hugs for all of you lovely peeps.....

love Jean xx


Huia Report 7 Oct 2009 19:14

Mo, if I had won the 'big one' ($22million) last Saturday I would have paid for you all to come out, but then I could also pay for people to come in to do the garden. I would also have had Phil home and hired a lot of people to help look after him and take him on long walks - if I could get him walking again. He was very shaky the other day.

If yours was the 1000th post, then I must have been 999.



Huia Report 7 Oct 2009 19:16

Sorry, missed your post Jean, we posted at the same time.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Oct 2009 19:23

Ello lovelies.
Huia if I had won as well, you wouldn't have had the worries you have got now. You would have all the help you need believe me.
I see you got out all right Jean. I was going to send the rescue squad in to save you.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Oct 2009 19:53

Evening everyone.
I am pleased to let you all know,that I have been out and done some christmas shopping today. lol
We got some things for one of our grandsons. He is so hard to but for,he is nine years old,and we have no idea what he is into at the moment.
Children change so quickly,in what they play with,from one day to the next.
He is another child,who has got all the latest in technology,even at this young age. He has asked his parents for a new mobile phone,for christmas,a more up to date one.
Gone are the days,of tins of toffees,and an apple and an orange,in your stocking. And if you were lucky,a colouring book and crayons.
I am afraid,my grandchildren will only be getting,a few stocking fillers,and
a small amount of money,to spend in the January sales.
I hope you are well.
Good luck for tommorrow Huia,you will be in my thoughts.
Come to think of it,you may already have had the meeting,so may I say,I hope it went o.k. By the way Huia,I posted the thingy off to you today,by air
Come out ,come out where ever you are Jean.
Just be careful not to fall over,the pots and pans. How are you both,are you nearly ready for your holiday in Wales.?
I wonder how our Sallie is today. Coooeee Sallie.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 8 Oct 2009 21:08

Hello All,

Hope this is third time lucky-the first two messages I wrote, just disappeared. So fingers crossed!

Huia, how are you today? Hope the meeting goes well for you, you need all the help and support you can get at the moment. Let's hope that they will sort out Phil's medication, by the time of your next visit, so that it will be less distressing for you. If we get a big win on the lottery, we'll all be there to help you with your garden. Don't know how much of the garden we'll actually do, with all the talking that will go on.

Marilyn, sounds as though you are really enjoying having your grandchildren stay with you. I know you told us you are going away again soon, but I can't remember when or where you are going.

Mo, I didn't have a very good day yesterday, so wasn't on the computer at all. Michael's Dad is still in hospital, he has to have another test done tomorrow. So he's not too happy, he's absolutely terrified of being in there.
I know nobody really like's to be in hospital, but I understand how poor Reg feels, because I'm just the same. Everytime Jennie has been in, I 've always gone to see her, but been glad to get out of there. There's something about them, that just terrifies me.

Jean, it must be getting near your holiday at Llandudo. At least you'll be able to do some cards while you are there. Hopefully, the kitchen will all be done while you are away. How is your daughter getting on Jean? I hope she is still going on alright.

Ann, how are you getting on with your card making? I haven't thought much about Christmas, I bought some things at the beginning of the year and that's as far as I've got. For quite a few years now, I've bought Christmas presents bit by bit through the year, which is much easier and spreads out the cost throughout the year. I don't know what's happened this year, I'll have to make a start soon.

Grace, hope you are having a bit more luck with your cooker, and that all the other things are sorted too.
Jennie and Michael ( daughter and son-in-law )has had to have a new
cooker today, they could have done without the cost at the moment, but these don't happen to order.

I noticed that Liz is home from her holiday, looks as though she's had a good time. It will be nice to to see her back on this thread.

I wonder where Debbie and Sue are! Marie I expect you are kept busy with your grandchildren staying with you.
I hope you and your families are all alright.

Take care everyone! I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Best wishes.



Zack Report 9 Oct 2009 13:05

Hello All ,I have been reading the threads but havent had the time to comment.
Dear Huia My thoughts and prayers are with youI do hope that they can find a good place for Phil to stay I am praying for you . Mo &Jean I hope you both have your kitchens sorted Soon. I have been busy with the grandchildren ,especially making sure Sebastian gets plenty of sleep and good food so he can keep up to all the study he has to do over the next week or so, I'm not sure when the exams start. I am too tired to remember all the names on these posts . I wish everyone a happy day.
I am off to bed LOVE to you all Marie.


JustJean Report 9 Oct 2009 19:20

Huia, I have just read the carers thread, I am pleased at the way you and your family have been able to be together to hear the outcome of the consultation,
its the not knowing that is the hardest part....I think you are doing so well, love,J an I are keeping you close in our thoughts and prayers, as I know many of your friends on here are.....Take care rest when you can.....

love Jean xx

~~~~~~~ to Marie ~~~~~~~

love to all....

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Oct 2009 19:23

Hello everyone.
It's good to hear from you Marie. Sounds like you are being kept busy by
the grandchildren.
How old is Sebastion. ? What are the exams he has got to do for.? Are they A levels.
How are the younger grandchildren now,only they were not to good were they,not so long ago?
Sallie,I am sorry,I meant to ask you how Michaels dad is now.?
How has your day been today? Have you had the rain again,like we have.
It has turned so cold,I was tempted to put the heating on. But I am trying to hold back for a couple of weeks. I don't like to put it on,till mid october
It's frightening when you see on the news ,that they are going to be put the price of gas and electric up.
We have just swapped over to southern electric,and there prices are fixed till september next year. And if they put it up then,we shall shop around again,for a cheaper supplier.
Hi Jean,how are you and J.
Have you got your suitcase back yet.? Are your legs any better.?
Huia,how did your meeting go love. I hope you are feeling o.k.
Love to all our cyber friends. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 9 Oct 2009 21:39

Hello All,

How are things with you all today? Hope you are all okay.

Huia, I've read the carers thread, I'm so pleased to know that you had a lot of your family there for support. It must be lovely to have your son staying tonight, and good that he will do a few jobs that need to be done. Hope that you enjoyed your lunch out--it was a nice surprise. Thinking about both you and Phil, and hoping that things will be sorted quickly.

Marie, I bet you enjoy having your grandchildren to stay, even though you feel far more tired at the end of each day. Wish your grandson good luck from me, and hope he do well in his exams.

Mo, the weather was fairly nice up until about 4-30p.m. , then it started to rain and it's got colder. Just glad to be in the house, with the gas fire on.
Michael's Dad is still in hospital, he has had some sort of test done today, but not sure what. I'm going to ring Jennie about ten to see how he got on.

Jean, how are things with you and the family? I can't remember when you go away next, I hope you will have some dry weather, at least.

Ann, I hope your shoulder is feeling a lot better now.

Where is everyone else, haven't heard from some of them for a long while.

Well, I'll speak to you all tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone and take care.

Best wishes to you all.
