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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Sep 2009 18:14

Hello Debbie and Ann,and all friends on here.
Debbie,when my daughter caught the swine flu,she took the tamiflu,as she was so poorly.
That is one of the pitfalls of her job. Her work is to do with adoption,and fostering of children. So she is constantly in and out of different houses,
and mixing with lots of children.
The problem with this illness is,that there is no sort of warning,that you are going down with it.
My daughter just woke one morning,and felt really poorly,and then all the symptoms started at the same time.
I think she found the tummy upset more debilitating,than anything else.
And she said she thought her head was going to burst,with the pains in it.
I still have not heard from Jean. And she has not opened her mail either.
Are you going home today,or tommorrow Ann.
Do you feel revived after your break away.
Hi Marie,hows you today.
Lots of love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Sep 2009 18:41

We go home tomorrow Mo. Being retired and fairly laid back I don't normally do stress so didn't really need reviving LOl!!! However it has been a very relaxing week and very pleasant so I am sure it has given us a boost to face the winter.

I do hope Jean is OK, I have not heard from her either.

Ann xx


GRMarilyn Report 18 Sep 2009 18:51

Hi Everyone,

JEAN where are you ?
I do hope your not having any problems, please come on and talk to us you have been gone too long off threads..

Anne it sounds as though you have had a lovely time in Dorset.
but you cant stay there or ever ...!

All this talk about flu I think I ought to have a flu jab this coming winter.
I had it bad last don't want another bout of it this year

I hope you all are well, and looking forward to cosy nights in around the log fire....LOL

I felt like lighting mine today it was that chilly.

off now to do the least wipe them..
Marilyn xx


JustJean Report 18 Sep 2009 19:05

Hi, everyone, still not well, so just wanted to say hello. hope to talk soon. be good........

love xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Sep 2009 19:21

Hello girls,just following our Jean,onto the thread.
I have spoken to her,and she really is no better,bless her.
So please join me in sending her all our love,and get well soon wishes.
We all miss you Jean,but your health MUST come first,and we are rooting for you.
Take care my friend. Keep taking the pills. And PLEASE try and eat,to get your energy up,for your holiday.
Love and best wishes Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 18 Sep 2009 19:54

Hi Jean,

Thank goodness for that.....

Now go and look after yourself especially if your due for a holiday, my goodness Jean tuck yourself up in bed , we wont talk about you ..LOL

Lots of caring love,

Marilyn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Sep 2009 15:31

Good afternoon everyone.
It is very quiet here,where has everybody got to.
I hope you are all well.
I can't stop,as I am in the middle of cooking dinner. But I thought I would just pop in to say hello to you all.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Love and best wishes Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Sep 2009 15:41

Hi all, I am popping in and out in between putting unpacking/washing etc away. Lovely day here today, really warm, dinner all prepared and OH doing a bit of tidying in the garden.


Sallie Report 21 Sep 2009 14:15

Hello Everyone,

We got home on Saturday night. I didn't have time to get on the computer yesterday, busy getting the washing, ironing and sorting done. Alun is back at work today.
We had a lovely week, although we only spent a couple of days in each place, it was nice to see and spend some time with all who we stayed with. Alun's brother-in-law has got worse since we last seen him a few months ago. He now can't hold a one to one conversation with anyone. I just feel so sorry for him, and of course it isn't easy for my sister-in-law having to see and live with him like that.

I haven't read all your messages yet, I'll read them later and get back to you all. Ann I hope you had a lovely holiday in Dorset.

Speak to you all later today.

Best wishes,

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Sep 2009 18:14

Hi girls.
It sounds like Ann and Sallie,that you have both been busy with all that washing and ironing.
That is the only bad thing about coming back from your hols,isn't it.
We go away,have a nice time,and then it's nine out of ten times,left to us women to do the clearing up.
I have missed both of you,but I am so glad you enjoyed yourselves.
It was Marilyns birthday yesterday, She was 21 again,bless her.
We have been pretty busy here,clearing out old funiture. Our son has moved back home temporarily. When I opened the chest of drawers,in the spare bedroom,the bottoms fell out. They had not been used for years,so I was unaware of the condition of them. The ironic thing about it
is the fact that,this chest of drawers,used to be my sons,when he lived at home,and had not been used since he left home.
So we had to buy a new set of drawers. I know he won't be at home with us that long,but we would still need new ones anyway.
We have also got rid of one of our three piece suites,and changed our back room,back into a dining room.
Now the rats cannot lodge here anymore. lol
I hope that everyone is well.
BIG HUGS for our poorly Jean. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx
I hope all is well at your ends of the world Marie and Huia.


JustJean Report 21 Sep 2009 18:58

Hello, everyone, many thanks for your kind words, I am feeling much better, although turning over in bed is a problem have to grab hold of the mattress,dizzy, well at least I can walk about now, that was a big problem... we are away on saturday , so time out for us , maybe I will borrow my D notebook, so I can keep an eye on you all.... Mo what are you going to do with all that space you have now the suite has gone? you could take in bed and breakfast had sausage and mash....mmmmm....
lovely...glad you have all enjoyed the hols, big hugs for Huia and Marie across the miles.((((((((((((((( X )))))))))))))) Ann , glad to hear your holiday was good...... looking forward to seeing the snaps........

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Sep 2009 19:09

Cooooeeee,our Jean.
It's so good to see you posting again. I really do feel for you love,that dizziness is a nightmare.
The spare space we have,is not up for rent. It's waiting for you to come and see me.
I promise you will not have to share with the rats. The cat can be a nuisance though,miowing(sp) all over the place,she may keep you awake
I am afraid.
And with her arthritus,she will have trouble jumping over your bed,which
is a mattress on the floor. I am sure you can manage with that can't


JustJean Report 21 Sep 2009 19:40

Oh dear.. I was so looking forward to my visit. but alas I am allergic to cats !!!
the mattress on the floor is agood idea, not so far to fall should I get too dizzy,
so you will have to think of something else my little chatty chum....

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Sep 2009 19:47

Oh good grief girls,Jean has sussed me out. I will have to try another tack.


AnninGlos Report 21 Sep 2009 21:16

Mo, I have to be honest here and admit that while I do the washing my OH always does the ironing bless him.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Sep 2009 21:18

You are so lucky Ann. My OH would wear things without bothering to iron them,if he had his way.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Sep 2009 18:04

Helloooo any body around.
I have been reading Ann's thread about the amount of quizzes,on these boards. And I do agree with you Ann,GR should create another slot on here,just for the people who enjoy quizzes.
We have been without electric,since 8 am till 5pm today,and will have to suffer the same on thursday,as the electricity board are doing some work
around here.
They did put letters through our doors,warning us that we would be without our supply. But,I cannot actually see what they are doing,as there are no workmen around,and no roads dug up,so who knows whats occurring.
I am lucky in as much as I have a gas hob,so if I want a cuppa,I can just put a saucepan of water on.
I hope to hear from you all soon. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 22 Sep 2009 18:50

Whats ironing? dont do it much , my super duper newish tumble dryer gets rid of all the creases, you see Mo you have to get state of the art stuff, none of your hanging out ....just putting my tiara

hello Ann and co....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Sep 2009 19:00

So Jean,if I jump in your dryer,will it get rid of my wrinkles and creases as well.
You be careful with that tiara,it might slip down and ***** you,no Mo don't say it,thats naughty.
How are you feeling today my love,any better.


JustJean Report 22 Sep 2009 19:59

Yes thank you, Mo,we have just heard from the folk whos bungalow we have hired warning us that the house next door is doing some building and refurbishment, just what we need , hammering and dust everywhere, was hoping for a gentle quite week with no noise or bov ver, still never mind there is always the pub !!! btw I shall ignore the jealous remark FRIEND.....

lots of love to all except that woman... Jean xx