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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Oct 2009 14:22

Hello my lovelies,how are we all today.
Sallie,I did get your p.m thank you,I have sent you a reply.
I do not know what has been happening to this site of late. Some days my
curser keeps flashing,and it drives me mad,but it only happens on this site.
Huiaaaaaaa,where are you. Thats the problem with the different time zones,our paths cross so often,we never seem to be able to be on at the same time.
Hows the voice holding up now. Do you still get coughing fits when you sing.
Have you managed to get through all the photo's yet.? And how about your calenders,are they selling well.?
Ann I go out in my garden early,every morning,to watch and listen to the birds.
I would love to put feeders out for them,but with my cat always on the prowl
it would be so unfair.
But first thing of a morning,as far as I am concerned,is so special,and so peaceful. I am normally out there at about 6.30 am.
I wonder what has happened to Grace today.
I do hope she comes back soon.
Love to all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 1 Oct 2009 16:10

Mo Even when we had our cat (who was also a bird chaser) we fed the birds, she was quite lazy and would sit in the conservatory with her tail going watching them. But the birds soon learnt to steer clear if she was on the prowl and she never caught any from the feeders.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Oct 2009 17:51

oh Ann how I wish my Misty was like your cat.
So many times she has bought me a bird in. She does not kill them,but enjoys playing with them.
I do not exactly like her doing it,as I then have to rescue them,and place them as high as I can,so they can get away from her.
And the naughty little so and so,is sat watching out of the patio doors.
She can chase birds,but when we needed her to catch our rat,she legged it out of the garden,like a big coward.


Huia Report 1 Oct 2009 18:41

Hi all.

I was going to visit Phil today but his sister and niece went yesterday so I think I will leave it until tomorrow. I do not particularly enjoy visiting him as it is not the real Phil. I just want to bring him home but I know I cant as it is too dangerous for both of us and not good for my health with the lack of sleep.

Singing the high A in choir on Tues night strained my throat and made me cough again. Not as bad as before but just an irritation. I hope it comes right soon.

I have sold 49 of the 100 calendars (well, the local garage sold some of them). I must start thinking about getting some in the mail for overseas. I will be posting about 6/7 to friends/relatives.

I woke a little early this morning (or my bladder woke me!) so I am now having breakfast as I type. The time is 6.41am (daylight saving time).



Huia Report 1 Oct 2009 18:49

I should have added, for Mo, it is 'TOMORROW' here, Friday 2 October.
I am a forward hussy, arent I.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Oct 2009 18:59

Good morning Huia.
You have done so well with your calenders,clever girl you.
It's real nuisance when the bladder decides it needs emptying,especially if you are having real nice sleep.
I can understand your feelings about wanting Phil home. But it would be such a hard job for you to undertake.
And you have worked so tirelessly for so long.
It would not be fair on either of you,and you would be so tied down,not having a minutes peace. It would be a 24/7 job,with no break,and no escape.
You would have to make your home into a prison of a night time,in case Phil went out while you were sleeping.
And there is also the safety within your home.
My mum would leave the tea towel on the top of the cooker,with the gas rings still on. So many times she nearly set the house on fire. Or she would turn the kettle on,with no water in it.
Take care my friend. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 1 Oct 2009 19:28

Yes, Mo, it is the danger aspect that is so worrying. A couple of times when Phil couldnt find the matches to light the fire in the lounge he took a bit of screwed up newspaper through to the kitchen and stood looking at the stove, trying to decide which switch would light a hot plate so he could light the bit of paper to carry back through to the lounge. Luckily I was able to remove the hot plates when not in use, but who knows what other dangerous things he would have tried.

He had for several years had the habit, after his evening shower, of putting his towel on top of the fireplace to dry. Unfortunately he lost his sense of smell several years ago and he scorched quite a few towels. If I hadnt been around they would have ignited eventually. At least the smoke detectors would have gone off to warn us, but that is no consolation for having to fight a fire or get out.



Sallie Report 1 Oct 2009 20:33

Hello again, Mo, Ann, Huia and Grace,

Ann, I wish I could write short and concise messages sometimes, I always mean to but then I tend to forget, and go waffling on about things.
Have you made all your Christmas yet? I bet the people you send them to, look forward to having your card each year. The cards are much more special when you have made them yourself. So pleased that your shoulder is feeling more comfortable. Take care!

Huia, nice to hear from you again today, ( our today, Thursday, 1st October) these different time zones confuse me just a bit. I agree with Mo, as much as you would like to have Phil at home, it or you would be too much for you to cope with on your own. At least you have peace of mind knowing that he is safe while you are asleep each night. As well as an uncle,one of my aunties also had Alzheimers. Her daughter asked her to put two of her clean jumpers away in the wardrobe, but my auntie had put them in a lit gas oven instead. The first that her daughter knew about it, was when she smelt them burning.
I know it must hurt you inside to leave him at the hospital, but it is so much better and safer for both of you. Enjoy going to choir and doing the things that you like to do, Phil would want you to do that.

Mo, I had almost finished writing you a PM, when our Chloe called in with her mum, on her way home from school. They stayed for about two hours,
so I decided to finish the message off, don't know what I did, but when I pressed submit, I just lost the message. So I am going to write another one and hope that you will receive it.

Well ladies, I am going to make myself a cuppa. Speak to you all soon.

Best wishes to you all.



Deborah Report 1 Oct 2009 22:55

Hello Ladies, yes I'm here, you can't get rid of me that easily. I've been quite busy but should have found the time to pop into here once in a while. Thank you all for your concern.

In answer to your questions, no Dad hasn't had anything conclusive from London, so we still don't know what we are dealing with, though his blood count has increased slightly. He had a very bad couple of days last week and ended up in Hospital on another transfusion. They are so good to him in there. Apparently it costs £100.00 per bag of blood. He has had so many we've lost count. He is now "reaping the benefits" of having paid Social Security all his life and never claimed against it.

We had some bad news at the start of last week, a fisherman who fishes from the same harbour as my hubby has his boat, went missing out at sea. His boat was found on the bottom of the sea a couple of days later, but no sign of him. This happened to a cousin of ours a few years back. He was lost at sea and they never did find his boat, though his body was washed up on a beach in France 4½ weeks later. Really not at all nice for the families involved.

Autumn has officially started as the 2 big boys have had to go back to wearing shirt & tie to school instead of their summer uniform of open necked polo shirts. The evenings are drawing in quickly, the leaves are all falling off the trees too early and we are officially experiencing a drought. How bad can things get!!! There is talk that our desalination plant will have to come into effect, so that the sea water can be purified into safe water for general usage. It costs a fortune to run the equipment, but at least we never go without water, just our bills go up.

Athletics has finished for the season now, and both boys did well at the Inter Insular against Guernsey. They both ran a 3K fun run on Sunday and each of them came in 2nd in their respective age groups, so were pleased with those results. Roll on Cross Country.

The rest of us are all fighting fit. No Swine Flu in our family yet, but there is plenty in the Island. We have a supply of the vaccine now, but it hasn't been licensed for usage just yet and only the vulnerable and Hosptal staff get the first batch. The rest of the Island have to wait their turn. Apparently they are importing enough for every man, woman and child on the Island. That remains to be seen.

Any way, bed is calling. Best Wishes to you all.


Sallie Report 2 Oct 2009 00:09

Hi Debbie and Grace I was just having a quick look at a couple of threads
and seen both your mesages.

Debbie, we were starting to wonder if you and your family were all okay. Nice to know that all is well with you all. I hope your Dad will keep on improving now.

Grace, sorry to hear that you have had a few problems with your house. I thought that that if there had been flood water through the property, the people selling the house should certainly have divulged that. Surely there is something that your solicitor can do about it.
I hope they can sort out your cooker in the next day or so, you have waited too long as it is.

I'm off to bed now, speak to you both tomorrow. It's nice to have you both back.

Goodnight both!

Love, Sallie.xx


Zack Report 2 Oct 2009 11:01

Hello Everyone ,
Sorry I havent been on the boards,we have just been so busy trying to get Kathleen and Brians home clean and tidy so that the tenants that come down for the weekend of the famous Car Race on Mt Panoroma have a nice Place to stay, The family have a spring clean at this time each year and go through everything all the clothes that are too small and all the junk that the kids Hoard in their cupboards so it is a realy big cleanup. I now have Victoria &Sebastian staying with me for 2 weeks Victoria is on school holidays & Sebastian has officially finished school he will now be revising all his work over the next 3 weeks He will then sit his Higher Scool Certificate it is probably equavelent to your A levels.
Take care all this is short I know but I am finding if I try to write more I seem to lose the lot so I hope you are all well LOVE to you all Marie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Oct 2009 16:12

This is a lovely surprise,to hear from you all.
Marie,how nice for you to have the grandchildren with you,for a while.
It appears that everyone has been having clear outs,it must be something to do with the time of year.
Do you attend the big race at Panoroma.? What sort of cars race there.?
Where do Kathleen and Brian stay,when they have tenants in their house.?
Oh Grace,I cannot believe your bad luck. Where abouts are you in Canterbury? as I cannot remember there being any flooding in this area,for ages.
Unless they had a flood from a burst pipe or something like that.
Does Brian have accupuncture done on his back,by the chinese man.
My friends husband,has been visiting a local accupuncturist,for his bad back as well. And he swears by him,and feels so much better when he has visited him.
I don't blame you for wanting to get away from S.E London.
It was bad up there when Roly was in Kings College Hospital. When we drove up there in the car,my daughters always locked the car doors.
It's good to hear from you.
Debbie,thank goodness you are all alright,we had started to get a bit worried when we had not heard from you.
It's unbelievable that the blood costs £100 a bag,when it is donated free, by all the wonderful people who give blood.
And as you say,dad is perfectly entitled to it. And donors would probably
be quite cross,if he was not allowed to have it.
I used to be a donor,before I was put on all the blessed medication I am on. So can no longer do it.
How tragic about your fisherman friend. I feel for the family.
In fact I feel for all sea faring families. You see your loved ones go out,and can never be one hundred per cent that they will come back. The sea is so unpredictable.
Please congratulate both boys on their success in their 3k races.
Here comes mud bath season,cross country running.
I know that when both my boys did it,they used to come home absolutely
covered in mud,you could not see,where the clothes stopped,and skin started. lol
Coooeee Sallie,how are you today,feeling a bit brighter I hope.
I think the winter coming on like this,does nothing for our spirits does it.
When the sun is shining, we all feel so much brighter. You have got a nice weekend to look forward to,so enjoy yourself.
Hi to Huia , Ann ,and Sue.
See you all later. Take care. love to all.
Our Jean should be back soon,I do hope that they have had a nice break away. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2009 17:46

Phew!! Just read through since I last posted, a lot to digest and answer here.

Today we Met up with friends for coffee at the garden centre this morning. He is sporting a natty line in nose tubes leading to his oxygen, until March he was playing golf, he had a cold, then a cough, then it affected his lungs and the hospital don't know what the problem is but he can't walk more than 50 yards without the oxygen. However he is so bright and cheerful and never complains, an example to all the men I know when they are ill, and of course he can't play golf now. T didn't play golf today because he still has a problem with his foot so, after coffee at Blooms Garden Centre and a wander around we left them and went out for lunch at a Brewers Fayre, (fish and chips 2 for £9.) Then to Tesco to get the shopping. since we got home I have been making some more cards, no Sallie, nowhere near finished yet about another 60 or so to go, plenty of time though. Yes, I do get compliments about the cards, with being so many I can't take as much time over them as I would like so they are fairly simple, many in scrap book fashion with matting and embellishments etc. I have stamped a few this time as well.

Grace, I can't understand how you were a. not told the house had been empty, that is your estate agent, and b. not been told about the damp, that is your surveyor and I think you have a case against both. What about the famous housing pack, is that not supposed to disclose any flooding? Really annoying and obviously taking off all the shine of moving. I hope you can get things sorted to your satisfaction and that, in the long run, it doesn't spoil your pleasure in your new home.

Huia, you have done very well with your calendars, I can't remember what you are selling them in aid of (goodness that is awful English, sorry).
I have said about Phil on another thread, You need to look after you now, you looked after him for a long time and he is safe now where he is, getting good care, warmth and being well fed so don't feel guilty. I hope your throat improves soon.
Marie, you have been busy. Enjoy having the children staying with you, no doubt they will keep you on your toes.
Debbie, I am sorry to hear about the fisherman who is missing, doesn't seem like he will be found safe now, such a dangerous profession isn't it, I do feel for his family and all the other fisher families. I suppose not being a very large Island you don't have to have a very long drought to run short of water. And all the visitors probably don't help.
Can you suggest a good but not too expensive hotel on the outskirts of St Helier and preferably on a bus route? Or preferably one or two to choose from. (wont hold you responsible). We hope to visit next August to celebrate or Golden Wedding, we spent our honeymoon at the Norfolk Hotel in St Helier but we visited in 2000 for our Ruby wedding, stayed on the outskirts of St Helier in The Hotel Cristina a nice hotel, looked at the Norfolk and didn't fancy it now.
Congratulations to the boys on their running, didn't they do well!!!
Mo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope all well with you.
Back to making cards now, no dinner to get for tonight as we have have our cooked meal today.

Ann xx


Sallie Report 2 Oct 2009 17:57

Hello Girls,

How is everyone today? I hope you are all alright.

Debbie, the boys did well in their fun run on Sunday. I bet you and your hubby were as proud as peacocks. Well done to both of them! The pupils in the schools here are all back in their autumn/winter uniforms too. How is your sister lately? I hope that she is okay and haven't had any flare-ups.
So pleased that your Dad is getting better, I was quite concerned about him when we hadn't heard from you for a while. My trouble is, I always think the worse!

Grace, it's so maddening that you have to wait until next Tuesday at the earliest before you can get another cooker -- all this inconvenience, because the company you bought it off didn't do their job probably before the gas fitter came to install it. As you say, all the problems really take the shine off things. I hope Brian's back is a little bit easier today, poor thing.
All the stress because of the problems you have had since you've moved in doesn't help him either.I hope things will get sorted out very soon.

Marie, lovely to hear from you. It's nice to know that all is alright with you and your family. I bet you'll enjoy having Victoria and Sebastian staying with you for two weeks--probably a bit more tiring, but lovely to have their company for a couple of weeks.

Mo, not sure when you and Roly are going to your son's. Hope you both have a good time there.

Ann, I hope you and OH are alright. Are you doing anything nice over the weekend? We are at home this weekend, but are going down to my brother's a week on Sunday, to his Robing Ceremony, in one of the churches that he has just become Vicar of. So I am looking forward to that.

Huia, hope all is well with you. I hope Phil was alright when you went to visit him. I went up town today with my friend, we could certainly feel the autumn nip, the kind of weather that we call Fair weather here in the East Midlands. It is the Nottingham Goose Fair this weekend, and then the town we live in has a Fair two weeks later. All the middle of the town is closed off to traffic for five days, and the fair is set up all along the main shopping streets. Alun and I just have a walk around, it has such a lovely atmosphere. Take care and look after yourself.

Well I think Jean and J are back from Ludlow tomorrow. I hope that they have enjoyed their holiday.
I think that Marilyn is home tomorrw, but will be going away again shortly.
We still haven't heard anything from Sue. Where are you Sue?
I know that Liz is still away, think she still has another week.

Well I'm going to see my daughter and son-in-law now.

Best wishes to you all. Speak soon!

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 2 Oct 2009 18:04

Hi again,

Oh it is lovely to see all the new messages!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Oct 2009 18:47

My goodness girls,if we carry on at this rate,we will be able to write a book between us all.
Ann,what a shock for you all,re your friend having to now wear the oxygen mask.
I am sure T will miss his rounds of golf with him.
How on earth did T hurt his foot.
l like the sound of (2for £9)meals,at Brewers Fayre. Does that offer cover any other meals,or just the fish and chips.
I think yourself,Jean and Sallie,are very good at making your own cards.
I have enough of a problem writing them out,let alone making them as well. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2009 21:12

Mo, T has no idea how he hurt his foot but looking on the web and self diagnosing it seems to be Plantar Faciitis, it came on after a game of golf and is proving difficult to shift. Our friend doesn't actually wear a mask, just a tube in each nostril which doesn't seem to bother him too much. At least he has managed to get a disabled car pass which is a help. There are a selection of meals that count in the two for £9. Ham egg and chips and lasagne are a couple of the others, lunch time only.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Oct 2009 21:24

Ann you are not going to believe this,but I have suffered with the same problem as your OH. I went to the doctor,and he wanted to send me to a podiatrist,but the waiting list was horrendous.
So I went to a clinic in Carshalton,Surrey. Where they made me some special insoles. They were very expensive,but by golly they really helped me.
At the time I was on my feet all day at work,and my heel would be so painful.
It did not matter what I did,the pain would not go away.
When I woke up in the morning,I could not put my foot on the ground. I spent most of my time walking on the ball of my foot.
The insoles I had made,I had to wear in trainers for about three months.
But I also had a pair to wear in normal shoes after that period,that were a lot smaller.
So I really feel for your OH,it is soooo painful.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 2 Oct 2009 21:43

just a quick line from me as I am going to be away from the net for a week(What will I do?) Letting you know I still think of you everyday. I hope your visits to Phil aren't too distressing. I remember how it was with my mother in law, upsetting for her grandchildren. Luckily my two girls have both been carers in a residential home so were more understanding through their own experiences.
Enjoy your singing, keep away from the bugs
I'll look in as soon as I get back

Take Care

Linda :o) XxX


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2009 22:01

Mo, a friend has recommended insoles from Boots so we will go there tomorrow, there are several exercises he can do on the net as well. It does seem to be better after he has walked a bit and it says this on the net, it is because when you stay immobile (like in bed) the faciia contracts so you have to warm it up again. (I think), you would be surprised how many people have had it.