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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Sep 2009 20:26

What a shame Jean. Still you could always go out and about,but not to far.
And you could stagger back from the pub,at closing time. lol
You will still enjoy yourselves though babe. I will miss you though. kissy
kissy.grovel grovel.
Love to you both. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 22 Sep 2009 20:32

A change is as good as a rest they say Jean so no doubt a different environment will make you feel better.

We don't use our tumble drier, they are so expensive to run and ours is not terribly efficient. I think my OH would still be ironing everything. He wouldn't believe it didn't need it.


JustJean Report 23 Sep 2009 08:09

Have just seen the dust storm in Oz, do hope and pray that our Marie is o.k. we noticed the car was covered in a fine dust yesterday, we know that we always get any fallout from places like the Siearra, so maybe w are getting some of the Oz is supposed to be going on to N Z, so Huia is in my thoughts too... it is awful and really affecting folk with chest problems, wonder how it all starts and what exactly is a dust storm?

take care all you lovely people, please keep our friends overseas in your thoughts and prayers.... love Jean xx


Huia Report 23 Sep 2009 08:42

In past years we have had some good sunsets from the Aussie dust storms, but this one I cant see doing anything to us. It has been raining and blowing most of today. The rain would probably bring all the dust down before it gets here.

I had a quick trip to town this afternoon to do a little shopping and pay the power bill, just in case the storm closes the road. We have to travel through a bit of a gorge and about 30 years ago the gorge was closed for 6 weeks as a flood had taken some of the road out. We get some good slips on our road, mostly up the road from us so it doesnt stop us going out.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Sep 2009 13:42

Hello girls.
Oh my goodness Jean,I had not heard about the dust storms in OZ.
It's good to hear that you are o.k Huia,lets just hope and pray Marie is not in the path of it.
I hate to say this,but my son and grandson,have both got the swine flu. I just hope that my D.I.L, and grandaughter do not go down with it as well.
D.I.L is sleeping on the sofa,away from the patients.
We could not believe that both of them have gone down with it,at the same time.
Another nice day here girls,one load of washing is dry,the other load just gone out on the line.
I will pop back later,to see how you all are.
Oh Huia,did Liz get away alright. I did read that she had a delay,at the airport.
Love to all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 24 Sep 2009 05:52

Well here is the news, we are no longer off to Filey on Sat, the hol has been with two days to go we have been running around like headlesss chicks trying to get something else , you would think it would be easy, overseas is not a go for us... so now we have managed to find what looks like a lovely cottage near Ludlow, other end of the a relief, we so need a change of scenery, we are getting to a point that we are all sceaming at one another, D was so relieved when we found something...
it is suprising how tense folk get when alterations to the home is on the cards, because we all share the house we all have to have an input, the only thing I wont be able to get on here,which is I suppose a good thing with all thats been going on health birg regret is finding out how Dutch is getting on, she sounded quite poorly, so friends do keep her in your thoughts and prayers, there is a thread up for her, Yorkshire Caz has put it on, hope all of you lovely peeeps are o.k. will speak again before I go.... take care out there....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2009 16:15

Oh what a shame Jean,you were so looking forward to going to your usual place.
But with the works going on nearby,it would have spoilt it for you anyway.
Where on earth is Ludlow?,I am showing my ignorance now,I know,but I am not very good at knowing where places are,unless I go there on a regular basis.
I shall miss not hearing from you though,but thats me being selfish.
I have read about Dutch,and she is in my prayers. She worked so hard to complete her project,and now it's done she's worn herself out,bless her.
She is such a thoughtful lady,that she does not deserve this.
It looks like we have been deserted on this thread.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 24 Sep 2009 16:34

Ludlow is Shropshire Mo! Not really the back of beyond, Not actually the other end of the country either Jean Lol!!!! I haven't to my knowledge been to Ludlow but it is in a nice area and not far from Shrewsbury

From the web
Ludlow was described by John Betjeman as "the loveliest town in England" and by Country Life as "the most vibrant small town in the Country". Ludlow is Britain’s first ‘slow’ town and Shropshire’s gastronomic capital.

Ludlow has a lively market, food fairs, speciality food shops and more restaurants and Inns than you can shake a cocktail stick at.

With over 500 listed buildings, mainly Georgian or half-timbered, Ludlow is a feast for the eyes.

Once the home of Kings, Ludlow Castle has been described as "the epitome of what a castle ought to be" - the castle dominated life in Ludlow for centuries. As a venue for festivals and events and open air theatre, Ludlow Castle still plays a vital part today.

The Ludlow Museum gives a history of the town whilst St Laurence's Church is the custodian of the Ashes of A.E.Housman, the celebrated poet and author of A Shropshire Lad.

Ludlow hosts a number of festivals and fairs each year. The Ludlow Marches Food & Drink Festival is held every September, Ludlow Festival is held in June/July attracting performers from all over the world and in November the Medieval Christmas Fayre takes place.

Must see and do
Ludlow Castle, Ludlow
Ludlow Museum, Ludlow
Ludlow Racecourse, Ludlow
Secret Hills – Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms
Acton Scott Historic Working Farm, Chruch Stretton
Stokesay Castle, Craven Arms
Burford House Gardens, near Ludlow
The Stiperstones, Bishop's Castle
Carding Mill Valley, Church Stretton

Ann xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2009 16:41

It sounds like Jean will be busy Ann. There seems to be a lot going on there. And I am sure she will enjoy herself.
How are you today Ann.?
I have been very busy,cleaning the kitchen cupboards out.
I have now got lots of spare crockery,and pots and pans,that I am going to take to the charity shop tommorrow. I am sure that someone will be grateful for them.
It's surprising what we hoard isn't it.


AnninGlos Report 24 Sep 2009 17:16

Hi Mo, It looks a great area for a holiday to me.

I am OK, op scar is healing nicely but still giving me a bit of pain, I guess it is the internal stitches that hurt. It will go!!!!

We have been to Cheltenham, OH limping because he has a poorly foot, not helped by playing golf yesterday but he insisted on going today. Had lunch out at La Tasca, a Tapas restaurant which was nice, also shared a bottle of red (we were on the bus). had a pleasant day anyway, now making a few Christmas cards, have to start early because I make so many.

Ann x


JustJean Report 24 Sep 2009 18:53

Hi, Ann and Mo, we are going to our favourite place in Llandudno in October we have booked two weeks, thats when the kitchen is being gutted and a new one going in, D will be home,but I dont want to be there apart from the fact that we wont have cooking facilities. D will eat out and go to her friends , she will be at work also...we had never been to Filey only Whitby , thanks for all the info, Ann, I am looking forward to the break...we both love places like this... D goes to L Tascas often at the Trafford Centre, if you go on Martin Lewis Money site there are vouchers you can download for meals....
hope T isnt in much pain, and that your shoulder soon heals...

love to all the slackers know who you are....

love Jean xx


Huia Report 24 Sep 2009 19:52

Now then, Jean, who are all these slackers? Are you referring to people who havent been adding to the thread lately? If so, I guess I am one. I have had (still recovering) a rotten cold or even flu (oink oink?).

My son is coming up from Rotorua tonight and bringing his line trimmer so he can whip the long grass into shape. Phil hadnt mowed some of the lawn for ages and it is now too long for the mower. When we have some fine weather I hope the odd job man will come and mow the lawns otherwise they will all need the line trimmer to knock them back.

After son has knocked things into shape tomorrow morning, he will go to visit his dad in the hospital. I am not sure yet if I will go with him. I havent visited Phil for a week now, due to this bug that I have. I have just been lolling around sleeping half the day.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2009 20:22

Hi Huia.
Have you not got rid of that horrid bug yet love. You poor thing it seems to
really be hanging around. It's probably because you have been so run down.
It's a good job your son is coming. Get him to get that grass down nice and short,and it will be a lot easier to manage later.
There is no way you could have visited Phil,with you being so poorly. And it will be better your son seeing him first,and explaining why you have not been.
That's if he realises you have not been.
Take care of yourself Huia. Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Sep 2009 20:32

Just had a thought girls. We have not heard from Sallie for a while,so I am going to p.m her,to make sure she is o.k.
Also our Debbie has not been on for a while,I hope everything is well with her and the family. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 25 Sep 2009 00:45

Maybe I caught this bug from Sallie or Debbie, or did I give it to them? I suspect I caught it from somebody on the train when I went to visit Phil.



Huia Report 25 Sep 2009 09:31

I have spent much of my day scanning photos we (mostly Phil) have taken over the past 10 years and putting them into folders - a separate folder for each film. I can then copy photos to special folders, eg photos of our dog and cat can be copied to a dog and cat folder. Photos of walks that Phil has done can be copied to a folder which will have sub-folders. Photos of native flowers to another with sub - folders in that. Some of Phils orchid photos are great, since our native orchids have only small flowers.

It should keep me out of mischief for a few years doing this, if my eyesight will stand it.



Zack Report 25 Sep 2009 10:16

Hello Everyone, thank you for thinking of me Yes we did get the terrible dust storm
and unfortunately I had clothes on the line as we had rain the day and night before.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke and saw this funny light most people thought it was a fire but I couldn't understand why the sun would be shining when it was pouring rain,but when I looked out the kitchen and saw all the orange clothes
on the line I knew what it was D------M i rushed out and collected the wash and then I spent all day trying to get them clean, and it hasn't rained since to wash all the dust off the Walls windows and all the plants. The dust is impossible to sweep off the pavers you have to hose everything.Thank goodness the dust didn't affect my breathing some schools closed and sent children home and those that didn't ,keep them inside because of the poor air quality. The next day it was all gone we had clear skies.
Yesterday was a bad day for us as our lovely dear little dog Jacobie had a seizure
he was with me & I went inside to make myself some lunch
I went back out to check the washing & found him unconscious on the floor,I rushed him to the vet,& they resuscitated him ,they said that he was not good they thought he had a tumour, my daughter arrived & her Husband & we had him put down he was still unconscious We said goodbye to him and patted him until he was dead.
We took him home and buried him in my native garden where he spent many happy hours with me,We all shed tears as we said a prayer for him. Hugs to all Sad Sad Marie


JustJean Report 25 Sep 2009 11:45

Marie I am so relieved you all o.k. we saw it on the news it looked awful; I am sorry to hear about your dog but the tumour would have caused much suffering , we sometimes have to be cruel to be kind, take care my lovely friend...

Huia, I wasnt meaning that you were the slacker, lol... you have had a lot to do and I realise it is huge difference to your life now, the photos will be good to look at and many happy memories for you, that will never be taken away from you.... I am off on holiday for a week tomorrow so will miss you all, but always think and pray for everyone who I know to be friends....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Sep 2009 13:15

Oh thank goodness,Marie and Huia are o.k. It must have been a complete nightmare for you Marie,and quite frightening.
I suppose we are lucky in as much as we don't suffer freak weather like that.
I am so sorry for your sad loss. Our pets become part of our families,don't they. And losing them,feels just as bad as losing close family. Rest in peace Jacobie.
Enjoy yourself doing your photo's Huia. It is a really relaxing pastime for you.
I hope you are feeling better today. How was Phil,when your son went to see him.
Jean,I do hope you and J have a lovely holiday. We will miss you,but you can give us all the low down on it,when you get back.
You both deserve this lovely break away. And I am sure that when you have your october break,you will be so glad to be away from all the upheaval,that will be occuring whilst the kitchen is being done.
We have had to cancel our Blackpool break away.
What with the cost of the kitchen,and Roly having to have new dentures,something had to go by the board. And as these other things are more important,we have put it on hold till next year.
So,as soon as christmas is over,I shall start saving my pennies again.
Hows our Ann today. Hows the shoulder today love.?
Anyway Jean,have a lovely time,I hope it stays nice and dry for you.
Sallie has still not opened the p.m I sent her. I do hope she is o.k.
Love and best wishes Mo xxx SAVED XXXXX for jean when she's away.


AnninGlos Report 25 Sep 2009 13:40

Hi Mo, I am OK, shoulder is OK as long as I don't stretch it ot knock it then it is sore.

Missed my 'me' time this morning as OH didn't go to golf, so we had to visit one of my least favourite places to get some netting to put on the wrought iron gate (to keep neighbouring felines out). (It starts with a B and ends with a Q). Also we were looking at cushion floor for the kitchen, didn't really have any that I liked so will keep looking.

Ann x