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Just Jean

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Huia Report 2 Oct 2009 22:10

Thanks, Linda. I was going to visit Phil today but woke up about 4 am and couldnt get back to sleep and have just had another sleep on the settee. I just feel so weary. Plus I still seem to have a bit of a cough. I think I overdid things earlier in the week and have had a relapse! I will leave the visit a couple more days and hope to be better soon.

I have also had plantar fasciitis aka heel spur. The insoles which I wear in my 'running shoes' fixed it. But sometimes if I am going around barefoot or in loose shoes it feels as if it is trying to come back. Too much walking also seems to aggravate it a bit, but Phil could never understand that, he was always nagging me to go walking with him. 20 mins was plenty for me/my feet but nowhere near enough for him.



JustJean Report 3 Oct 2009 14:49

Hello everyone, Just been reading all your news, you are busy people, we have just come back from the holiday, we couldnt believe how remote it was, now I am not a girl who is much of a farmers daughter but we were surrounded by fields full of hay... we never saw the caretaker the whole of the time we were there, and only an occasional wave from a couple of folks who seem to live in the cottages. they are purpose built barn conversions, not homely at all but o.k. we were 17 miles out of Ludlow nearest shop 5 miles
the weather was lovely, we didnt take our chairs to sit out as the blurb said there were garden furniture, yea... one of them wooden picnic tables , not very comfortable.... and to top it all , we came home around 150 miles only to find we have left a overnight case back there !!!! tried contacting caretaker , who once again seems to have gone missing... spoke to the agents and they said try a different number, so did that and guess what, no reply, so dont know what to do now, we left our number on the guys answering machine, so fingers X..... Not much of any worth in it except my NDS, which I love, and it cost me 80 quid.....we think J put the case on the ground while he put the bigger case in and a couple of bags, and drove away with it still sitting to have a bite to eat, will speak to you all tomorrow...

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Oct 2009 15:40

Welcome back Jean,we missed you.
Oh my goodness what are we going to do with you two. Fancy driving of and leaving the case behind.
It's not so rare as you may think though,we have done similar things ourselves,like Roly leaving his sun glasses on the roof.
It does sound as if you were a bit out in the wilds there,but it must have been so peaceful.
I hope you are both well,and rested up now,ready for your next holiday.
I will be back later. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Oct 2009 21:36

Hi Girls,

Very quiet on here today, there was no stopping us all yesterday!

Jean, lovely to see you back, we have missed you this week. I hope you will get your case back. These things are easily done, and then we could kick ourselves for doing them. Did you like Ludlow? It's many years since we have been there, so it's probably changed a lot since then. I hope both you and J had a good rest and feeling better for the break.

Mo, hope you and Roly had a good day. Alun and I went to visit my friend's husband in hospital, this afternoon. He had a hip replacement operation on Wednesday, he is in the Royal Derby Hospital, we had never been there before, so seemed to walk miles trying to find the ward. Where we live we mostly use the Nottingham hospitals, so it took us a while to try and find which part of the hospital he was in.
We then went into Derby for a few things we wanted, and then called back to see our daughter and son-in-law.
I think going out did me some good, I bought some ribbon off the craft stall
in the market, the lady that has it keeps quite a bit of craft stuff and the prices are reasonable, cheaper than Hobbycraft.
So all in all, I've had a fairly good day.

Hope everyone is alright, and are having a nice weekend. Speak to you all tomorrow.

Best wishes.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Oct 2009 21:50

I am back again girls.
I forgot to tell you earlier. We went to visit our son today. He runs a pub
in Rochester,right near the Cathedral.
The Cathedral were holding a choir contest today,and we were watching all the choristers arriving with their beautiful robes.
We did not go in,as time was getting late on our parking ticket.
I did not realise they had so many crafting shops over there,and when I saw them I thought of all you crafting geniuses.
I don't know if any of you have ever been to Rochester Cathedral,or Rochester Castle,but if you are ever this way,it's worth a visit.
The town itself is very popular with lots of Foreign visitors. Quite oldy worldy as well. But very expensive I must say.
I will say goodnight to you all. Love and best wishes Mo xxx


Sallie Report 4 Oct 2009 16:19

Hello All,

Where is everyone today? Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Ann,did your hubby manage to get some of the insoles from Boots? I hope he was able to get them and that he is able to walk a lot easier.

Jean, hope you are getting all your washing done and dried after your week away. That's the worse part, having to come home and do all the washing and ironing. Although all the younger people don't seem to bother with ironing these days. Me and my friends still iron, but then we are the 'golden oldies', or so we've been told.

Huia, I hope you are feeling better today and not so tired. Don't forget we are all here for you.

Mo, we've never been to Rochester, but it sounds as though it's a lovely place. There are some lovely parts all over Britain, it would be nice to have the time and the money to visit them all. Jean, Ann and myself would certainly love all those craft shops. I think if we decide to go, we would have to call for Daff on the way, she would be company for me as we are both fairly new at scrapbooking, and of course we would have the benefit of Ann and Jeans (the experts) advice.

Well, we still haven't anything from Sue. I hope everything is alright with her and her family.

Grace, I hope you have managed to get a bit further along with all the jobs in your house--and certainly hope that they will bring the cooker for you on Tuesday. The company ought to give you some money back as a goddwill gesture, for all the inconvenience youv'e had, as it as been entirely their fault.

Hope all is well with Debbie, Marilyn and Marie.

Not sure when Liz is back from holiday, Do hope she is having a good time.

Speak to you all soon.



AnninGlos Report 4 Oct 2009 16:42

Hi, I am here,
Been quite busy. Don't tell my Mum but I did a load of washing, It is a wonder she didn't get somebody up there to rain on it!!, then I did the end of the month household accounts, paid the credit card etc., then had to clear the airing cupboard as OH did a load of ironing, next we have the bed to make having stripped the sheets this morning. Did manage a trip to the garden centre for coffee. I have just started making a couple of cards.

Mo Yes those craft shops would be great to visit, I have never been to Rochester although OH has as he had to visit a firm there when he was working. No Sallie, I am not an expert, only been scrapping myself about 2 years, it is all hit and miss with me I'm afraid, i do enjoy it though and look forward to starting again when the Christmas cards are all done.

Ann x


AnninGlos Report 4 Oct 2009 16:47

Sorry, meant to say, yes OH got the insoles and they do seem to help.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2009 17:09

Hello everyone.
If there is ever anything that you are looking for,for your scrapping,and can't find it where you live,I will willingly look in Rochester for you.
Just as long as it's not to complicated for me to explain to the shop staff.
I am glad your husband got his insoles Ann. And I sincerely hope that they help him.
There is no way of explaining to people the type of pain that he is undergoing Ann.

I wonder where our Jean has got to. I do hope that J did not put her in the washing machine,along with the washing.
Wakey Wakey Jean,no falling asleep now,theres to much to do.

A big hi to Huia,Debbie,Grace,Liz,Marilyn,Marie in oz and Sue.

Hello Salie lovey,how are you and Alun. Have you been out gallivanting
today. Or have you had the family over for dinner.

I will say cheerio for now girls. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 4 Oct 2009 17:12

Hi Ann,

You just reminded me of my grandmother, no washing allowed on Sunday. The old people were very strict about that years ago. I know that as children, none of us were allowed to play out on a Sunday either, that applied to all our friends too.
We could all go for a walk, but had to stay in our clothes that we had worn to Sunday school. None of us would dare get them dirty or torn, so we wouldn't play in them, just in case we did. Those were the days!

You are more of an expert than I am, Ann, and I'm sure you would be able to give us some advice.
Pleased that you got the insoles and that they seem to be working.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 4 Oct 2009 17:17

Good evening all, even if it is only 5.12am here. I have been awake for over an hour so decided a bit of a play might have me ready to go back to sleep. The trouble is that when I wake I start thinking about things. I have had water leaking into the basement. I think it is a blocked gutter which has been overflowing in the heavy rain. Now I have to find somebody to climb the ladder to clear it while I hold the ladder, or alternatively hold the ladder while I climb it! Then I will have to dig up the garden below it and see if I can find any holes in the concrete that are letting the water through. I have a horrible feeling the wall is becoming too porous and having water seeping through is probably making it worse. It never rains but it pours - in more ways than one.

Not sure if I will visit Phil today, it depends on how tired I am and whether it is raining.



Sallie Report 4 Oct 2009 17:33

Mo, I have had the family over for dinner. Haven't been out today, I think I've done well over the last couple of days, so quite pleased with myself.
Thank you for that offer Mo, you never know when something will be needed. The trouble is, like most ladies that like crafting I spend ages in a craft shop. Alun doesn't mind too much when we go to Hobbycraft,
because he goes upstairs to look at the modelling stuff for his model railway.

Well I am going to make cup of tea, and then I am going to try and do some scrap pages. I hope that I can concentrate on it.

Speak soon.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2009 17:47

I don't believe it,I go and make a cup of tea,and when my back is turned,you have all been on,and I missed you.
What are you doing awake at this time of day Huia,get yourself back to bed.
And when you do get up,DON'T you dare try climbing that ladder. Wait till your son comes over again,and get him to have a look at that guttering for you.
It sounds like you have had very heavy rain over there.
Theres no point going to see Phil if it's raining hard,you will get soaked to the skin before you even get there. And sitting round in wet clothing,will only make your cough worse.
You are so lucky Sallie,to have a husband who does not mind hanging around whilst you browse the shops. Roly would be tearing his hair out,
he hates shopping for anything. And the only time he is amenable to doing it,is when he wants something for himself.
Huia,how much longer till Liz gets back from her hols.
Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 4 Oct 2009 18:27

Hi again,

Huia, you are up early. If I can't sleep, I find it's usually best to try and occupy my mind, otherwise it runs riot, and I end up getting in a bit of a tizz.
For goodness sake don't you go climbing ladders, get someone in to sort out the problem for you. If it's raining too heavily it might be better to visit Phil another day, you don't want to get wet through, as you still have a cough from the last cold and flu you had. If the weather is too bad you are better off staying at home, keeping warm and dry.

Mo, Alun doesn't like shopping at all either. He will come with me, but I think he's relieved that I don't want to spend too long anywhere at the moment. Of course, he has all the time in the world for model shops.
I mostly go shopping with my friend Janet or with Jennie. Like Alun, Michael and Janet's hubby Brian, hate shopping.

Got to try and do some scrapping now.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 4 Oct 2009 18:31

Hello, everyone, I am trying to get in touch with the caretaker, again, we now know were the case is it was behind the front door when we took the other stuff to the car as it isnt a large case we just didnt see it I just presumed J had put it in, so we are going to try again tomorrow, and also get in touch with company we hired the cottage from... D is not in work next week and she said she would go for it , but I dont know as yet who will have it... so watch this space, I am just as stressed as I was before we went.and I forgot to turn the oven up to cook the pork, so we will be eating about something o,clock....
what a wallie I am.... but nice with it .... now I need you all to get your praying heads on and ask for some you .....

by for Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2009 18:39

Surely Jean,if the caretaker has to check the property after it has been vacated,he will see it,and realise that it has been left in error.
Just as long as he does not think it's a bomb,and call in the army and blow it up.
Sorry my love,I am joking off course.
My prayers will go out to you,for it's safe recovery.
Lots of love to you and J. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 4 Oct 2009 19:06

Just heard the caretaker has got the case, so thats a relief, they are going to find out how much it will cost to send it by parcel post, or D will go and collect it.... so far so good.... thanks for your concern....

love Jean x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2009 19:23

Thank goodness for that Jean.
You have to weigh up how much it will cost in petrol,against the cost of postage,or courier service.
Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 4 Oct 2009 19:31

Mo when I said it was 150 miles away I forgot about the return miles in all......I will have to go and have a lie down.....


Huia Report 4 Oct 2009 19:54

Girls, I have NO intention of climbing the ladder when I am here on my own. It is in an awkward situation where one leg of the ladder would have to have a block under it to make it level (we have done it with Phil in the past), so it definitely needs somebody to hold the ladder steady to make sure it doesnt slip off the block.

I wont be visiting Phil today as my sister and her husband wanted to come out to visit me. I might pick my b-i-l's brains about the concrete leaking. He was an engineer so perhaps he will have some ideas on what I should do/who I should get in to fix it, although his brain isnt as good as it used to be due to brain damage from crashing his hang glider years ago, but it is mostly the short term memory part that was damaged. I cant get him to climb the ladder as he is just a shorty and wouldnt be able to reach the gutter anyway! My son is a better bet for that.
