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Just Jean

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Deborah Report 11 Sep 2009 14:02

Hi Everyone,it seems as though it is either the time to have a hospital appointment or go on holiday. So for those with ailments, I wish you all well, (Sallie, am delighted Jennies treatment is working so effectively), and for those going away, I hope you all enjoy your various breaks. There, got those things out of the way in one go.

All well in our household. The children had a great day off school yesterday. The big 2 went fishing, Daniel with 3 friends and Matthew went with hubby cos he decided he would take the day off. He took Matthew and one of my nephews. They all had great days out.

I took Luke & Sophie to watch the air display. Mo, some of the planes couldn't fly as it was too windy for them to perform safely, which was disappointing, but if you are interested, there are short videos of the planes of

It is unbelievably windy here today. All the boats are cancelled, so we are without any fresh produce being brought into the Island. Times like these only really have an impact when there are no boats for 4 or 5 days, but just ahead of a weekend is difficult for some suppliers.

My washing is blowing so hard that a jumper has just landed in next doors garden, so I think I'll bring it all in before I go out to fetch the children from school.

We have an Athletics event vs Guernsey all weekend, so I am very busy with that at the moment. I will be helping with the result recording all weekend, and have all the event schedules to write up before the morning. So I'd better get a move on.

Best Wishes to you all for a fantastic weekend.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Sep 2009 16:59

It's a good job you have got your head screwed on Huia. I hope you remembered to get your cream. Is it like a fungal infection that you have got?. Keep a close eye on it anyway love.
Marilyn,just a question,can I ask what strews are?. If I had realised you would have liked our rat,I would have got Roly to catch it for you. Ha fat chance of that,it was so flippin fast.
Don't wear yourself out to much with all these visitors. You will have to get a sign made,and put it on your front door, "sorry gone out for the day ", and put the phone on answer phone,so you don't have to answer it,if you don't want to. But knowing you,like me,enjoy having the company.
If we don't hear from you Ann,have a lovely holiday. Speak to you when you get back.
Debbie,it sounds like you are going to have a busy weekend again. But having said that,I bet you will enjoy it all the same.
I dare say it was the older aircraft that could not fly,at the display Debbie?
Wheres our Jean got to again. Come in Jean,I am calling you oooo
sorry cannot do a Jeanette Macdonald,and Nelson Eddie,impersonation
very well on here.
Be back later tonight,got to go do dinner now. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Sep 2009 17:23

Think Jean is probably lost in her kitchen!!!

I don't think i will have internet access where I am but will have my notebook with me in case. If I can get a connection I will be in touch.


Sallie Report 11 Sep 2009 20:48

Hi Girls,

Thought Jean might have let us know how J got on today. Hope everyhing was alright!

Huia, I hope you have managed to get your cream and have started to use it. It's best that they keep an eye on you, at least it will put your mind at rest.
I hope Phil was okay when you went to see him--and also hope that you were not too upset when you left him.

Ann, how is your leg today? I hope it is a bit less painful today. Hope you and OH have a lovely holiday, and that you get some good weather.

Marilyn, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed having your visitors stay with you.
I love having family and friends stay with us, but I must admit that it's more of an effort now than when I was younger.

Debbie, telling us about all the fresh fish you have had lately, (thanks to your boys) has made me want some. The trouble is, the only fishmongers left in the town has now closed down. So it will mean going to the indoor market at either Derby or Nottingham. I'll have to make an effort and go and get some.

Mo, you made me laugh when you said about the rat to Marilyn. I can just imagine Roly catching it and sending it down to Marilyn. Don't know what the postman would think!

We are going to Alun's sister's in Yorkshire on Sunday until Monday evening, then early on Tuesday we are off to N. Wales and will be home on Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon we go down to S. Wales to my brother's. Not sure how long we will be there for.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Take care everyone. Speak soon!

Best wishes.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 11 Sep 2009 21:09

Here I am, we have been so busy trying get THE Kitchen sorted we must have changed our minds a dozen times with three of us involved in it, the poor man at the showroom doesnt know were he but it is vital that we get it right the kitchen isnt that big , the main thing is new units to help us reach stuff without it causing it to be difficult.... and these are brilliant....

We also have had to clear big cupboards in the bathroom ready for next thursday when the washer and dryer are going there.... so you see Mo, we have been quite busy and I soon get k******d.... so have to lie down often....

J has been to the hospital too, he doesnt have to go for twelve months, he asked the consultant how long will it go on for and the reply was a at least we are grateful that he will be watched.....

I need to go back to the docs with a similar problem to Huia, so would be grateful for your thought and prayers...Hope this explains my absence..Miss Mo....

love to you all, Ann have a great holiday more piccies I bet...

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Sep 2009 21:31

Oh my Jean.
I am sorry,honest injun. You kept that a secret didn't you. You are always in my prayers love. But I will say an extra one especially for you tonight.
It's good they are keeping an eye on J,for the next year. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Are you going to charge an entry fee,to go in the kitchen,when it's all completed. I bet it will look fabulous. Theres bound to be a lot of upheaval
in the meantime,but just think how it will be afterwards.
It's surprising,how much we hoard over the years isn't it.
What day are you going to the doctors? Please let me know how you get on,I will worry now till you have been,and been sorted out.
Please look after yourself.
Hi Sallie.
My goodness,you and Alun are going to be busy. Will Alun be doing all the driving? You will be covering quite a few miles,wont you.
So we may not be hearing from you for a while then. We will miss you.
It's going to be very lonely on here,what with Sallie,Ann,and Liz all on breaks away.
You will have to appear every night to help cheer me up Jean.
Hi Huia,hows you mate. Have you got that cream yet?
How is Phil doing,I hope he is well.
Ann I hope feeling better today.
Love to Debbie,Liz,Grace,Sue and of course our Marie in OZ.
Night Night all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 12 Sep 2009 04:49

Went in to town this morning. Did a bit of weeding in a patch of bush reserve then changed out of my muddy clothes into clean ones (changed in the vehicle) then down to the shops to get the cream which I have not even unwrapped yet. I then went to the railway station to go to visit Phil. At the 4th stop we all had to get out (in the rain) and go to get on a bus to take us over the next few stops. I think they are working on the line. Not raining when I got out at Middlemore. Walked to Phils ward, had lunch with him then sat on the settee with him. He fell asleep for about 5 mins. When he woke he decided to go for a walk but I was tired so stayed put. He came back, sat down but then got up again to go for another walk so I slipped out while he was gone, not much point staying if he didnt want to sit with me. Had to get a bus (I was the only passenger!) back to the railway station where they had off loaded us in the morning and then train back to Papakura. I have been home only a little while and am now having a lovely cuppa as I type (well, in between sentences). The hospital does give me a cuppa to go with the lunch that I take with me but after all my travels I need another couple.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Sep 2009 20:22

Naughty Naughty Huia. Please start using the cream,as soon as possible.
You must take care of you now,so I am going to nag at you till you do.
We need to know you are o.k,as we care about you.
It must be disheartening for you,going all that way to visit Phil,for him to fall asleep. But the medication probably has a lot to do with it.
Take care love,see you later. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 13 Sep 2009 00:13

Hi all,

Huia, glad the visit went relatively calmly but seems a heck of a journey not to be able to spend time with Phil, cos he keeps wandering off. I suppose that's better than having him clinging to you and getting upset but hard for you to do so much.
Hope you have started using the cream, please try to remember it and also make sure you have several cups of tea, etc - don't want you getting dehydrated and confused.

I have had such a 'tired' day and did very little but have to get on with sorting out o.h.'s clothes for the hols, it's no good him trying something on the day we go and finding it doesn't fit and he has no swimming trunks or whatever. He did some hedge trimming to make sure the garden is tidy before we go and I have to get myself in gear to do stuff so it's not all last minute. I will be better when he goes to work and I have all afternoon and evening to do things next week and then we have next weekend together to get cases down and pack.

I hope your visit to the doc goes ok Jean and glad J had no problems when he had his appointment.

Mo and all, will miss you and the boards when I am away, will have to try and pop into an internet cafe at some point whether o.h. likes it or not lol

Bye for now, thanks for all the support



Huia Report 13 Sep 2009 01:47

Dont worry about me, girls, I am using the cream. Or at least last night I applied it for the first time. I have decided I must draw up a timetable of what I have to do when:
eyedrops for dry eye when I get up in the morning. An hour later, eyedrops for Glaucoma. 12 hours (or thereabouts) later more eyedrops for Glaucoma. After dinner (which probably means just before the last item) a tab to reduce cholesterol. Going to bed more eyedrops for glaucoma, plus the cream for the itch.
When am I ever going to find time to do anything else?

Liz, I had quite a good sleep last night and woke about 6.15. I was going through 'junk' this morning and at 10.30 I felt so sleepy I lay on the settee and slept until midday. It must be the weather making us so tired.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 13 Sep 2009 01:57

Gosh Huia, what a rigmarole, nearly as bad as o.h., I have to remind him to take all his stuff and he got a container that shows what tablets which day etc but even then if I don't remind him, he forgets. He has cholesterol tabs, high blood pressure ones, and a soluble aspirin daily since the bleed on the brain! Some in the morning and some in the evening!

I am pretty good with my stuff but it is only homeopathic except for the Vit D - suck one morning and night, well when I get up and before I go to bed, and the rest I can take more or less anytime altho the 5htp work better if I take it before I go to bed.

I have to remember to take a soluble aspirin daily for a few days before we fly and again before we come back.

Glad you are managing to sort things out and hope your good night's sleep will be repeated more and more. Great that you can have a nap when you need/want to without having to keep one ear open, isn't it?

take care


JustJean Report 13 Sep 2009 06:53

Morning Liz, we are in the midst of sorting stuff out too... but mine is household , we are away in two weeks, Have a lovely time at least you will be able to sleep at normal hours.... missing you

Huia, what a lot of eye drops you have to take for thr Glaucoma, I have drops for that too, I only take mine every evening though, it will be a good idea writing a time table ... I always think the body knows when rest is needed so dont feel guilty, enjoy....

hope you all have a good week whatever you are up to...

love Jean xx


Zack Report 13 Sep 2009 10:32

Hi All,
Debbie How is your father & what were the results I hope they were good.

Hello Jean it takes a lot of work to have a kitchen removed and then installed Before and after .Are you going to leave the house for a couple of days while they do it.Don't worry about changing your mind you are the ones paying for this new Kitchen and you must get it right so take your time I went back to the kitchen people and changed things when I didn't think it would Work and I am pleased I did because I am now happy with what I have.

Hey Mo I think you and I and Huia are the only ones not going on holidays.
Hi Ann I hope your leg heals quickly and you have a lovely holiday.
Sallie you are busy as usual and I hope you have a nice break in Wales.
Liz I hope you and your OH have a lovely holiday .
Huia,Lists are a good thing,I am sure you will get into a routine,you have been living with constant interruptions for so lone you have forgotten how to organise yourself it will all come back to you when your body has had enough rest.
Love to you all Marie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Sep 2009 12:25

Hello girls.
Good to hear from you all.
I am pleased that you have started the cream,Huia. I know it's nuisance
having to put all them eye drops in,but, just think of what would be happening if you did not use them.
Sooner or later,you will adjust to your own time table,doing all the things you need to do love.
After all,as has been said before,you got into a routine of doing eveything for Phil. And now it's your time. Take good care of yourself.
When we go away Liz,all the packing is left up to me. And to be honest I
prefer it that way. Because,if I left it to Roly,when we got there it would be,
"oh we forgot to pack so and so" even though he had packed his own things it would be my fault.
I like to put everything on the spare bed,and go through it,as I am packing it away,in case I have forgotten something. And I usually do this about a week before we go.
And then he's asking me for things,that I have washed,and put by for packing. He's pretty good if I say,that he will have to wear something else
I am trying to clear things away upstairs,ready for when they come to steam clean my carpets tommorrow.
The thing is,we have two,three piece suites downstairs here. So in the morning,I am praying for a dry day,as we will have to put them both out in
the garden,so that the cleaner can just go straight through both rooms.
So our Jean,it looks like we are all having clear outs,for one reason or another.
My son is coming Tuesday night,to give us a quote for changing our kitchen as well Jean. But we have decided,that as the base units are still
in good condition,we are just going to change the doors,and work top.
He is going to move my washing machine as well,into what he thinks will be a better position. So I will wait and see on that score.
Love to all of you. Mo xxx
Just thought,yes you are right Marie,it is only yourself,Huia and I not on holiday yet. But I am having a short break,late next month.
Debbie has had her holiday as well though.
Bye for now. Mo xxx


Huia Report 13 Sep 2009 14:31

I will have my holiday in late October (Labour weekend here). I will go to Rotorua on the Friday morning or early afternoon to avoid all the traffic. Stay at our son's place, go to a choral thing over the weekend, come home on the Tuesday after the traffic eases up. I booked the weekend a few months ago, thinking son would look after his dad while I was warbling/learning to warble, but now we dont need to worry about him.

I am on at 'this time of night' (1.30am) because I woke and was too hot to get back to sleep. Just cooling down then will go back to bed.



JustJean Report 13 Sep 2009 14:57

Hi, Marie, we are going away when they do the kitchen, if it takes longer than a week we will stay for another week, our daughter who shares our home will be here, so no worry there, I dont want to be here when they do it..... we have just bought the floor covering, so now we hope the whole thing doesnt cost to much or J wont pay I may have to sell the floor covering.....
blimey Mo two suites what size of house are you in? I bet its one of those with security gates and guard dogs....should we curtsy when we meet you??

Huia, have a nice weekend away,dont forget to take your medication too....

~~~~~~~~~~ to all ~~~~~~~~~~

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Sep 2009 18:10

Oh Jean,don't make me laugh. Security gates,guard dogs,not on your life.
Don't forget you have google earthed my place,does it seriously look that big. lol
We have got the two suites,because one is in the back room,where we have the patio doors,and in the summer,it's lovely and cool in there,with the doors open.
But since we had our nasty visitor,I won't leave it open any more.
We are talking about getting rid of one suite,and changing the room back
into our dining room again.
It looks lile we will be away at the same time Huia. We go late october as well.
It's coming up to our autumn now Huia,so it's not quite so hot during the day.
I pity you not being able to sleep,as you are so hot. Do you have a fan in your bedroom.
Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 13 Sep 2009 20:21

Hi all, thank you my shoulder is not too bad, still a bit sore but early days yet, shall be glad when the stitches are removed as they are starting to irritate.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Sep 2009 18:49

Evening all.
Today was the day we had the carpet cleaned.
Huh what a laugh. Well,Roly nearly ruptured himself,I nearly wet myself,we were in hysterics,trying to get the suites out into the garden.
We had just got them out,when,yes you have guessed it,the rain came down.
There we were,in the pouring rain,trying to cover the furniture with plastic sheets. The wind got up,carrying the sheeting flying up in the air,with us chasing it round the garden.
We had to put bricks,on top of the sheets to hold them in place.
There was no way I was carrying the furniture back in again,until the carpet
had been cleaned.
It's all lovely and clean again,thank the lord.
Actually,the man that did the cleaning ,said it was not really dirty,considering it had been down five years. But knowing the beast had been roaming over it,yuk had to have it done.
Mind you my Kirby cleaner,is a blessing really,even though it's a heavy beast,as it picks up all the dirt from the carpet.
Oh my goodness,I am waffling again.
How is everyone today.
As you have gathered,our weather has been awful. Whats it been like where you are.
I know Marie + Huia have probably got nice sunshine.
Bye for now. Love to you all . Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 14 Sep 2009 19:30

Well Mo,

We have had superb weather here in Devon cant believe it,

Oh I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall yesterday at your house
I think I would have wet myself too ..LOL

At least your house is spotless Mo...and no one can talk about you now .!!

We have been tidying up the garden,and although its been sunny you can feel the autumn air .
I hope you are all well where ever you are in the world, I shall be off soon to the USA for my winter hols 6 weeks then onto a 3week cruise in Feb to Australia & New Zealand .
But before that up to Norwich for baby sitting duty's.

Hope you all have a good week .....Marilyn x