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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Oct 2009 19:57

Good thinking Huia. He may know of a solution.


Zack Report 5 Oct 2009 01:33

Hello Everyone, I have just read all the Posts, you are all so busy and you all sound well.This post will be short as I am having trouble with this site when I get to the end of the block that we type on it keeps jumping and I often lose the lot ( very annoying)JEAN what a do about your Bag ,so pleased you got it back I left a back pack in a HOTEL in Swden and the BUS had to turn round and go back to pick it up.
THEY were not amused___.I must close as my Grand son needs the computer to do some Study. ANN in glos,MO, HUIA ,Sallie, Deborah & SUE if you are around Stay well all of you also Jean LOVE To you ALL .


Sallie Report 5 Oct 2009 16:48

Hello Girls,

How are you all, today? Hope all is well with everyone.

Jean, I'm pleased that the caretaker has found your case. I should think that it would be cheaper for him to send it by parcel post or whatever, than it would cost in petrol to go and get it. Hope you are managing to get all the laundrey done--that's the only downside of holiday's, but never mind, as long as the holiday was good.

Marie, nice to hear from you. I had a bit of trouble a few days ago with messages I was in the middle of writing, just disappearing. I don't know if it was GR or my laptop. It must be nice having your grandchildren for company, for a couple of weeks.

Huia, did your sister and brother-in-law arrive safely? Hope he was able to give you some advice on the guttering--the sooner the problem is sorted the better, it's one less for you to worry about. Just wondering if your are feeling well enough to go to choir, it will do you good to go.

Mo, how are you and Roly today? I hope you are both alright.
I have been ironing today, and also some scrapping, so things are looking up. Don't know how long it will last though!

Ann, hope all is well with you and hubby today. How are you doing with your Christmas? As you have probably read, I have done a bit of scrapping, but it is going very slowly at the moment, just can't seem to get my head round it at times.But I am giving it a good go!

Grace, how are things with you? I hope that things are being sorted out for you. My daughter and s-i-l had a few problems when they moved into their house, the main problem was that the roof of the garage had a hole in it.
It was put in the contract, that the owners would have it repaired, but of course, they didn't-- they moved to the USA to live for a year, so the only address anyone had for them in this country was her Dad's, he was in his
seventies, and he felt awful that they had not kept to their promise to repair what they said they would. Michael, my s-i-l had to do it himself.
I don't know how these people are allowed to get away with it.

Thinking of Debbie, Sue, Liz and Marilyn.

Speak to you all soon.

Best wishes to you all,



AnninGlos Report 5 Oct 2009 17:38

Sallie, I would have thought your daughter would have had a case against their estate agent and maybe even the vendors solicitor both of whom must have known about that clause and who should have ensured it was abided with.

Getting on quite well with Christmas cards, making roughly 5 a day, doesn't sound a lot but I usually only get the afternoons to do it and I don't want to rush them. I find it quite relaxing to do.

Ann x


Sallie Report 5 Oct 2009 18:11

Ann, they went to their solicitor, she told them that she was in touch with the vendors solicitor, but she didn't have an address for them in the US, so there wasn't anything she could do. Although they had the address for
her Dad, I don't think their solicitor actually was able to get in touch with them. This all went on for six months, so in the end Michael decided to repair the roof himself.
Obviously, the vendors knew they were on to a good thing, by not giving an address in the US, according to their solicitors they couldn't give an address because they were staying in a hotel until they found a place to rent.
Glad to see you are making progress with your cards. Keep up the
good work!

Love, Sallie.x


AnninGlos Report 5 Oct 2009 18:15

Too late now, but I am sure that they could have brought a case against the vendors solicitor in the small claims court for not seeing that the contract was fulfilled. So annoying when these people get away with things like that.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Oct 2009 18:40

Hi girls,this is just a Quickie,as I am just about to jump in the bath.
My darts season starts tonight,so I will be leaving by 8.30,and have got to
get myself clean before I go.
I hope you are all well.
Jean,have you decided what you are going to do about the suitcase yet.
It's a long way to drive to collect it isn't it.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 5 Oct 2009 19:36

I hope Kent has survived the tsunami caused by MO!
Much better if you gently lower yourself in, MO, then the waves are not so vicious.

It is a nice fine day here at present, even if it is darned cold. I would sooner have it cold than hot though. I will finally visit Phil again today. It really does depress me seeing him cooped up. I just wish I could bring him home but no way will I do that. It would be even more depressing to be constantly short of sleep and being on the alert watching him 24/7.

I will also be shopping and then going to choir practice.

must go and make my shopping list before I forget things.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Oct 2009 19:43

Cheeky Cheeky Huia.
Mind It took along time for the bath to drain away,it was all that sludge left
at the bottom of the bath that did it.
I hope you find Phil in a coherent mood Huia,and able to chat to you for a while.
Take care. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 5 Oct 2009 20:33

Nice to hear from you Huia, you sound better today. I hope Phil is well, and that you don't get to upset when you leave the hospital. At least you have things to do after you visit him, so that will be good for you, rather than going straight home.
My daughter rang me earlier to tell me that her and her hubby were on the way to the hospital, as her father-in-law has had a heart attack. I hope he's going to be alright, he's a very nice person, the same age as me.
All these things are sent to try us, I suppose.

Anyway, hope you enjoy your choir practice, Huia. Take care!

Love, Sallie.xx


GRMarilyn Report 5 Oct 2009 21:24

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I have been ignoring this lovely thread..... !

I'm very busy on & off threads helping peeps do their family research,and loving it all ..LOL

I have just got back from a week in Shropshire and loved it . I have never seen so many hanging baskets at this time of the year with plenty of flowers still in bloom, I would call it a county of Flowers...Mind you Percy Thrower came from there so I was told ...So maybe they all took his advice seriously.

I'm now looking after my grand children as their Mum & Dad has gone on a Golfing weeks holiday !!
So it will be early mornings for hubby and I as school bus arrives at 8am and then early nights.after I have got their uniform ready and fed them.
oh its such a long time ago that I did this ...

I hope you are all keeping well,and looking forward to the warm winter nights by the fire.
Take care all of you.... special wave to Jean ~~~~~ X

Marilyn xx


Sallie Report 6 Oct 2009 13:37

Hello All,

It's a damp and miserable day here in Derbyshire! Never mind, I have plenty to occupy me.

Mo, how did your darts match go last night? I hope you had a good game.

Marilyn, it's nice to hear from you--we missed you. So pleased that you enjoyed your holiday in Shropshire. Youv'e got a busy week in front of you, but I'm sure that you will enjoy having your grandchildren with you.

Huia, hope all went well with your visit to Phil, and that you were not too upset when you left.

Grace, how are things with you? I hope they are sorting your cooker out today.

Jean, have you got your case back yet? It's such a nuisance when these things happen--but they are easily done. Have you done any cards or scrap pages since you are home.

Ann, I read on Daff's page that you are going to the dentist, this afternoon.
Good Luck! Hope all goes alright for you.

Jennie's father-in-law was taken to hospital last night with a heart attack So they are going to do some tests--they seem to think that he had suffered from a blood clot, so hopefully, they will find out exactly what the trouble is.

Thinking of Sue, Debbie, Liz and Marie. Hope to hear from them all soon.

Speak to you all later.

Best wishes to everyone.



JustJean Report 6 Oct 2009 14:57

Hi, Sallie,Everyone, no we havent got the case yet, we are waiting to hear how much it wil cost to get it by post, but how to get back in touch with the folk who have it, I suppose its not such abig thing to them and also if they have jobs and children then that must come first, taught us a lesson though, lock the cases we never did when we went by car, also put name address and phone number inside we are at their mercy... I cant get to my craft stuff without haveing to climb over boxes, we are having the kitchen done at the end of this month and we are escaping for a couple of weeks until its done, so we have had to start clearing non essential stuff out of the units its amazing how much stuff you gather all very useful of will be here and we are only going to Llandudno so not a million miles away should we be needed... I recently bought a craft tote, siI am going to fill it with craft stuff and take it with us, it will be dark early so will give me a good chance to get some cards made....sorry to hear about Jennies f.i.l praying he soon recovers....

Mo, I thought Huai was very quick with the graphic description of you in the a picture, wish I had been there with the camera.....xx

Ann, hope it wasnt too bad at the tooth place, I keep looking at my reminder and putting it iff, but I am due so must bite the bullet so to speak....

Marilyn, what part of Shropshire did you go to? we love that area. all my reles are just over the border, Newtown, Wrexham, Oswestry, so have happy memories of that area...

Grace sorry to hear about your lack of cooker, hope its sorted now, how have you managed, with meals etc:

Its pouring down here real cloudburst , and to think that Liz will be sunning herself with a glass of wine in her hand, makes you sick, dont it....

~~~~~~~ to the girls from overseas ~~~~~~~

Hi, to sue and debbie,

love jean xx


AnninGlos Report 6 Oct 2009 15:38

Dentist wasn't too bad.impression for new front teeth (replacement), it was nowhere near as uncomfortable as the last time I had it done 36 years ago. Still have three appointments the next 3 Tuesdays!

Must get back to card making now.

Ann x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Oct 2009 15:43

Afternoon girls.
It's not a good one though is it. We have had so much rain,that I have now got webbed feet again. Mind you,they do come in handy in this weather.
Oi ,Jean,you cheeky thing,Just coz I left a tide mark round the bath,that looked like low tide in a river estuary,after my bath. At least I smell luv vely
I know what you mean about the kitchen though. Our dining room looks like a tornado has hit it,with kitchen bit's all over the place.They are all at hand should I need them.
We still have not been given a date,by our son for the start of it yet . And as
he is fitting it for free,we don't like to nag for a time for doing it.
I hope your daughters f.i.l is o.k Sallie.
Don't you find that all illnesses and the like,seem to start at this time of year.
Welcome back Marilyn. Did you pick up any nice plants from Shropshire on your travels.
Yes Sallie,we did win last night,by some miracle,but it wont last. We normally start the season well,and then go down hill fast. But it's a good night out.
How was Phil when you visited him Huia.
I wonder what has happened to Grace,we have not heard from her for a while.
Hi Marie big~~~~~~~from us over here to you in OZ. I hope you are well.
Hello to Debbie,if you are looking in. I hope the family are well.
Ann,hows the shoulder now. And is your OH's foot any better with those insoles.
love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 6 Oct 2009 16:20

Hi All,

Ann, glad that the visit to the dentist was better than you expected. At least you know what to expect next week now. I wish you could send some of your concentration up to me, so that I can get on a bit quicker with the scrapbook, I suppose I will get it done eventually.

Mo, well done on your win at darts last night--you never know you might all be on a winning streak and win all the games. Yes, I know what you mean about saying anything to your son, can't very well, when he is fitting it free.
But I hope for your sake, it will be sooner rather than later.

Well ladies, I'm going to make our dinner now, and then hopefully get a page of the scrapbook done, our dining room is a bit of a mess at the moment with all the scrap stuff about.

Thank you all for sending thoughts for Michael's Dad.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 6 Oct 2009 20:39

Hi ladies.

My visit to Phil yesterday was the worst ever, very depressing. I was in tears most of the time. For details see the Carers thread. I dont want to make my keyboard wet again.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Oct 2009 21:13

Oh Huia,I am so sorry love.
Can you and your family ask to have words with his doctor,and tell them to reduce Phil's medication,it's not right what they are doing to him.
Why oh why,do these places dope patients up so much. Is it to give themselves an easier time.
No wonder Phil is becoming incontinent,he is so doped up,he has no idea
that it is happening to him.
Please Huia get help for yourself and Phil.
My love and prayers go out to you. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 6 Oct 2009 21:25

Huia, I've just read the carers thread, I really am sorry to hear about Phil.
It must have been dreadful for you to see him like he was. I wondered if it would be an idea for perhaps your son to go with you some time, so that you could speak to Phil's doctor, while you had your son with you for some support.

Please don't feel awful about him being in hospital, you did all you could for Phil and you just couldn't go on as you were. I'm sure that Phil would tell you that if he could--he would certainly tell you that he would want you to get on with life, and do the things that you enjoy doing.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Take care of yourself.
Speak to you tomorrow.

Love, Sallie,xxx


AnninGlos Report 6 Oct 2009 21:42

Huia, I too have just read the carers thread and I feel so sorry for you because this is all so sad for you, and of course for Phil although he probably doesn't know it. It does sound as if the medication is too strong for him, especially as his nurse has said she has spoken to his doctor about it. Maybe if he is moved to another home/hospital, which I thought was on the cards, they will adjust his medication to give him better quality of life. But no way should you be punishing yourself for letting him go in there, you really had no choice, you do know that I am sure. Once a week will be fine to visit, they will tell you if you need to go more often so don't feel guilty.

((((((hugs)))))) for you, from me

Ann xx